Tuesday, March 22, 2022

We Have Had a Worrisome Few Days With Our Younger Dog

She has had several incomprehensible to the vets episodes over the last three years of listlessness and fever.  A $$$ of tests last week at first suggested infection but antibiotics made no observable difference: just lying around too tired to get up and down from the beds or couches.   He decided this might be an allergy or autoimmune disorder.  

At 1:00 PM, I gave her prednisone.   By 3:00 PM she was running around the back yard fetching sticks for me to throw. 

She is still a little weak.  She can climb onto the couch instead of making one mighty spring but I expect that will come.

You do not realize how big a part a pet is of your life, until a crisis like this happens.


  1. My niece is a vet & she said that there is a outbreak of Lyme Disease going around on the Gulf Coast. And like Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever there is a specific antibiotic for it. But I'm sure your pup is on meds for fleas & ticks. But you never know.

    1. The vet ran bacterial and fungal panels. I doubt he would have neglected Lyme disease. She is dangerously full of energy now.

  2. So very true. Prayers for a speedy recovery for your friend.
