Wednesday, November 29, 2017


The proofs of Lock, Stock, and Barrel are in my inbox.  I need several people to look it over for typos. Interested?  It is about three hundred pages.  I still need to go through and update page references and index it, but I need fresh eyes to look for typos, and only typos.  Bad sentences or structural problems are too late to fix.  Perhaps just a few chapters to spread the load?  And yes, you will get a copy when it prints.


  1. I'll be your huckleberry .. at least one of them

  2. It would be an honor to help you out here.

    I also have a good eye for typos; they bother the daylights out of me, and I wish I were better able to ignore them. Still, every once in a long while they are amusing, as the typo often gives new meaning to the sentence that the author never intended!

  3. I would be willing to pitch in. It wasn't clear to me if there was a better way to do so.

  4. I offered to proof read earlier, but didn't see the comment appear. If I can be of help, you can contact me at elbainter1959-AT-gmail-DOT-com.

  5. : host[] said: 550 account is overquota (in reply to RCPT TO command)

  6. OK, looks like you got offers! I'll wait to hear from you.
