Saturday, August 17, 2024

When You Lose the Washington Post ..

8/16/24 Washington Post:
"Vice President Kamala Harris’s speech Friday was an opportunity to get specific with voters about how a Harris presidency would manage an economy that many feel is not working well for them. Unfortunately, instead of delivering a substantial plan, she squandered the moment on populist gimmicks."

No they have not turned conservative.   They just know that inflation is not caused by price-gouging.  They did not raise this, but why would corporations under Trump not engage in price-gouging but suddenly change direction under a Democrat?  Harris is clearly surrounded by people with no understanding of economics.   Are you surprised?

It is fun to read the deranged comments by Democrsts who think the Washington Post is now backing Trump.  


  1. I think that they are actively bent on destroying the country. I know you shouldn't attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity, but price controls are beyond stupid.

  2. I think, specifically, that the ComPost is opposed to Harris' plan to impose price controls on groceries. When you consider that the paper's owner, Jeff Bezos, also owns Whole Foods, and presumably makes a good profit from it, you can see why he would oppose such a move and compel his paper to speak out against it.
