Sunday, August 11, 2024

Remember When All Your "Libertarian" Alt-Right Friends Were Saying Russia Was About to Defeat Ukraine?

8/11/24 CNN:
"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has confirmed Kyiv’s troops are fighting inside Russia, days into the surprise Ukrainian cross-border incursion into Russia’s Kursk region that has become a major embarrassment for the Kremlin.

“Ukraine is proving that it really knows how to restore justice and guarantees exactly the kind of pressure that is needed – pressure on the aggressor,” Zelensky said in his nightly address to the nation on Saturday, thanking “every unit” of Ukraine’s armed forces for making it possible “to push the war out into the aggressor’s territory.”"

Russia should file a complaint with the U.N.

At a minimum,  this should force movement of Russian forces out of Ukraine and back to Russia.  I suspect if Ukraine occupied Moscow, the same "libertarian" alt-right crowd would be claiming Ukraine was on thr brink of destruction. 

I confess that this weird coalition of Rothbardites and people who support Putin because he claims to be fighting the "globohomo" conspiracy has always left me befuddled.   Whatever the motives for Biden, giving money to Ukraine instead of a face to face war of NATO vs. Russia is a clear win. 

Even if Putin ordered use of nuclear weapons,  I am pretty sure there would be a 9mm veto by his commanders.  They are not that stupid.  They may have been lying to Putin about their military readiness with respect to Ukraine, but they know darn well thst war with NATO will either incinerate 1/3 of the Russian population or have a NATO flag (preferably Polish or Lithuanian) on the Kremlin in a few weeks.  Ukraine has been fighting Russian with our surplus weapons tightly controlled out of fear that Putin might get angry.

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