Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Is This the Future?

Not Terminators but Annoyanators.  8/13/24 Daily Mail:
"Outraged San Francisco condo residents are being kept awake at night by parking lot full of driverless cars that constantly beep at each other...
"The dystopian video shows the cars driving in circles around the lot with their lights on in the middle of the night as they randomly start beeping at each other,"

The only thing I can think of from reading this was a bizarre incident from my youth.  A friend's car had disappeared and we worried that it had been towed to the West Los Angeles Official Police Garage. So we went over and asked the guy in the office if he had a list of license plates.  "No."

"Can we look around and see if we can see it?'


"Can we look over the wall?" It was about 6' tall.

"No.  I could have your eyes arrested."

By this point,  we realized that someone working night shift on a Saturday night with the chaos going on in the yard was probably not completely normal. 

So we walked around the lot looking over the wall.   Because so many of the cars were traffic accidents,  there were lots of short circuits flashing headlights and beeping horns,  like a Stephen King short story.   As the batteries ran down the flashing and became less intense and slower.

Then LAPD showed up and questioned us.  The not-quite-this-sideof reality guy in the office told them we climbed the wall into the yard. The officers were very polite and when my friend repeated the "have your eyes arrested" line and suggested that he was a few fries short of a Happy Meal, they understood.

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