Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Cool Kids Change Their Pronouns

 Really cool kids change their nouns.  8/16/24 Telegraph:

Church of England dropping word ‘church’ to be more ‘modern’

Maude Royden-Shaw (not Disraeli) called the Church? of England "the Conservative Party at prayer." 

It is not even that anymore.  It is not even a church anymore.  Suggest a more appropriate noun.

1 comment:

  1. The Historic Association of Meeting Halls.
    Not a "Church", not "of England", not "Anglican, not particularly "Christian", If this still reeks too much of the Quakers, we'll have to re-think this a bit.

    I was thinking how the Unitarians are said to believe in at most, one god, but I believe they still meet in churches.
