Friday, August 9, 2024

When You Enter WiFi Password, Where Is It Stored?

SparkLight still has no clue why two Lenovos drop WiFi connection within 5 minutes while staying connected on all other WiFis.

One quirk us that trying to connect requires new to re-enter the WiFi password.   


  1. "Where is it stored?" For a Lenovo PC? Probably on a server in China

  2. "Where is it stored?" For a Lenovo PC probably a server in China

  3. Seriously. My guess is there is a mismatch between the level of WiFi supported by the PC and the level of WiFi supported by the access point, and the downgrade is not being handled correctly. A quick check of Microcenter-dot-com has routers from about $70 all the way up to $800. Probably more, but that's where I stopped. My current router, which is a few years old was about $130

    If your router is old, and you can afford a new one, it might be worth upgrading. If your PC is old, I might try a WiFi dongle... the last time I had to buy a dongle - to put the WiFi antenna on the outside of my boat - it was about 35 bucks.

    Good luck. Diagnosing intermittent errors is the hardest thing to do.

    1. The router is brand new and recently updated firmware. A USB WiFi does not help.
