Wednesday, August 28, 2024


I am pretty impressed.  I have a Lenovo 11e with a 256GB SSD.  I have close to a TB of files in OneDrive.  Manu are duplicates often with the same name - Copy ot name -Copy2.   Some are the same file in different directories.   Downloading session laws for different court cases often means duplicates. 

So I am running DupGuru against OneDrive.  I was expecting it to download all of these 600GB of files then do the compare.  No, it is smart enough to download one at a time, compare them, and record the differences.  

It likely wears out the SSD faster but the laptop will likely become obsolete before the SSD wears out.


  1. > It likely wears out the SSD faster but the laptop will likely become obsolete before the SSD wears out.

    Reads don't wear out the SSD, writes do.
