Thursday, August 15, 2024

This Was the Improvement From Biden?

It is so sad.

If she wins, either truly or by election fraud, I can see Red State secession.  But please, let the national government draw first blood.  As long as Red States do not make war on the national government,  it is not treason.

Wyoming and Texas have oil.  Idaho has RAM
 manufacturing. Potatoes,  and sugar.  Wyoming has coal.  Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming have cattle.  The Dakotas have wheat and corn.  Iowa has corn and pigs.  California imports much of its electricity from northwest Red States.  If Nevada joins us, Los Angeles' water is seriously reduced. Big dams across the Snake and Columbia Rivers would impact Oregon heavily.  Texas and Louisiana gives us seaports.  Any serious attempt at military intervention would cause mutiny in many Regular Army units and state guard units.  Ten million Militia armed with rifles would make  infantry helpless.  Bombing raids on Red cities would likely break Democrat unity.


  1. The shame of it is that Washington State, Oregon and California are largely conservative east of I-5 (maybe Highway 99 for the California Central Valley)

  2. People keep thinking of the American Civil War when imaging what a new American civil war would look like. Since there is no real geographic component to the current division, the Bosnian civil war is probably a better model. People committed war crimes against neighbors they had lived next to for decades. As horrific as the American Civil War was, this sounds even worse.
