Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I See A Market Opportunity For A Political Party That Isn't Owned by Big Corporations

From the September 11, 2013 Washington Examiner:
On Tuesday, the chief human resources officers of more than 100 large corporations sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi urging quick passage of a comprehensive immigration reform bill.

The officials represent companies with a vast array of business interests: General Electric, The Walt Disney Company, Marriott International, Hilton Worldwide, Hyatt Hotels Corporation, McDonald's Corporation, The Wendy's Company, Coca-Cola, The Cheesecake Factory, Johnson & Johnson, Verizon Communications, Hewlett-Packard, General Mills, and many more. All want to see increases in immigration levels for low-skill as well as high-skill workers, in addition to a path to citizenship for the millions of immigrants currently in the U.S. illegally.

A new immigration law, the corporate officers say, "would be a long overdue step toward aligning our nation's immigration policies with its workforce needs at all skill levels to ensure U.S. global competitiveness." The officials cite a publication of their trade group, the HR Policy Association, which calls for immigration reform to "address the reality that there is a global war for talent." The way for the United States to win that war for talent, they say, is more immigration.
Yeah, there are certainly no unemployed high-skill people already legally in the U.S., are there?


  1. It's a mistake to think that corporations, any more than politicians - or even voters, think about what's best for the country rather than what they think is best for them.

    You can write all the Constitution you want, but when enough people decide they don't want to pay attention to some part of it, it will be forgotten - at least till enough people realize why it was there in the first place.

  2. I would also say it is a mistake to think that corporations are defenders of free markets.

  3. How many thousands of Americans, both skilled and un-skilled, have those corporations laid off, fired, retired, or otherwise put out of work?

  4. They're talking about the talent to work long hours at sub-minimum wage.

  5. How Many Of Those Needed Workers Have Ended Up In The Sink Since Row Vs Wade?

  6. While our current unemployment problem is quite severe (in spite of Roe v. Wade), it is certainly the case that once upon a time, poor Americans did jobs that are now done by poor illegal immigrants. My older siblings worked the fields; so did one of my friends during the summers while he was working on his BSEE at Berkeley.
