"The death of Debbie Fewster in October while waiting for triple-bypass surgery is a shameful indictment of a bloated health care system that treats patients like inventory. Doctors and nurses know that patients aren’t given a fighting chance to save themselves, and health authority administrators and Manitoba Health neglect to collect the data that would tell us how widespread the fatalities are...
"A police officer asked what happened and when she learned Debbie was on a waiting list for heart surgery, the officer told
Daniel “you’d be shocked how many calls we get like this, people desperate for surgery but the health authority can’t get to them in time,” and that she too, had lost two family members waiting on lists....
According to his group’s annual “Died on a Waiting List” report, Ontario had 115 patients die waiting for cardiac surgery, with 41 having occurred to patients suffering past the recommended wait time.
In 2022-23 Nova Scotia reported 532 deaths of those on surgical wait lists, with 50 of those waiting for life-saving surgery and 19 of those being beyond the recommended wait time."
I waited three weeks for non-emergency open-heart surgery. Why Canadians put up with this eludes me.
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