"active shooters than police and do so with fewer mistakes, according to new research from the Crime Prevention Research Center, where I serve as president. In non-gun-free zones, where civilians are legally able to carry guns, concealed carry permit holders stopped 51.5 percent of active shootings, compared to 44.6 percent stopped by police, CPRC found in a deep dive into active shooter scenarios between 2014 and 2023.
"Not only do permit holders succeed in stopping active shooters at a higher rate, but law enforcement officers face significantly greater risks when intervening. Our research found police were nearly six times more likely to be killed and 17 percent more likely to be wounded than armed civilians."
Police more likely to be killed: a uniform and a badge scream "shoot me first" if one happens upon the scene. A civilian will not be an obvious threat to a mass murderer until she has drawn and started firing.
Police are less likely to be present. In many states, licensed civilians are 2-5% of the population. In many there is no longer a need for a license. Not every licensee is armed regularly, but no state has that many police.
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