Monday, September 2, 2024

Victory in Illinois

SCHOENTHAL v. ROAUL (W.D.Ill. 2024) ruled that Illinois' most recent,concealed weapon law that prohibited licensees from carrying on public transportation violates the Second Amendment.

Entertaining sentence:
Ms. Foxx first asserts that a “background principle[]” of constitutional law exempts the Firearm Concealed Carry Act’s ban from the “strictures of the Second Amendment” and obviates the need to undertake the historical analysis called for by Bruen. Dkt. 68 at 3. Her argument—which is breathtaking, jawdropping, and eyepopping—is this: the ban applies only to property “funded in whole or in part” by Illinois, so Illinois has a proprietary interest in what it regulates. [emphasis added]


1 comment:

  1. What's funny about this is that Foxx is notorious for dropping gun charges against known criminals. She declared that she would not prosecute any crime where evidence was found during a traffic stop.
