Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Part of Why Iron Man Was a Roman a Clef About Elon Musk

9/10/24 Telegraph:
"‘Elon Musk implanted a chip in my brain – it’s the coolest thing that’s happened to me’

"In 2016 an accident left Noland Arbaugh quadriplegic but, with help from the world’s richest man, the ‘neuralnaut’ has a new lease of life"

"He can now play chess by thinking the moves and thinks thst he may be able to work again.

This is still a ways from tools that let quadriplegics control robots, but this is what genius and ambition give a society.   This is one reason why Musk is now on the left's cancel list.  We could be living in the 1950s imagined flying cars future, and we might lack sufficient people at the bottom for whom to feel sorry and thus vote Democrat. 

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