Friday, September 13, 2024

This Morning I Woke Up Early with a Question Thst I Was Happy to Decide

Is there enough pain to take 1000mg of Tylenol?  I had to think about the correct answer.  Barely YES 

My sleep requirement is declining as well 

1 comment:

  1. My father had a triple bypass when he was younger than I am now (65 in 6 weeks).

    Once on his feet he started walking. Within a year or so he was a ski instructor at our local very small scale ski hill (He had never skied before the op). On his 65th birthday he parachuted from an airplane for the first time in his life, since I had just graduated from the Army’s jump school.

    People around town were saying, “Look at Bob go! I’m gonna go get on of those operations.”

    Best wishes.
