Thursday, September 12, 2024

Not Really in Much Pain

But I am profoundly fatigued.  Every calorie my body has is reknitting sternum back together and saying, "WTF!  We are not doing this again, are we?"  I sure cannot see doing so.

These are the times that remind us that: 

"The grass withers and the flowers fall,
    but the word of our God endures forever.”

Or to be a bit more 1970s about it: "all we are is dust in the wind."


  1. Most Americans can't wrap their minds around limited nature of life. It used to be considered one of life's most important lessons. Memento Mori. I suppose that's why Death Metal is mostly a European thing.

    I'm glad that the recovery is going as well it is. Never had surgery that major, but it takes weeks for "generic" major surgery.

  2. Along the same lines, on Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent), there is a reminder to "Remember that you are dust and unto dust you shall return."
