Conservative. Idaho. Software engineer. Historian. Trying to prevent Idiocracy from becoming a documentary.
Email complaints/requests about copyright infringement to clayton @ Reminder: the last copyright troll that bothered me went bankrupt.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." -- Rom. 8:28Monday, September 30, 2024
Not Enough Sunlight
A Little Victory
U.S. v. Duarte (9th Cir. 2024):
Applying Bruen’s two-step, text-and-history framework, the panel concluded (1) Duarte’s weapon, a handgun, is an “arm” within the meaning of the Second Amendment’s text, that Duarte’s “proposed course of conduct—carrying [a] handgun[] publicly for self-defense”—falls within the Second Amendment’s plain language, and that Duarte is part of “the people” whom the Second Amendment protects because he is an American citizen; and (2) the Government failed to prove that § 922(g)(1)’s categorical prohibition, as applied to Duarte, “is part of the historic tradition that delimits the outer bounds of the” Second Amendment right.
Duarte's previous convictions for sentences exceeding one year were all for non-violent crimes (I had no idea vandalism in California was a felony). I do not get the impression this guy Duarte is someone you want to invite over for dinner, but rights do not belong only to the bourgeois.
Secret Names
Sunday, September 29, 2024
When Greenhouse Gases Are Our Friend
Saturday, September 28, 2024
I Saw A Movie About This Some Years Ago
LONDON AND TOKYO -- Scientists in Japan have made a robot face covered in living, self-healing skin that can smile in a demonstration of a new technique researchers believe could help pave the way for lifelike biohybrid humanoid robots in the future.
The scientists, led by Professor Shoji Takeuchi at the University of Tokyo’s Biohybrid Systems Laboratory, attached cultured skin to a 3D facial mold using perforation-type anchors, which mimic the natural structure of human skin ligaments.
That did not end well for humanity.
Why Am I Skeptical?
Kamala Harris vows US border clampdown in attempt to neutralise immigration issue
The Democratic presidential candidate promises measures to stop illegal crossings in a campaign visit to Arizona
Gee, who did Biden put in charge of this last year? And why would she reverse Biden's policies?
PBS Documentary About Ellis Island Hospital
To say that I was startled does not even begin to describe it. Forgotten Ellis Island (2008). I was expecting a hit piece emphasizing the 1924 immigration law, eugenics, and what a horrible nation America is. While eugenics was part of the story, it was also a story about how the U.S. built one of the best hospitals in the world to treat incoming immigrants regarded as too sick for immediate entry. Some were deemed incurable and contagious (especially considering what was available at the time), some feebleminded, some were mentally ill. These were deported. But many were treated and allowed to enter the U.S.
For every depressing quote from a Public Health Service doctor awash in eugenics, there were examples of doctors challenging these ideas, and doctors and nurses engaging in humane and decent treatment of people with whom language was often a barrier.
Your Worst Chemical Nightmare
Friday, September 27, 2024
I am making a set of what ScopeRollers would have been if I was making them for a captive audience with an unlimited budget: more precision than anyone can afford.
I needed a tigh fit inside a .990" inside square tube. So I machined a piec e of 1.01" xquare aluminum tube to just fit.
Carbide End Mills
I Am Coming Unglued
Thursday, September 26, 2024
If This Is Not Revenge for Challenging Biden's Open Borders Policy, Then Someone is An Idiot
A Turkish businessman told Eric Adams he would “soon” become the US president, after he and his peers lavished the New York mayor with business class flights and luxury travel worth $123,000, according to prosecutors...
First Cardiac Rehab Session
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Does Any Phrasing Better Identify East Indian English?
I Wonder What Other Adjectives Get Used
I Am Not Sure How I Missed This
Worth v. Burton (8th Cir. 2024) struck down Minnesota's minimum age of 21 requirement for carry licenses:
Minnesota argues that 18 to 20-year-olds are not members of “the people” because at common law, individuals did not have rights until they turned 21 years old....
Ordinary, law-abiding, adult citizens that are 18 to 20-year-olds are members of the people because: (1) they are members of the political community under Heller’s “political community” definition; (2) the people has a fixed definition, though not fixed contents; (3) they are adults; and (4) the Second Amendment does not have a freestanding, extratextual dangerousness catchall.
You know, when every liberal had an "old enough to fight, old enough to vote" bumper sticker, I doubt many considered what granting citizenship to 18-20 year olds might eventually mean.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
I Have a Solution to This Problem
Ultimate Nerd
No Pain This Morning
Monday, September 23, 2024
Not Stitches After All
Sunday, September 22, 2024
"Doing Jobs Americans Won't Do"
This is My First Day Not Wearing Pajamas Since Surgery
Feeling Better
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Temperature Change Over Time
Friday, September 20, 2024
A Discussion of Why Cosmetic Surgery to the Iris is a Bad Idea...
The End-Permian Extinction Event
Thursday, September 19, 2024
If You Do Not Read Beyond the First Two Lines
An adviser to Robinson, granted anonymity to speak freely, confirmed to POLITICO that the email address in question belongs to Robinson. A spokesperson for Robinson said he had not made an account on Ashley Madison.
“Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson denies that he ever created or used an account on this website,” said Mike Lonergan, Robinson’s communications director
"Robinson’s campaign also pointed to a website showing the email address in question has been compromised in multiple data breaches."
It is surprisingly easy to create an account using someone else's email. The list of things he supposedly posted smells like a Democrat trick. Calling yourself a "black Nazi"? And it gets more obvious from there. Why would anyone use an identifiable email address on Ashley Madison? I mean is likely available.
Gov. Newsom Signed Law Banning Deepfake Election Ads
Pain Comes and Goes
Is Evangelicals for Harris a Libersl Front Group?
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Snitches Get Stitches
Watch for Exploding Pens
FOMC Cuts Rstes
Took a Nap; Feeling Better. amazing admission By Harris
I Am Not Sure How Much This Pratically Means but As Rebuie it is Substantial
The decision comes just two days after the union's leaders met with Vice President Kamala Harris and months after they met with former President Donald Trump."
In practice, union endorsements have become less important as members especially blue collar ones such as Teamsters have moved increasingly to the right. But the symbolism of a major labor union refusing to endorse a Democrat shows a lack of belief that Harris has the "cat in the bag." (They are not even Hsitians!)
Refusing to endorse will cause them harm if Harris wins so the Teamsters leadership sees little risk.
Details of Teamster internal polling shows members are strongly pro-Trump.
When the Tylenol Wears Off
Are You A Law Student in Need of Funding and Recognition?
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Now Down About Ten Pounds From Surgery Weight
This Is Sort Of "Shiver My Timbers" News Story
"The remote island of Tinian, which is less than 40 square miles, is one of three principal islands in the Northern Mariana Islands, a string of sparsely populated islets in the Western Pacific Ocean that make up the U.S.'s westernmost frontier, along with the major military hub of Guam some 100 miles to the south."
You all remember why Tinian tickles a part of your memory bank, right? For all the concern about Russian-saber-rattling, China is the real risk.
Monday, September 16, 2024
Around the World in 80 Days
If you are part of my generation, you probably thius classic Jules Verne novel as a kid. All of his novels have been hacked to bloody, incomprehsnible messes by Hollywood over the years including my favorite, Mysterious Island. There is a new BBC series on Masterpiece Theater. It was spared no production costs but as usual the original novel has been hacked quite needlessly. The absurd trip over the Alps by balloon from the 1950s musical is there but nowhere in Verne.
There are some excellent pieces of writing with no similar component in the original.
There are some substitutions that while a bit jarring really do no damage to Verne's story: Passepartout is now a black French valet, although very true to Verne's characterization. His backstory in Verne is both more interesting and comfortable to the plot than this production. The female stagecoach driver in the Old West is atypical, but not imaginary. There were such.
I knew that what is one of the more exciting parts of the novel -- San Francisco to New York City -- could be told with modern sensibilities as our travelers deal with a Sioux Indian raid on the transcontinental railway (which I am pretty was quite imaginary when Verne wrote this).
Dep, Marshall Bass Reeves appears although in an ahistorical context. Again, this is more about making the "woke" happy than spending the time to tell theinteresting story of Reeves, from slave to federal law enforcement.
The biggest surprise was the replacement of an overzealous police detective chasing Phileas Fogg around the world with a female jouirnalist of the same name recounting Fogg'sadventures for her stick-in-the-mud newspaper editor father. There are 19th century female journalists such as Nellie Bly, but she feels like a sop thrown to modern audiences.
It is still a bit of fun to watch, with often clever dialog. The ersatz Western Battle Mountain, Nev. has a Sweenet's Butcher Shop, just to see if you are payimg attention.
I Thought We Were Fully Suburban
Accused Assassin Has a Very Weird Hiatory
“You are free to assassinate Trump,” Routh wrote of Iran in an apparently self-published book in 2023, “Ukraine’s Unwinnable War,” which described the former president as a “fool” and “buffoon” for both the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot and the “tremendous blunder” of leaving the Iran nuclear deal."
It gets weirder from there.
"The world would be better it were run by women, he wrote in the book that has links to his website and X account, because “it seems that the totality of the world’s problems revolve around men with massive insecurity and childlike intelligence and behavior.”
I smell projection. AK-47 scope for sniper work.
Sunday, September 15, 2024
The Sternum is Knitting Itself Closed
Saturday, September 14, 2024
I Just Watched the 1950s Version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Friday, September 13, 2024
If Americans Will Do this, Why Won't Haitian Refugees?
Police have released video footage of an American woman being arrested for eating a cat – 170 miles away from Springfield, Ohio where Donald Trump claimed Haitian immigrants were devouring pets.
The arrest took place in Canton on August 16 after police received several calls from the public.
According to a police report Allexis Ferrell, 27, smashed the cat’s head with her foot and then started eating it.
Police said they saw fur on the woman’s lips and blood on her feet.
When Clintonistas Say There Was Something Suspicious
"ABC News came under significant bipartisan criticism because its moderators fact-checked some of Donald Trump's statements but not a single pushback at any made by Kamala Harris."
Of course if you believe in your deepest heart that Trump is a liar and Harris is not, why would you bother checking her claims?