Conservative. Idaho. Software engineer. Historian. Trying to prevent Idiocracy from becoming a documentary.
Email complaints/requests about copyright infringement to clayton @ Reminder: the last copyright troll that bothered me went bankrupt.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." -- Rom. 8:28Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Screw Organizers
Sunday, May 28, 2023
A Whole Wheat Loaf
How Self-Disciplined Are Middle Class People?
Any Idea Why Mass Murder Increased?
We Needed An Office Chair
Fatigue is Getting Worse
Saturday, May 27, 2023
The End of the Romans
We Met A Recent California Refugee
How to Upset Your Likely Allies
"Timothy Martin of North Carolina, and Joanna Smith of New York, both 53, surrendered to authorities after they were indicted on conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States and injury to a National Gallery of Art exhibit, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia."
I am not particularly an art aficionado, although seeing Vermeer's View of Delft is on my bucket list, but the most likely allies of these sort of eco-fanatics are people who spend a lot of time in art galleries and opera houses.
So, the theory is that there is not enough awareness of climate change and the crisis requires dramatic acts like this to get people to turn on CNN, PBS, and all other mainstream media and find out about it.
Yes, vandalize great art to get your natural allies aware of the most loudly proclaimed theory of the last 39 years other than LGBTQWTF.
These children are both 53! I guess the trust fund has not gone to zero yet.
Friday, May 26, 2023
Looking to Move to North Idaho
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Lysenko Won
We Look Forward to Greater Idaho
The Wallowa County Clerk notified Greater Idaho volunteers this morning that the Greater Idaho measure has clinched a win. It has 8 more Yes votes than No votes and there are only 7 incomplete ballots left to be cured by voters, according to a statement at the movement’s website,
Professional Portland political operatives broke the law to try to hide who they were and how much money they were spending, but they still lost. Trying to associate normal rural Oregonians like the Greater Idaho movement with scary extremist groups did not work. The election results in Wallowa County this year were 1% more favorable than in the same County in 2020 despite the movement being outspent by social justice warriors this time.
Wallowa County only has two percent of the population of eastern Oregon, and its beautiful mountain views draw an unusually large percentage of upper-income residents from the Willamette Valley, who may have been less supportive of joining Idaho.
But in eastern Oregon overall, Greater Idaho ballot measures have now averaged 60% in favor since the first election 6 election cycles ago. The group has won 12 out of the 12 counties that have voted on such a measure.
If Portlandia releases them, Lesser Oregon will be free to make transphobia a crime; tax people who never owned slaves to pay reparations to people who were never slaves; give away fentanyl and heroin; tax incomes above $10,000 per year; replace every policeman with an "unarmed peace ambassador"; and make gun ownership a felony. I think they would also lose a member of the U.S. House and Idaho get another.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
How to Start a Revolution
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Is This AI Failure?
Does No One Play Call of Duty?
LAKES OF THE FOUR SEASONS, Ind. — One man is dead and his two children are hospitalized after a hand grenade exploded in an Indiana home Saturday afternoon.
According to the Lake County Sheriff's Office, sometime before 6:30 p.m. the family was at a home in the 3400 block of West Lakeshore Drive where they were going through a grandfather's belongings. They found a hand grenade, someone pulled the pin on the device and it detonated.
I am not from which war grandfather brought this, but this a bit more dangerous than your souvenir MP40.
Fortunately we have laws prohibiting this.
This is Curious and Perhaps Troubling
Amid growing concerns of security risks to members of Congress, more than 50 senators have been issued satellite phones for emergency communication, people familiar with the measures told CBS News. The devices are part of a series of new security measures being offered to senators by the Senate Sergeant at Arms, who took over shortly after the assault on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
The satellite phone technology has been offered to all 100 senators. CBS News has learned at least 50 have accepted the phones, which Senate administrative staff recommend senators keep in close proximity during their travels.
In testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee last month, Senate Sergeant at Arms Karen Gibson said satellite communication is being deployed "to ensure a redundant and secure means of communication during a disruptive event."
Gibson said the phones are a security backstop in the case of an emergency that "takes out communications" in part of America. Federal funding will pay for the satellite airtime needed to utilize the phone devices.
Is this fear of nuclear attack taking out cell phone towers? Is it fear of Russian or Chinese cyberattack on our cellphone system? Is this a Carrington Event? I find it hard to imagine free range Capitol tourists taking out the phone network. (How many people would need to livestream their activities to overwhelm the current system?)
What is Troubling is not the Lunacy But the Police Response
“All Trump Supporters Will Die” — Disturbed Left-Wing Extremist Says He Will Give “Transphobic People The Death Penalty,” Makes Terroristic Threats — Fear Of Leftist Violence Grows In North Idaho
Richman has mental health issues, bipolar disorder, and a history of violent crime.According to the Press, Richman was sent to the hospital on April 25th, 2013 “because he has bipolar disorder and he was going through what they called a ‘manic episode.’“ After being discharged 2 hours later, Richman set fire to a construction company’s trailer on the campus of Kootenai Health destroying one trailer and damaged another. Then, Richman “pulled a knife on a Coeur d’Alene police officer who responded to the fire, kicking the officer in the knee” while he was being arrested.
Police decided he was not an imminent threat and declined to hospitalize him.
Young People Are Not As Far Left As Many Assume
Millennials are most likely among U.S. adults to support the expression "go woke, go broke," an exclusive poll for Newsweek has found, despite wokeness typically being associated with their own age group.
Admission From Columbia Journalism Review
It may be time for journalists to acknowledge that they write from a set of values, not simply from a disinterested effort at truth. This will not be easy.
Even if we can agree that trust in government and trust in the media were too high before Nixon, it might still be that trust today has sunk too low. Has a healthy skepticism become a civically disabling cynicism? That is what Donald Trump feeds on: engendering such distrust in the media that around 40 percent of Americans seem to accept almost everything he says, even in the face of incontrovertible reporting to the contrary, as a kind of thumb in the eye of the so-called coastal elites.
Recent Victory in N.J.
Koons v. PLATKIN (D.N.J. 2023):
In conclusion, the Second Amendment's "right to bear arms in public for self-defense is not a `second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees.'" Bruen, 142 S. Ct. at 2156 (quoting McDonald, 561 U.S. at 780). That does not mean, however, that the right is "unlimited." Heller, 554 U.S. at 626. The Constitution leaves the States "some measures" to combat handgun violence. Id. at 636. But what the Second Amendment prohibits the States from doing, and what the State of New Jersey has done here with much of Chapter 131, is to "prevent[] law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms." Bruen, 142 S. Ct. at 2156. That is plainly unconstitutional.
Bruen required the State to bring its firearm laws in compliance with the Second Amendment. Chapter 131 was the State's response, but it went too far, becoming the kind of law that Founding Father Thomas Jefferson would have warned against since it "disarm[s] only those who are not inclined or determined to commit crimes [and] worsen[s] the plight of the assaulted, but improve[s] those of the assailants."[81]
The decision cites Clayton E. Cramer & David B. Kopel, "Shall issue": The New Wave of Concealed Handgun Permit Laws, 62 Tenn. L. Rev. 679, 709 (1995) and Cramer, 16 J. on Firearms & Pub. Pol'y at 16-17.
Monday, May 22, 2023
Do LGBTWTFs Really Outnumber Catholics?
Saturday, May 20, 2023
I Was Discussing the Madness With My Wife and Bang
All In for the Angry Parents Vote
"In Florida, we stand for the protection of children," DeSantis said at a Monday press conference in Brevard County. "We think that in the worst of the worst cases the only appropriate punishment is the ultimate punishment."
This is contrary to Kennedy v. Louisiana, which held the death penalty for raping children was unconstitutional. I suspect a more originalist Court might reconsider that position now. Rape (of an adult woman or man) was a capital offense in colonial America and stayed that way until mid-19th century in some states.
Reading Kennedy v. Louisiana was a stomach turning experience. The stepfather tried to blame the stepdaughter's rape on some black boys. He called a disaster restoration company to clean up the crime scene telling them that his daughter had become a little lady they day. That statement alone should have given him prison time.
Open-heart Surgery
Friday, May 19, 2023
That Problem I Was Having With Books Not Appearing in Kindle
Thursday, May 18, 2023
May 17 (Reuters) - Three Russian academics who have worked on hypersonic missile technology face "very serious accusations", the Kremlin said on Wednesday, in a treason investigation that has spread alarm through Russia's scientific community.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he was aware of an open letter from Siberian scientists in defence of the men, but that the case was a matter for the security services.
In the letter, published on Monday, colleagues of Anatoly Maslov, Alexander Shiplyuk and Valery Zvegintsev protested their innocence and said the prosecutions threatened to inflict grave damage on Russian science....
President Vladimir Putin has boasted that Russia is the global leader in hypersonic missiles, capable of travelling at speeds of up to Mach 10 (12,250 kph) to evade enemy air defences. On Tuesday, Ukraine said it had managed to destroy six of the weapons in a single night, although Russia disputed this.
Obviously, the failure of the much ballyhooed hypersonic missile must be treason. When politics takes precdence over science in a totalitarian state, science loses and eventually so does the state. Orwell's 1984 imagines a future with technology only slightly more advanced than his own era because science and technology work on absolute truths, like 2+2=4, and in a society where there are no absolute truths, science will advance very slowly. 1984 (1984) did a great job of portraying this barely beyond 1948 technological status.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
I Helped With Research on This Case
Totally Endoscopic Coronary Artery Bypass (TECAB)
I Survived Angiogram
Monday, May 15, 2023
A Genuine Crisis Actor!
Awitness to the Allen, Texas, mall shooting who has called for gun control in the aftermath of the tragedy has had his account disputed by Texas police, who say he has spread "misinformation" in multiple media interviews.
Steven Spainhouer, who has identified himself as a former Army officer, gave multiple media outlets a dramatic account of the Texas mall shooting earlier this month, saying he showed up at the mall before police and first responders to begin administering aid to shooting victims.
According to CBS News, Spainhouer said he arrived at the scene after receiving a call from his son about hearing gunfire on the property. When he arrived, the former officer said he gave first aid and performed CPR on shooting victims, including one girl who "had no face" and a young boy covered "head to toe" in blood who was hiding under the body of his dead mother.
However, Spainhouer's dramatic retelling of the events has been disputed by the Allen Police Department, who released a statement on Friday claiming that he was not a "credible" witness.
"Allen Police Department wants to inform the public of discrepancies with statements made by a witness to several media outlets. Following the shooting at Allen Premium Outlets, Mr. Steven Spainhouer of McKinney, Texas gave multiple public accounts of his actions," the police statement said. "Inconsistencies between these public accounts and investigative facts led Allen Police Department to conduct a follow-up interview. During this interview, detectives determined that Mr. Spainhouer is not a credible incident witness."
I Think Someone Missed the Point of Opposing Abortion
Saturday, May 13, 2023
Color Me Unsurprised
Friday, May 12, 2023
Top Gun: Maverick
Never Offend With Style When You Can Offend With Substance
Thursday, May 11, 2023
One of the Many Down Sides of Aging
Surprise: Reefer Madness
"The researchers also found a tripled overall risk of schizophrenia linked to cannabis use in young men compared to women: Around 15% of cases of schizophrenia in men aged 16 to 49 might have been avoided in 2021 by preventing cannabis use, in contrast to just 4% among women in that age range."
But it's natural. Do you wonder about the increase in mass murders?
Another Victory
I Have Asked This Question Before...
But perhaps a new reader knows the answer. In Windows 10 you could select a directory on one PC and share it with Everyone on your LAN. Windows 11 improved this to make it too complex for my little brain to handle.
I am on my wife's PC, and I select the Documents folder. Then I say Properties->Sharing->Share. It asks what users to add. There are no choices. How do I tell it that I am who is supposed to have access? Where is this magic list of users located?
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Today's Obscure Word: Flageolet
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Today's Surgeon Visit
Monday, May 8, 2023
Do You Have Editing Privileges on Wikipedia?
Jason Van Rassel, Police
officer's son charged in city's worst mass murder, Calgary
[Alberta] Herald, Apr. 17, 2014 (5 dead); Jonathan
Pearlman, Eight Children Murdered In Mass
Stabbing In Australia, [U.K.] Telegraph, Dec. 19,
2014 (8 dead); Robert Foyle
Hunwick, Why Does China Have So Many School
Stabbings?, New Republic, Nov. 2, 2018 (summarizing 14 knife mass murders in two
incidents); David Mercer, Canada mass stabbing: Trudeau urges
public to 'be careful' over two men suspected of killing 10 people,
Sky News, Sep. 5, 2022 (10 dead).
A Decade On, Childers Remembers Hostel Fire Tragedy, Brisbane [Australia]
Jun. 23, 2010 (15 dead); Candace Sutton, Man Who
Murdered 11 People in Nursing Home Fire 'Frothed At The Mouth' From Drugs And
'Put Nails In Tyres And Poured Paint' Over Boss's Car, Inquest Hears, [U.K.] Daily Mail, Sep. 8, 2014. (11 dead).
Andrew Higgins and Kimiko De Freytas-Tamura, In Brussels Bombing Plot, a Trail of Dots Not Connected, New York Times, March 26, 2016 (33 dead); Sylvia Hui, Bomber’s brother gets 55 years for Manchester concert attack, Associated Press, Aug. 20, 2020 (22 dead)
Blunt objects:
Jamelle Wells, Robert Xie Trial: Lin Family 'Murdered With Hammer Bought From $2
Shop, ABC [Australia], May 12, 2014 (5 dead)
"I suspect these foreign firearms mass murders are already there:
Gunman’s Rampage in France Leaves 14 Dead, Los Angeles Times, Jul. 13, 1989; Teen-Age Gunman Kills Himself and 12 Others in France, New York Times, Sep. 25, 1995; Nick Caistor, Profile of a Teenage Killer, BBC News, Apr. 28, 2002; 18 Dead in German School Shooting, BBC News, Apr. 26, 2002; Brazil School Shooting: Twelfth Child Dies, SkyNews, Apr. 8, 2011; James Graff, Politics Under the Gun, Time, Mar. 31, 2002 (8 dead; 18 wounded in France); Safety Council To Investigate Gun Laws,, Apr. 12, 2011,, last accessed May 21, 2011; Schutter was al eerder suicidaal, NOS Nieuws. Apr. 10, 2011,, last accessed May 21, 2011.
Thanks to al that are prepared to chase these down. Wikipedia leans left but when something appears there it has credibility to the journalists