Saturday, October 22, 2022

"But It's Natural, Man"

10/22/22 New York Post:

Kyle’s now in recovery, but his is a story that is becoming familiar to more and more American families. Someone begins showing classic signs of hardcore drug addiction. Eventually, they suffer a full psychotic break. But the only drug history is for cannabis.

“We’re now counting 37 cannabis-related diagnoses a day,” Dr. Roneet Lev, an addiction medicine doctor at Scripps Mercy Hospital in San Diego, said about her emergency department. “It’s been steadily increasing over the years. When I started in the 1990s, there was no such thing. Now I see 1 to 2 cases per shift. The most common symptom is psychosis.” 

“We probably see 20 THC-induced psychoses for every amphetamine-induced psychosis,” said Ben Cort, who runs a drug and alcohol treatment center in Colorado. One study showed an increase of 24% in cases of psychoses in emergency departments in Colorado in the five years following marijuana’s legalization in that state in 2012....

“Now that THC is a more readily available drug and the perception of harm is at the lowest point in recorded history, we treat more people for THC disorder than for opiate disorder right now,” said Cort. “I’d say about half of our census is THC. And the vast majority of them have THC-induced psychosis.”

“One clinical study showed that a moderate dose of pure THC causes psychotic symptoms in about 40% of people who lack a family history of psychosis. If you’re a casual user and your dosage is mild, that likely just means a touch of paranoia,” said neuroscientist Christine Miller, an expert on psychotic disorders.

Thirty-five percent of people who have experienced such symptoms, however, will go on to experience a full psychotic break, according to another study, if they continue their high risk environmental exposure by continuing to use cannabis.

Legalizing marijuana has been one of George Soros' long-term projects.  Soros hates America.  Coincidence? 

10/22 UCSF:

The researchers analyzed data from diagnostic codes from every hospital admission, emergency room visit and medical procedure in California for the years 2005 through 2015, identifying nearly one million people who had no preexisting AF, but who later developed AF during these years. Among patients in the databases examined, 132,834 used cannabis, 98,271 used methamphetamine, 48,700 used cocaine, and 10,032 used opiates.

In the longitudinal study, published in the European Heart Journal on October 17, 2022 (October 18, 2022 Central European Summer Time), the UCSF scientists found that marijuana users had a 35 percent increased likelihood of later developing AF.

“Despite exhibiting a weaker association with incident AF than the other substances, cannabis use still exhibited an association of similar or greater magnitude to risk factors like dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and chronic kidney disease. Furthermore, those with cannabis use exhibited similar relative risk of incident AF as those with traditional tobacco use,” the study authors reported.

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