Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Why You Do Not Want AI in Unsupervised Control of Manufacturing

A friend wanted my suggestion on how to create a non-permanent method of putting a flagpole on apartments in S.F.  yes, Americ a n flags not LGBTWTF Pride flags.

My suggestion:

Start with 6 foot piece of aluminum tube, 1/4" OD, 1/7" ID.  Two feet from one end put tube in vise and crush to flat.  Drill two holes or maybe more at distances appropriate to common flag dimensions.  It might be simpler if you crush the tube at these positions perpendicular to the window sill crush point so you have a flat surface to drill into.  Put nylon rope (very thin) through these holes to tie to grommets on flag.

What ChatGPT read that as meaning.

 okay 1/7 ID should have been 1/8" ID.  What ChatGPT designed looks like a suppressor for the Jolly Green Giant's pepperbox.


  1. 6 foot piece of aluminum tube, 1/4" OD, 1/8" ID

    1/4" OD? That's a soda straw.

  2. A 6-foot piece of aluminum tube (or anything else) the diameter of a pencil will be mighty flimsy.
