Friday, May 17, 2024

Revoke Their Scholarships and Deport the Aliens

5/16/24 Campus Reform:
"PSYCHO: Masked pro-Hamas activists show up at UMich regents' homes in middle of the night, lay 'fake corpses' on lawn."

Bad but worse:
"The University of Michigan said that over 30 student protesters showed up at Regent Sarah Hubbard’s home early Wednesday morning and placed tents and “fake corpses wrapped in bloodied sheets” on the lawn, in addition to marching and chanting.

"Another regent, Jordan Acker, wrote on X that the protesters showed up at around 4:40 a.m. “with a list of demands” that included “defunding the police.”"

If they are U S. Citizens, this type of intimidation should cause the university to revoke their scholarship.  If they are an alien, deport them. Maybe they can become suicide bombers with a short fuse.

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