Tuesday, August 4, 2020

I Used to Wonder Why Sports Victories Caused Riots

I mean losing I understand but when the city's team (or college's team) is victorious?  This sad headline following a black man's victory in a prizefight with a white guy is just mindnumbingly disturbing.


  1. Hey, there was a 1910 film about that fight.


  2. Wasn't there a riot in Los Angeles ten or fifteen years ago when the Dodgers or the Lakers won the Championship? I recall a police car or two being overturned and burned.

  3. I have a book titled At Good Old Siwash: a collection of short stories about college hijinks circa 1900. Hijinks like overturning a streetcar on the way back from a victory by the debate team.

  4. Chicago hasn't gotten better, neither have the folks.
