Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Waiting For A Faculty Meeting to Start

Bored out of my wits.  Anyone remember XLNT Tamales?   They ate not for sale here in Idaho. They are a pleasant childhood memory.


  1. XLNT also made chili that our family ate for years. Alas, I don't think either one is sold here in the LA area anymore.

  2. Mmmm, and topped with XLNT Chili con Carne. Can't beat an over 120 year-old recipe. Both available here in Las Vegas. Want me to overnight some on dry ice?

  3. Steve: I am waiting to hear back from XLNT. Any idea what it costs to overnight a small package like that? I suspect that properly enclosed (dry ice in a perforated plastic bag), it might be fine 2nd day air.
