Monday, June 24, 2024

Just For Giggles

Google Earth has pretty high quality satellite imaging of this part of Idaho.  Images do not show my current house built in 2022 but they do show the extensive additions made to my house near Horseshoe Bend in 2020.  This imaging is thus 2-5 years old.  

Can you find any detention camps near Gowen Field?  I see nothing but then again, I am not expecting an Arbeit Macht Frei sign, or railroad tracks, or crematoria.  If you are easily bored or curious could you take a look and see if you see anything that looks anomalous?  Giant slab 30 miles south of Boise.

I looked for the supposed UN base in O'Brien Canyon, Nevada and all I can find is high desert scrub.  Maybe it is all underground!

1 comment:

  1. The problem is anyone who tries to explain as a local expert is considered a "tool of the oppressor".

    These lunatics (I can't even call them far right, they're right out there by the Oort cloud) simply cannot be rational.
