Conservative. Idaho. Software engineer. Historian. Trying to prevent Idiocracy from becoming a documentary.
Email complaints/requests about copyright infringement to clayton @ Reminder: the last copyright troll that bothered me went bankrupt.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." -- Rom. 8:28Sunday, February 25, 2024
Tax Preparer Joy
A Shameful Period of American History
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Coloring Engraved Letters
Things That Make My Day
Slow Progress on the Telescope Mount
Two More Victories
Fouts v. Bonta (S.D.Cal. 2023) struck down California's baton ban:
While Professor Baron or Escobar may have found
news accounts of criminal attacks with a billy in 19th century newspapers, evidence of
misuse does not disprove the common sense observation that law-abiding citizens may
have kept billies for lawful uses. Clayton Cramer, Plaintiffs’ expert, observes that any
criminal misuse of a weapon will receive more attention by news media than the many
non-criminal uses or simple possession of the same weapon.39 Consequently, with the
billy’s presence and use in America throughout the 1800s, statutory analogues for other
weapons are not relevant.
From Hawaii:
Grell v. Lopez, US Ct App, 9th Cir, August 7, 2023, held the butterfly knife ban violated the Second Amendment as binding on the states through the 14th Amendment. On February 22, 2024, the 9th Circuit ordered that the case will be reheard en banc.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
When The Atlantic Admits It...
There’s Just One Problem With Gun Buybacks
They don’t work.
Then they discuss the antiques turned in, some perhaps not functional.
But the antique arsenal at the Durham event demonstrates one of the recurring flaws of buyback efforts: You mostly get guns that wouldn’t be used in crimes anyways. Most gun crimes in the U.S. are committed with handguns, but few modern, operable ones get turned in. Although AR-15s are a flash point in the gun-control debate because they are used in many of the worst mass shootings, they are far, far less common than handguns. Birkhead told me that Durham’s buybacks had yielded a few AR-15-style rifles, and he spoke almost wistfully about a high-quality SIG Sauer P220 that had come in that day and would have to be destroyed. Most of the weapons turned in, however, were either shotguns or elderly pistols. “Obviously, we don’t see a lot of shotguns used in the street crimes, but we do see some,” Birkhead said.
Any Recommendations on Tritium Sights?
Not for the Walther, for the Colt Mustang. If I have to travel to an unsafe state that recognizes Idaho or Oregon licenses, this is what I carry. Tiny, not very light, but it keeps recoil under control for conversational distances. Yes, I would need my gunsmith to install them.
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Things I Do Not Need But Always Wanted
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Why Are Students in Debt?
A Fearsome Future
Why So Many Public Schools Fail to Teach Literacy to BiPOC Students
Students in a Seattle English class were told that their love of reading and writing is a characteristic of “white supremacy,” in the latest Seattle Public Schools high school controversy. The lesson plan has one local father speaking out, calling it “educational malpractice.”
As part of the Black Lives Matter at School Week, World Literature and Composition students at Lincoln High School were given a handout with definitions of the “9 characteristics of white supremacy,” according to the father of a student. Given the subject matter of the class, the father found it odd this particular lesson was brought up.
The Seattle high schoolers were told that “Worship of the Written Word” is white supremacy because it is “an erasure of the wide range of ways we communicate with each other.” By this definition, the very subject of World Literature and Composition is racist. It also chides the idea that we hyper-value written communication because it’s a form of “honoring only what is written and even then only what is written to a narrow standard, full of misinformation and lies.” The worksheet does not provide any context for what it actually means.
How could it, without engaging in the white supremacy of writing?
Saturday, February 17, 2024
My Middle Name is Now "Ogg"
Fun With Fiber
Thursday, February 15, 2024
When Biden is not Far Enough Left
Rajbhandari was one of 21 people arrested in Wilmington, Delaware, after they entered the headquarters with the goal of speaking to campaign staff about Biden’s campaign promises, namely those involving clean energy and climate change."
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Be Glad If Your Wife Has Better Spatial Reasoning Then You Do
Odd Documentary
Maybe not so much odd as it can be watched as cheerful, or depressing. NYC is Building Anti-Migrant Streets. Because NYC said it wanted to be welcoming to illegal immigrants, it now has enough to be a social problem. The filmmaker is clearly disturbed by the steps both government and privater property owners have taken.
- Pretty much any place that you might sit and while away the hours begging or sleeping now have spikes and other unpleasant additons to discourage this.
- The city decided to refurbish a city park near the center of illegal services, making public restrooms unavailable.
- Places in front of illegal immigrant hotels that used to be reserved for bicycle and moped parking have been reconstructed to reduce capacity, thus preventing illegals from working as bike messengers and city street bike lanes made less usable.
- Sidewalks have been narrowed with absurdly large planters forcing people to walk closer together and reducing places for homeless to sprawl.
- Social services for illegals have been placed in locations with no cover from rain, snow, or sun, making long lines more uncvomfortable.
On the negative side, there is a cruelness that is so contrary to progressive self-imaging that shows how dishonest progressives are. It is still cruel.
Instapundit Refers to It As Witchdoctoring
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
A Film Made in 1962 That Holds Up Well Today
Monday, February 12, 2024
OneDrive App
Obviously an Evangelical Christian
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Tripod Legs
Friday, February 9, 2024
One RPD Motor and Gearing
Article by Your Favorite Author
Thursday, February 8, 2024
This is Both Sad and a Poor Statement About the 2000 Voters
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Milling Carbon Fiber Composite
Higbee v. James (N.D.N.Y. 2023)
This challenges New York's law that does not recognize out of state concealed weapon licenses and firearms possession licenses (residence and premises licenses).
My latest DNA results from 23AndMe says that I have some Neanderthal in me (less than 2%). Some of the interesting traits, one of which my wife will confirm:
Racial Genocide?
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Windstorm Two Nights Ago
Yes, This Worked So Well in the 2000s
if There Was Not A Link to the Bill ..
Monday, February 5, 2024
That M2 Panic Story on Motley Fool?
Sunday, February 4, 2024
M2 Crisis?
"Beginning May 2020, M2 consists of M1 plus (1) small-denomination time deposits (time deposits in amounts of less than $100,000) less IRA and Keogh balances at depository institutions; and (2) balances in retail MMFs less IRA and Keogh balances at MMFs. Seasonally adjusted M2 is constructed by summing savings deposits (before May 2020), small-denomination time deposits, and retail MMFs, each seasonally adjusted separately, and adding this result to seasonally adjusted M1."
Captive Tube Question
Medical Care and Long Lives
Saturday, February 3, 2024
If This Was On Fox, I Would Suspect Propaganda
The police chief of a California city on the Mexico border says “appropriate measures” will be taken to address the anticipated arrival of four migrant men charged with felonies in an attack on two New York Police Department officers.
The men were headed by bus to Calexico, California, after they were released from custody, a senior law enforcement official said....
"The four men were among at least seven people arrested, CNN previously reported. The four were released from custody without bail and given bus tickets by a faith-based charity, the senior law enforcement official told CNN.
The altercation erupted after officers tried to break up a “disorderly group” outside a migrant shelter near Times Square, police said.
When the officers tried to take a person into custody, “multiple unidentified individuals repeatedly kicked and punched the officers in the head and body” and later fled on foot, police said. The officers had minor injuries and were treated on the scene, police said."
The article explains that they were released without bail. If a white U.S. citizen attacked a police officer they would not be released without bail. The racism of the left is getting louder and louder.
I Think This is a Witty Description of a Jail
Peter Mack for taking all the poetry out of Saturday’s midnight hour by walloping his wife Bridget, was required to give peace bonds or go into retirement at the Hotel de Fremeaux.[New Orleans daily crescent. November 02, 1858, Morning, 1.]
Any clues?
One of you did a great job of hive mind.
This “hotel” may have been a humorous reference to the parish prison, superintended by Captain Frémaux.[1]]
[1] Statement
Of The Commissioners Of The Consolidated Debt Of New Orleans, From 14th May,
1852, To 30th September, 1862 (New Orleans: H.G. Stetson &
Co,., 1865). 51.
If Garbage is Attracting Flies, What is the First Step?
Spraying for flies, it appears, not putting a lid on the can. 2/2/24 Fox News:
The associate medical director of New Hampshire Hospital urged lawmakers to pass gun control legislation Friday, describing the anguish that followed the fatal shooting of a security officer in the facility’s lobby last year.
"A coworker was murdered 100 feet from my office," Dr. Samanta Swetter told the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee. "Then I had to sit there while other people I loved were in danger, and I could do very little to help them."
The committee was holding public hearings on half a dozen bills seeking to either restrict or expand access to firearms, including one drafted in response to the death of Bradley Haas, who was killed in November by a former patient at the psychiatric hospital in Concord.
While federal law prohibits those who have been involuntarily committed to psychiatric institutions from purchasing guns, New Hampshire currently does not submit mental health records to the database that gun dealers use for background checks. "Bradley’s Law," which has bipartisan support, would require those records to be submitted. It also creates a process by which someone could have their gun ownership rights restored when they are no longer a danger to themselves or others....
The gunman who killed Haas was shot to death by a state trooper assigned to the hospital. Haas was unarmed, and opponents of the bill argued having such workers carrying guns would save more lives than restricting others’ access. One opponent suggested that the bill could apply to those hospitalized for bulimia or other mental health conditions, while others argued it would do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns.
"If someone is violently mentally ill, why would they be even released from a secure mental health facility?" said Kimberly Morin of the Women’s Defense League. "Rather than pushing more discriminatory gun confiscation bills, why don’t we actually do something to address the serious mental health issues we have?"
And the ultimate statement of "I do not trust myself so I do not trust others:
Donna Morin, whose 21-year-old son died by suicide in 2022, told the committee the bill would not have saved his life, but it could save her own.
"The pain that I feel every single day, it has brought me to thoughts of suicide," said Morin, of Manchester. "I’m speaking publicly about this, even though it’s terrifying, because I really feel that this bill is that important. The goal of this bill is to allow a person like myself to make a decision when they are in a calm mind and not in emotional distress."
Morin compared it to creating a living will to outline treatment preferences in end-of-life situations when you can’t speak for yourself.
Okay, there should be a way for someone who does not trust herself with a gun to inform every gun store in the state, "Do not sell me a gun."
A Tool That I Have Never Used
Why Conservatives & Libertarians Differ on Drug Laws
Former classmates of Justin Mohn told that the alleged killer 'snapped' after taking 'a lot of psychedelic drugs', including LSD, while studying Agribusiness at Penn State University.
'It's common knowledge that he took a lot of LSD, and it's widely accepted by his friends that it destroyed his brain', one told
'He stopped responding to his friends, he just ghosted everyone. After he attended Penn Sate he would post these paranoid statuses and delete them.
'A lot of his friends had said previously that they wouldn't be surprised if he killed someone one day.'
On Tuesday, Mohn was arrested and charged with first-degree murder hours after beheading his father Michael, 68, and showing off his head in a YouTube video.
Prior to Mohn's alleged drug use he was described as being 'cocky', 'snobby' and 'intelligent' during his teenage years, and even voted class clown in high school.
One pal told that Mohn was a 'genius' who excelled at everything he tried, and showed no signs of mental illness.
They added: 'He was always happy, never upset, never angry. He never got into fights before college.'
'It was around 2015 that he started posting paranoid rants, that seems to be when he snapped and started having the same mindset as in his video,' they added.
The difficulty is how do you know who will lose it? As much as I like the ideat hat we should all be responsible for our actions and free to do stupid things, this is why conservatives are prepared to impose some limits. Alcohol's part in murder, rape, robbery, battery, and accidents involving power tools are so well established that Prohibition, no matter how ineffective it was, qualifies as a Noble Experiment. Unfortunately, alcohol was such an ingrained part of our culture as to be unstoppable. I fear marijuana is now similar. Oregon tried to make all hard drugs in the same category.
Friday, February 2, 2024
Which is Cheaper?
From 1/26/24 New York Magazine:
In Oxford, countless people I spoke to framed the events leading up to November 30 as “a mental-health story”: kids falling apart in a desert of care, the same as everywhere else in the country, but in some ways worse. Even before the pandemic, administrators in Oxford schools had started to notice more fragility, anxiety, depression, and withdrawal among students. In the late 1990s, the Republican governor John Engler had closed three-quarters of Michigan’s psychiatric hospitals in a cost-cutting spree, leaving rural areas barren of psychiatric inpatient treatment for kids. There was some outpatient help available, but many families didn’t know where to find it “unless they were very savvy,” one administrator told me. When they did, wait times averaged four months. This backlog strained emergency rooms. “Every time a kid said, ‘If I don’t get an A on this spelling test, I’m going to kill myself or kill you’ or something,” she was sent to the ER, says Sheila Marcus, a psychiatrist at the University of Michigan who runs a program that trains primary-care doctors in mental health. Ninety percent of the time, these kids were deemed “not a threat” and sent back to school.
As usual mental health treatment is "too expensive" compared to drawing chalk marks around bodies, autopsies, hail costs, prison costs, and criminal trials. I will not ignore that the parents and his friends had many indicators that their son was exhibiting evidence of mental illness.
On April 5, Ethan told his friend by text that he was thinking about calling 911 on himself but was afraid his parents would be “really pissed.” He thought he was having a mental breakdown.
“I am going to ask my parents to go to the doctor’s tomorrow or Tuesday again,” Ethan wrote. When he tried to talk to his parents before, his father had given him some medicine and told him to “suck it up,” and his mother laughed. “She makes everyone feel like shit,” he wrote.
“But this time I am going to tell them about the voices. I only told them about the people I saw.”
“Ok,” the friend wrote back.
But who recognizes these signs? When my brother spiraled down into schizophrenia, my parents had not a clue what the symptoms suggested.