Thursday, January 14, 2021

Bad News, Good News

 From MSN:

As President Trump packs up to retire to Florida amid a drive to impeach him a second time, partisan division in the nation has reached a modern day high, with nearly eight-in-10 fearing the outbreak of civil war.

In the latest Battleground Civility Poll, registered voters put the chance of war at 76 out of 100, the highest ever recorded and up from 73 in October after a summer of violent city Black Lives Matter protests.  

In the latest Battleground Civility Poll, registered voters put the chance of war at 76 out of 100, the highest ever recorded and up from 73 in October after a summer of violent city Black Lives Matter protests.

graphical user interface, text, application, email: Screen Shot 2021-01-13 at 4.19.01 PM.png “People for the last two years have seen us on the verge of civil war and I still find that really, really dramatic data, I’m still shocked at that level,” said Democratic pollster Celinda Lake who, with Republican pollster Ed Goeas, conduct the Battleground Polls for Georgetown University’s Institute of Politics and Public Service....

But while the findings of the wide-ranging survey were gloomy about where the country sits today, the pollsters found signs of hope from Americans cautiously optimistic about cooling the tension.

For example, asked for predictions of civil war a year from now, the average dropped to 65.


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