Conservative. Idaho. Software engineer. Historian. Trying to prevent Idiocracy from becoming a documentary.
Email complaints/requests about copyright infringement to clayton @ Reminder: the last copyright troll that bothered me went bankrupt.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." -- Rom. 8:28Saturday, September 30, 2023
Tiring Day
Friday, September 29, 2023
Cloudy Night
Trump's Superhuman Strength
I Had an Alligator As a Pet
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Could You Start Fires With Starlight?
Sitting by the Star Riverwalk
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Rotating Rings (And Sore I Am)
Woke Does Not Pay the Bills
Reducing Muffintop
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
A Million Miles Away
I Grew Up on Jack-in-the-Box
Interesting Linux Discovery Over the Weekend
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Star Party
Friday, September 22, 2023
Major Victory
"The decision from U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez won’t take effect immediately. Democratic U.S. Attorney General Rob Bonta has already promised to appeal the ruling. The ban is likely to remain in effect while the case is still pending."
Bonta of course is California Attorney-General.
"Benitez ruled “there is no American tradition of limiting ammunition capacity.” He said detachable magazines “solved a problem with historic firearms: running out of ammunition and having to slowly reload a gun.”
“There have been, and there will be, times where many more than 10 rounds are needed to stop attackers,” Benitez wrote. “Yet, under this statute, the State says ‘too bad.’”"
And yes, this is a case on which I have worked as an expert witness. I am feeling pretty good.
Decision Duncan v. Bonta here.
And I am cited on p. 57. And two other citations. Too tired to fill in those other page numbers right now.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Good News
"After allowing a volunteer campaign coordinator for the voter-approved measure to take the stand, the Harney County judge overseeing the closely watched trial questioned the coordinator directly, throwing out several hypothetical scenarios concerning the possible effects of the measure on pastors or rabbis of different races."
The state made the mistake of calling this guy for reasons that make little sense and the judge asked him hypothetical questions that showed how the law was likely to be abused in racial ways.
I think the judge is sympathetic.
"An estimated 1,000 people who prefer to be recognized as not humans, but canines, organized a gathering at the Berlin Potsamer Platz railroad station in Germany, communicating only by howling or barking at one another."
As long as they don't insist on using our fire hydrants.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Windedness Decreasing
Hold Down Clamps for Harbor Freight Drill Press
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
The Younger Generation May Not Be As Brainwashed As We Thought
“Kids were upset. Girls… we wanted to protect them. They were upset. They didn’t want men in their bathroom,” John Ott, who organized the walkout, told FOX News on Monday."
"We wanted to protect them." Someone is learning to be a man. Women should be able to protect themselves but for thousands of generations humans have bred the idea that Ogg protects the females. Most cultures, even if they do it imperfectly, also teach this important lesson. The stronger should protect the weaker. Throughout human development that has usually been the man protecting his mate and their children.
Monday, September 18, 2023
Soviet Union Was So Long Ago... Coming Soon: Famine in Chicago
claim his place in line. His friends ask, “Did you get him?” “No, the
line there was even longer than the line here.”
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Some Comments Are So Good That They Want Wider Distribution
When Did NAACP Turn Right-Wing?
"Failed leadership, including the movement to defund the police, our District Attorney’s unwillingness to charge and prosecute people who murder and commit life-threatening serious crimes, and the proliferation of anti-police rhetoric have created a heyday for Oakland criminals," the letter states."
Defunding police has always injured blacks most because they are primary victims of crime
Remember that much of "systemic racism" screeching is people gaming the system as paid experts appealing to guilt-ridden whites.
Friday, September 15, 2023
Put Your Google-Fu Skills to a Good Cause
Removing Antiquated Ideas
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
I Knew This Intellectually
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Texas Doing It Right
Cutting Very Slowly
Coolest Video I Have Seen
Monday, September 11, 2023
Away on a Comet!
The 14th Amendment and Donald Trump
I was researching the case law associated with Amendment 14's section 3, which you all know by heart, right?
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
It is an article of faith that Trump engaged in insurrection on January 6th. The only case law in Congress' comprehensive analysis of the 14th Amendment section 3 is United States v. Powell, 27 F. Cas. 605, 65 N. C. 709 (1871), which answers the question of what is a rebellion?
We are of opinion, gentlemen, that the word ‘'engage” implies, and was intended to imply, a voluntary effort to assist the Insurrection or Rebellion, and to bring it to a successful termination.
I need to check a couple of secondary sources to see if they are being misrepresented. If they are near you, and you can copy the identified pages for me, and whatever endnotes go with those pages, it would be a great help for California gun owners. Click the link to see which libraries near you have it.
Someone got me Dorris' pages and I ordered Graber's book.
Never Forget
Saturday, September 9, 2023
Gov. Faubus Lives
SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Friday issued an emergency order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque and the surrounding county for at least 30 days in response to a spate of gun violence.
The Democratic governor said she expects legal challenges but was compelled to act because of recent shootings, including the death of an 11-year-old boy outside a minor league baseball stadium this week.
Lujan Grisham said state police would be responsible for enforcing what amount to civil violations. Albuquerque police Chief Harold Medina said he won’t enforce it, and Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen said he’s uneasy about it because it raises too many questions about constitutional rights.
The firearms suspension, classified as an emergency public health order, applies to open and concealed carry in most public places, from city sidewalks to urban recreational parks. The restriction is tied to a threshold for violent crime rates currently only met by the metropolitan Albuquerque. Police and licensed security guards are exempt from the temporary ban.
This is not only contrary to Bruen but also directly contrary to the New Mexico Constitution's RKBA clause which struck down a ban on open carry in a police station lobby.
When Arkansas Gov. Faubus decided to ignore Brown v. Board of Education (1954), President Eisenhower enforced federal law by sending the Army to enforce Brown. Our current president? Not likely. I am glad to see local police chief and sheriff refusing to obey an unconstitutional order.
Friday, September 8, 2023
I verified that OneDrive had synced all my files when I left the house this morning. One rather important subfolder is not even present much less the files that I needed.
A Minor Victory
The first case on which I did expert declarations: Baird v. Bonta. The judge rejected preliminary injunction. The 9th Circuit's response:
The panel held that the district court abused its discretion by applying an incorrect legal standard to deny Appellants’ motion for a preliminary injunction. Instead of analyzing the first factor set forth in Winter v. Nat. Res. Def. Council, Inc., 555 U.S. 7 (2008)—whether Appellants were likely to succeed on the merits of their claim—the district court erroneously determined that because the public interest and balance of harms disfavored the issuance of a preliminary injunction, it was not necessary to assess Appellants’ likelihood of success on the merits.
Thursday, September 7, 2023
I Feel Sorry For Her But She Seems to Be Learning
If You Watched the Movie "Smoke Signals" This Should be No Surprise
I Have Been Watching a YouTube Video About Dying Maine Towns
Using a Vertical Mill as a Chopsaw
Several of My Friends Have Taken His Class and Share My Recommendation
Link to register for class on NRA Training Website ( NO pay portal there - just register )
Personal Protection Handgun Course
Idaho ENHANCED Concealed Weapon License
12 hour course 8am – 6pm Classroom & Range ( 9 hours +/- )
Legal Section will be conducted on the following Friday 6pm - 9pm
NRA Personal Protection in the Home Course exceeds Idaho 18-3302K
ENHANCED Concealed Weapon License requirement, certificate recognized by all states as firearms training (Though NOT for certain states' CCW , see list below)
$199 Course Fee includes NRA handbook, fliers & NRA Course Completion & Idaho State Police Training Certificate. ( mail check to name & address on back by Tuesday Sept. 12th, or just bring cash to class )
Classes are small (5 at most).
PAID advance registration is required to reserve your seat.
Class is open to Instructor-approved citizens who have no felonies or other legal gun-possession disabilities. Liability Release form signature required.
Course consists of approximately 5 Hours Classroom, 4 Hours on the Shooting Range, 1 hour written test. 2+ Hours Legal Instruction to be on following Friday.
Includes Basic Handgun Safety, Familiarization, Hands-on Firearms Handling, Shooting Skills & Instruction. Personal security & avoiding violent confrontations will be covered in depth. Safety & Awareness are critical issues covered at length.
Several hours will be spent on the firing range bringing students skills up to standards. Idaho State Law and Federal Law regarding firearms, concealed weapons, self-defense and after-event issues will be taught by a licensed Idaho attorney (formerly served as a public defender, a prosecutor and as an Idaho State deputy attorney general, and has competed in IDPA and IPSC events.
BRING: warm jacket & hat (it gets windy at the desert shooting range) and a button up shirt or blouse so no hot brass goes down your shirt to painfully ‘brand’ you and make you momentarily unsafe, Eye and Hearing protection, your handgun (Don't have a handgun or eye/ear protection? let me know I have a few loaners & can help you select the best one that suits your particular needs) and
at least 2 boxes of 50 rounds of factory ammunition ( Idaho law requires 98 rounds ), also remember a lunch, snacks, drinks. Pen & pencil and a notepad.
Important Note on contacting me: Anti-gun / anti self-defense powers that beand internet service providers and internet censors have affected firearms instructors, myself among them.
If you are interested in taking any of these courses, please call me first, then send me an email that I will reply to with the current class schedule or other requested information. Please reply that you have received that email, and do so for each that you get. I often reply quickly, never hear from the recipient and later they ask why I never replied. PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR SPAM or JUNKMAIL folder for emails from me before you empty the folder. Apparently the A.I. Censor looks for key words like gun, firearm, shooting, concealed weapon etc and so toss them into your spam folder.
So if you contact me – stay in touch by replying to every email, check spam folder, and should you take a class elsewhere or the wife simply won't allow you to take a class, just email me and ask to be taken off the email class schedule update emails list, it won't offend me, I understand that there are many reasons folks change their minds. Just let me know.
If I do not hear from you after 4 months, I will delete you from the list after sending one last email asking if you wish to remain on the list.
NRA Certified Instructor NRA Training Counselor
(208) 631 3003 PO Box 6232 Boise ID 83707
THE IDAHO ENHANCED CONCEALED WEAPONS LICENSE IS VALID IN: IDAHO ( & Idaho public colleges) ALASKA ARIZONA COLORADO DELAWARE NEVADA NEW MEXICO PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH CAROLINA VIRGINIA? LOUISIANA MINNESOTA WASHINGTON WISCONSIN as well as states that accept the Basic License: ALABAMA ARKANSAS FLORIDA GEORGIA INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY MAINE MICHIGAN MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEW HAMPSHIRE NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH WEST VIRGINIA WYOMING. VERMONT (no lisc reqd) Oregon non-reisdent licenses easy to obtain with Idaho ECCW. Total WAS 39 states allow CCW w/ID ECCW. note: List per Idaho State Police 9/2022 - states laws change constantly, this list may not reflect current status. Current political events : I believe we have lost VA & PA due to politics within those states, subject to change.
Yellowstone National Park honors Idaho Enhanced CCWs that are valid in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming see Federal Park Service website indicates that which CCW holders may carry in Yellowstone park (but not into buildings of any kind) Shooting, even is self defense is prohibited, so don't unless you are being eaten, and then prepare for possible legal repercussions due to scorn from Grizzly lovers.
NRA Basic-Level Courses: Home Firearms Safety Pistol Personal Protection outside the home Basic Rifle Range Safety Officer
Become an NRA Certified Instructor:
INSTRUCTOR-Level courses, CALL for information:
NRA BIT Basic Instructor Training course $125 (the first class required) Offered weekday evenings by arrangement.
NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course Instructor course $399 (includes both Basic & Instructor courses)
NRA Personal Protection (in the home) Instructor course $399 (BIT&Pistol are prerequisites)
NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor course $399 (BIT&Pistol & PPith are prerequisites)
NRA RSO Range Safety Officer $150
NRA CRSO CHIEF Range Safety Officer $175 (BIT & RSO are prerequisites)
NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course Instructor course $399
Group & Individual classes available upon request. Liability Release form signature required. A written test will be administered (it is possible to fail this course). Instructor reserves the right to dismiss anyone, anytime, without refund. All rights reserved. No Warranties are Expressed or Implied. Copyright 2023 Hoover Police Supply
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Need a Castle?
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Today's Interesting Conversation
AI Mushroom Foraging (Admit it: You Were Not Expecting That Combination)
A surge in AI-generated mushroom foraging books on Amazon has raised alarms among experts, who warn that such guides, filled with misinformation about poisonous mushrooms, could pose life-threatening risks to consumers.
404 Media reports that The New York Mycological Society has raised an alarm over the increasing number of AI-generated mushroom foraging books appearing on Amazon. According to the society, these books could pose serious risks to public health. “These AI-generated foraging books could actually kill people if they eat the wrong mushroom because a guidebook written by an AI prompt said it was safe,” the NYMS stated on social media.
Sigrid Jakob, president of the New York Mycological Society, elaborated on the risks involved in using AI-generated foraging guides. “There are hundreds of poisonous fungi in North America and several that are deadly,” Jakob said. “They can look similar to popular edible species. A poor description in a book can mislead someone to eat a poisonous mushroom.”
Text detection tools have indicated that many of these books are predominantly written by AI, with some showing more than 85 percent AI-generated content. Despite this, these books are often marketed as if they were written by humans, making it challenging for consumers to identify their true origin.
My wife and I were discussing how many species of toxic mushrooms there when we were on the Star River Walk yesterday. Considering the risks, I am no sure that I be very trusting of a human-written book on the subject.
Monday, September 4, 2023
The Progressive's Favorite Entrepreneur and Advocate for Social Justice
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Why We May Be Winning The Assault Weapons Ban War
Selling Treasuries
Only in S.F. Would This Be News
"In an operation aimed at dismantling drug trafficking networks, police officers, sheriff’s deputies, California Highway Patrol officers, and California National Guard members arrested 300 suspected narcotics dealers and 123 wanted fugitives. Officers also seized 103 kilos of narcotics, including 56 kilos of fentanyl."
Wow! Maybe the comparisons to the Third World are having an impact on the rich progressives.