Conservative. Idaho. Software engineer. Historian. Trying to prevent Idiocracy from becoming a documentary.
Email complaints/requests about copyright infringement to clayton @ Reminder: the last copyright troll that bothered me went bankrupt.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." -- Rom. 8:28Thursday, November 30, 2023
Cardiac Rehab
A Case I Have Worked
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Intersectionality As Lunacy
The Shekel pointed me to Dan Greenfield's:
The leaders of March for Our Lives and the Sunrise Movement, a gun control group and an environmental protest group, signed a letter to Biden warning that young people wouldn’t vote for him unless he forced Israel to stop attacking Hamas.
How better to promote gun control than by defending mass murderers who used machine guns to kill innocent people and how better to champion the environment than by supporting terrorists who deliberately start fires in Israel. What does Hamas have in common with gun control advocates, environmentalists and abortion activists?
“I think something very bad is happening on the left,” Israel’s Labor leader Merav Michaeli complained. “People who consider themselves to be democratic, progressive, are supporting a totalitarian terror regime that oppresses women, the LGBTQ+ community… The more you go to the left, the more there’s a big mix-up. Something went very wrong on the way.”
"on the way"?
The ‘something’ that went wrong is called ‘intersectionality’. That’s why abortion protesters, gay activists, environmentalists, gun control activists and the entire Left have to support Hamas. But intersectionality is also bait and switch. While gay activists have to support Hamas, the Islamic terrorist group doesn’t have to stop throwing them off buildings. Making sure Hamas has enough fuel to fire rockets at Israeli kindergartens may be a reproductive justice issue, but no one expects masked men armed with RPGs to shout, “Allahu Akbar” at a Planned Parenthood rally.
Muni Yields Are Getting Attractive
Monday, November 27, 2023
Weird Request of the Day
For my 5" refractor and 8" reflector I turned the problem over to my wife.
We went to Wal-Mart. We bought two boxes of BB, some "fat quarters" (if your spouse does quilting, have her explain), and some elastic material.
Then we measured BBs into 8 ounce bowls, and she made bean bags to hold the BBs into two one pound and one half-pound packets.
Then she made elastic loops that around the end of the tubes on the other side the balance from the camera/adapter aassembly.
Okay, they look funky (especially the astronomy themed bean bags) but they are fast to remove and install, and I can get 1/2 pound, 1 pound, 1 1/2 pound, 2 pound, and 2 1/2 pound adjustments in tube balance.
I am so glad that I bought her a sewing machine for Christmas a few years ago.
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Too Cold For Outdoor Astronomy
History Does Not Repeat Itself
i Miss California Weather
Friday, November 24, 2023
Vincent v. Garland (10th Cir. 2023)
Things That Seem 25th Century
Thursday, November 23, 2023
First World Problems: Things to Be Thankful For Today
I cannot figure out a better return than 4% per annum that isn't subject to income taxes.
The weather is too cold, when the skies are clear, to go outside and do astrophotography.
I do not have enough time to do as much expert declaration work as I would like for three digit per hour wages.
It is going to be annoying to be out for three months after getting a fundamental part of my heart replaced.
Snow Starting to Appear
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Major Victory in Oregon
Are You Wondering Why Stock Markets Are Rising?
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
T-Shirt of Shame
Civil Liberties Are Not Free
Monday, November 20, 2023
Adobe Breaks Reader
I attempted to buy the full Acrobat last week. It failed to install properly. I got a refund.
So I decided to uninstall what was there and just download the free Reader DC. It insisted on installing Adobe Creative Cloud, which is huge, >300MB, and appears to include lots of Adobe products in the get you hooked by a 7-day trial. Fine, I will just use the Reader. Once installed, it asked if I wanted to make this my default PDF Reader and Accept the terms. It just goes into manic sperm mode (as my wife calls it), going around in circles runs for many minutes and never completing.
I am now installing from the Microsoft Store. It is taking a long time to install. What had Adobe done to Reader?
From here. I realize Adobe is a business but a lot of people have become quite ddependent on being able to read PDFs.
Sunday, November 19, 2023
How Old is the Term Green-Room?
Thursday, November 16, 2023
The Link is to a Serious Archaeology Article
A Message For Officials Who Are Listening
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Always Fun Watching Foreigner Reaction to WalMart
Are Any of You Android App Developers?
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.
Sunday, November 12, 2023
This is Worrisome But Probably Necessary
Amid increased nuclear threat looming over Europe, the Netherlands announced that it had obtained “initial certification for the deterrence mission,” suggesting that some of the F-35A stealth fighters that are part of NATO’s fleet are getting closer to being fully nuclear-capable.
The F-35A was to be certified as a “Dual Capable Aircraft (DCA)” by January 2024, according to an earlier announcement by the US Air Force, with the capability to carry the B61-12 nuclear bomb. The US Air Force has not yet disclosed if any other country or its F-35As have received certification to deploy the B61-12."
While the Netherlands has no nuclear weapons it appears that there is a program in which the U.S. will hand off nuclear weapons to our NATO allies as part of the nuclear deterrent against Russia.
This makes unfortunate sense. Russia keeps rattling the nuclear sword. Having multiple air forces capable of destroying Russia in the event of invasion or at least making that a realistic threat with stealthy planes like the F-35 should be a strong deterrent. That is the point of it; make nuclear war so unimaginably destructive that only a madman (which I do not think describes Putin) would try it.
I really think if Putin ordered use of strategic nuclear weapons (or maybe even tactical nuclear weapons), a few adults in the Russian military would recognize that few Russians would be alive in two decades and give Putin a chance to reach room temperature.
Not only would tens of millions of Russians die in initial explosions or fallout, but millions would starve to death from the inevitable collapse of food and fuel infrastructure. The existing population decline caused by the Stalinist purges, World War II losses, and the 1990s refusal to have children would be turned into an astonishing death spiral. People stop having children if they lack confidence in the future. Post-nuclear war Russia would likely be a frozen Road Warrior disaster.
The U.S. faces a similar disaster if things go hot. We are already below replacement fertility. We are not as dangerously concentrated as Russia but our major cities would be heavily depopulated. A substantial loss of Americans would doom us long term.
Getting a solar system for the house looks better and better. I have found a pretty decent water storage solution. The 5.3 gallon plastic container I bought on Amazon is tough and a week and a half in, the water is very drinkable. I do not plan to keep these constantly filled. If things started to look bad, I would fill about 50 gallons at once. If our solar system keeps running, water will continue to be available. There are EMP-resistant inverters. Even if the solar panels were destroyed, the battery backup and inverter would likely keep water pumping from the well for some weeks with no other electricity demands. Sorry, you will not be seeing any new blog posts in that case.
I still have not found an indoor cooking solution. Once radiation levels fell enough the grill would provide a solution for cooking rice and warming chili. For a couple of weeks, that will not be possible. The chemical heaters I found on Amazon seem to not be capable of even warming chili adequately much less cooking rice. Of course, a couple weeks of not eating would be annoying but put me and most other Americans in much better health.
8th Grade Final Exam
Arithmetic (Time Limit - 1.25 hours)
- Name and define the Fundamental Rules of Arithmetic.
- A wagon box is 2 ft. deep, 10 feet long, and 3 ft. wide. How many bushels of wheat will it hold?
- If a load of wheat weighs 3942 lbs., what is it worth at 50 cts/bushel, deducting 1050 lbs. for tare?
- District No. 33 has a valuation of $35,000. What is the necessary levy to carry on a school seven months at $50 per month, and have $104 for incidentals?
- Find cost of 6720 lbs. coal at $6.00 per ton.
- Find the interest of $512.60 for 8 months and 18 days at 7 percent.
- What is the cost of 40 boards 12 inches wide and 16 ft. long at 20 per metre?
- Find bank discount on $300 for 90 days (no grace) at 10 percent.
- What is the cost of a square farm at $15 per acre, the distance around which is 640 rods?
- Write a Bank Check, a Promissory Note, and a Receipt.
Saturday, November 11, 2023
You May Remember This Courageous Woman
Racism and Bird Names
The change is intended to reflect the fact that some of those birds are named for people who owned slaves, supported the Confederacy or partook in anti-Indigenous campaigns. Bird names “deemed offensive and exclusionary” will also be changed."
Interesting Conversation
Friday, November 10, 2023
Lillie Pulled a Muscle
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Hatpins As Arms
At the beginning of the 20th century, elaborate hats were ubiquitous in women’s fashion. Hat brims were so wide, they often extended out past a woman’s shoulders, and the tops of the hats were adorned with taffeta, ribbons, and lots of feathers. Hatpins, themselves often decorative and sometimes as big as a foot long, were required to fasten the large hats to a woman’s hairstyle — but they also became inadvertent tools of self-defense for women who were gaining more independence and venturing out into the world alone.
The use of hatpins for self-defense dovetailed with a growing culture of “mashers,” as they were known at the time. These were men who leered at, catcalled, or unwantedly touched women in public. Suffragists and other women’s rights groups became increasingly vocal about the need for female safety, autonomy, and self-defense in the face of “masher” culture, but their efforts had the unintended effect of bringing negative attention to the female victims. Newspapers across the country reported stories of women using hatpins and umbrellas to fend off attackers, and by 1909, hatpins were considered dangerous around the world. Some regions attempted to regulate their length; in many U.S. states, women could be fined up to $50 for wearing hatpins that were more than 9 inches long.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
What The Biden Administration Paid Iran to do
"In fact, Hamas leaders say their goal was to trigger that very response and that they're still hoping for a bigger war still. It's all part of a strategy, they say, to derail talks over Israel normalizing relations with regional powers — namely, Saudi Arabia — and draw the world's attention to the Palestinian cause.
"Hamas, these officials said, is more interested in the destruction of Israel than what it sees as the temporary hardships faced by Palestinians under Israeli bombardment....
"With the October 7 attack, Hamas revealed that it was less interested in merely governing the Gaza Strip and its more than 2 million inhabitants — some of whom protested its authoritarian rule and economic mismanagement in the weeks and years ahead of the latest war with Israel — than it was in fighting a war in the name of Palestinians everywhere.
"Hamas's goal is not to run Gaza and to bring it water and electricity and such," al-Hayya said. He credited the October 7 attack with having "woke the world up from its deep sleep" and forcing it to confront the plight of Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, where — in recent weeks — Israelis in illegal settlements have stepped up deadly attacks on their Palestinian neighbors."
When U-Haul Runs Out of Trucks Leaving California
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
I Love Surprises!
I Do Not Need It
Sunday, November 5, 2023
The Righteous Mind
The Race Divide Is Vanishing
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Strong City, Kan.
We ate lunch in a restaurant in the nearest "city" (just over 400 people):
The restaurant Ad Astra, had a menu that seemed a bit pricey until my fried chicken sandwich arrived. I ate no dinner that night.
The Chase County Courthouse in Cottonwood Falls was built in 1873:
It has a strong resemblance to the Crook Couty, Oregon Courthouse:
Tallgrass Prairie Preserve
This is a joint project of the Nature Conservancy and the National Park Service. They have preserved as best they could a big chunk of what the prariers were like when the Europeans arrived. In wet years, the grass could be eight feet high in summer. This was not one of those years and we were there in fall. They have a bison herd. To prevent Darwinizing:
Was there ever a cute, sweet bison cartoon character? How do people get so stupid?
I knew that the Great Plains were not so flat you could watch your dog run away until he became a dot on the horizon, but the amount of rolling hills and tree-lined watercourses was still starling.
The rancher who got rich raising cattle and swine built an impressive house described a mix of Renaisance and Prairie Plain (a Frank Lloyd Wright variant of Arts & Crafts):
It was a self-sufficient ranch with ice house and meat curing buildings:
Friday, November 3, 2023
Toto, I Have a Feeling We're Not in Kansas Anymore
Thursday, November 2, 2023
A Little Humor to Relieve the 'Horror
Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station is a permanent scientific research base located at what is arguably the most isolated place on Earth. During the austral summer, the station is home to about 150 scientists and support staff, but during the austral winter, that number shrinks to just 40 or so, and those people are completely isolated from the rest of the world from mid-February until late October. For eight months, the station has to survive on its own, without deliveries of food, fuel, spare parts, or anything else. Only in the most serious of medical emergencies will a plane attempt to reach the station in the winter.
While the station’s humans rotate seasonally, there are in fact four full-time residents: the South Pole Roombas. First, there was Bert, a Roomba 652, who arrived at the station in 2018 and was for a time the loneliest robot in the world. Since the station has two floors, Bert was joined by Ernie, a Roomba 690, in 2019. A second pair of Roombas, Sam and Frodo, followed soon after.
These Roombas are at the South Pole to do what Roombas do: help keep the floors clean. But for the people who call the South Pole home for months on end, it turns out that these little robots have been able to provide some much-needed distraction in a place where things stay more or less the same all of the time, and where pets, plants, and even dirt is explicitly outlawed by the Antarctic Treaty in the name of ecological preservation.
For the last year, an anonymous IT engineer has been blogging about his experiences, working first at McMurdo Station (on the Antarctic coast south of New Zealand), and later at Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station, where he’s currently spending the winter as part of the station’s support staff. His blog includes mundane yet fascinating accounts of what day-to-day life is like at the South Pole, including how showering works (four minutes per person per week), where the electricity comes from (a huge amount of aviation fuel hauled over land from the coast that will power generators), and the fate of the last egg for five months (over medium with salt and pepper).
The engineer also devoted an entire post to signage at the South Pole, at the very end of which was this picture, which raised some questions for me:...
Ernie, it turns out, has had a dramatic and occasionally harrowing life at the South Pole station. After Ernie arrived in 2019 to clean one floor of the station, lore began to develop that Ernie and its partner Bert (tasked with cleaning the floor above) were “star-crossed lovers, forever separated by the impenetrable barrier of the staircase.” That quote comes from Amy Lowitz, a member of the South Pole Telescope team, who overwintered at the pole in 2016 and has spent many summers there. “I think I made that joke every year when a new group of people comes to the pole for the summer,” Lowitz tells IEEE Spectrum. “There’s only so many things to talk about, so eventually the Roombas come up in conversation.” Happily for Ernie, Lowitz says that it’s now on the same floor as Bert, with the new Roombas Sam and Frodo teaming up on the floor below.
Funny article, which those of you who have worked for startups will recognize and enjoy.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Is This a Gun Problem?
D.C. police arrested a preteen and charged the child with armed carjacking Tuesday after authorities said he was with the 13-year-old carjacker who was shot and killed by a driver last weekend.
The Washington Times asked Metropolitan Police if the armed carjacking charge meant they found a gun on the 12-year-old juvenile suspect.
MPD still hasn’t clarified if a gun was located either at the scene or if the preteen boy had a firearm.
The threat of a gun was why the off-duty federal security officer targeted in the carjacking attempt told police he shot and killed Vernard Toney Jr. in downtown Saturday night.
The officer told police that one suspect was holding his waistband as if he had a gun tucked away.
The victim’s firearm was legally registered, police said.
To a 13-year-old? DC must have misunderstood Bruen very badly.
A whistleblower has told Congress that special agents at Homeland Security Investigations have been pulled off cases involving child traffickers and sexual exploitation and been deployed to the border to make sandwiches for illegal immigrants.
Sen. Josh Hawley, Missouri Republican, revealed the allegations during a hearing Tuesday, challenging Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over whether that was a good use of highly trained agents’ time.
“We are being told to shut down investigations to go hand out sandwiches and escort migrants to the shower and sit with them while they’re in the hospital and those types of tasks,” said the whistleblower, whom Mr. Hawley described as a special agent.
This Will Be a Hard One
Police are investigating a vandalism incident that left an ice cream shop with pro-Palestinian graffiti and broken windows as a hate crime, according to the chain's Jewish owner.
"Last week, on October 25, 2023, our flagship ice cream shop in the heart of the Mission District was vandalized, badly damaged, and plastered with graffiti," Smitten Ice Cream owner Robyn Sue Fisher wrote on her company's site. "The graffiti suggests that the shop was targeted because I am Jewish, and it is currently being investigated by authorities as a hate crime."
The officers who responded to the ice cream shop's alarm found the store's windows shattered, San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) officer Gonee Sepulveda told Fox News in a statement. "FREE PALESTIEN [sic]" was spray-painted on the shop's window, according to Mission Local, a San Francisco-based outlet.
I am leaning towards the "Dairy is rape" crowd as the culprits. They cannot spell Palestine. Berkeley or Stanford? Your pick.