Sunday, April 3, 2022

Things That I Do Not Understand

I understand why irrigation and sprinkler water control valves are so far below ground level.  The wrenches for open and close of those valves are a nuisance to use. Why not just make the valve handle tall enough to reach to ground level or close enough to not need this clumsy wrench?


  1. The handles will allow the pipes to freeze by conducting heat into the cold?

  2. The depth they need to be buried varies by locale.

  3. Also it keeps the neighborhood kids from screwing around

  4. And a permanently attached long-stem handle complicates packaging and shipping and is vulnerable to breakage of the handle and the valve. Plus, one handle for several valves saves money.

    There is undoubtedly room for improvement in the design of the removable handle arrangement to make it less clumsy.
