WHAT'S TRUE: The "seven countries" targeted by President Trump's 27 January 2017 executive order pertaining to immigration were not mentioned by name and instead originated with "countr[ies] or area[s] of concern" first identified in the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 (expanded to all seven countries "of concern" in February 2016).
Conservative. Idaho. Software engineer. Historian. Trying to prevent Idiocracy from becoming a documentary.
Email complaints/requests about copyright infringement to clayton @ claytoncramer.com. Reminder: the last copyright troll that bothered me went bankrupt.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." -- Rom. 8:28Tuesday, January 31, 2017
That Evidence of Trump's Poorly Hidden Anti-Muslim Bias
Acting Attorney General Refuses to Defend Trump's Executive Order in Courts
Revenge of the Keyfinder
Weird Dream: Viking Delivery
Last night's dream: Viking delivery! Unemployed Vikings delivering ScopeRoller products across the world! (Keep your daughters and livestock inside if you order ScopeRoller.)
Monday, January 30, 2017
A Good Extreme Step
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed an order on Monday that will seek to dramatically pare back federal regulations by requiring agencies to cut two existing regulations for every new rule introduced.I'm skeptical this always makes sense, but I am sure there are many obsolete regulations that can be repealed with no loss of safety. I remember the sign of progress in the Reagan Administration was cutting new regulations from 900 pages per day to 600.
That Mosque Mass Murder
The two men arrested following the deadly shooting at a Quebec City mosque Sunday night have been identified as Alexandre Bissonnette and Mohamed Khadir, Radio-Canada has learned....
A witness who asked to remain anonymous told Radio-Canada that two masked individuals entered the mosque.
"It seemed to me that they had a Québécois accent. They started to fire, and as they shot, they yelled, 'Allahu akbar!' The bullets hit people that were praying. People who were praying lost their lives. A bullet passed right over my head."Perhaps an attack for not being sufficiently radical?
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Phossy Jaw
Back Injury Good News
Recently Read
I first ran into Winchester's writing with The Professor and the Madman about an American Army officer, confined to an English mental hospital for murder caused by his mental illness. He played a major role in creating the Oxford English Dictionary, the largest contributor, I believe. His status he kept secret from the editors so well that they did not understand his unwillingness to come to its unveiling.
Winchester has since immigrated and become a U.S. citizen. This is his love letter to his new country, examining how various "explorers, inventors, eccentrics, and mavericks" as the subtitle describes them, created this nation. The organizational scheme is wood, beneath the Earth, water, fire, and metal. Lewis & Clark, steamships, mining, railroads, telephones, and electronics. Winchester has been visiting the U.S. for decades and often sprinkles in heartwarming stories of his new nation into the history. While visiting Montana as part of the Lewis & Clark story, he met repeated selfless and generous actions excused by the locals as "This is Montana."
It is informative (even for me). My only gripe is his chapter on how broadcasting helped to make us one nation, until cable broke down the old CBS/NBC/ABC dominance. He then launches into praise of National Propaganda Radio as the only real hope for what he would call unity, and I would call the left's master narrative to suppress diversity that isn't part of the left's triumvirate of race, class, and gender..
Stephen King End of Watch. I don't read a lot of fiction, but when I do, it is often Stephen King, in spite of his left-wing tendencies and assumptions. This is one of those supernatural (or maybe not: is telekinesis and mind control supernatural?) tales that within the needed suspension of belief, makes perfect sense. A mass murderer never goes to trial because just before murdering hundreds, if not thousands of teens at a concert, one of the good guys bashes in his skull with a sock full of change, rendering him incapable of trial and apparently anything else, until a doctor engages in unauthorized drug testing, producing dangerous powers in this monster, which a terminally ill retired police detective must prevent from causing computer game-induced mass suicide (those he missed at the concert). Like all of King's novels, the characters are so well drawn that all seem quite alive. And being King, it is a powerful piece of storytelling with lots of, "I can see this part of it."
There is a saying that you should never write fiction about something with which you don't have experience: Don't write novels about teaching high school if you haven't done so. False knowledge shows through. Here King's personal tragedies show through: the misery of physical therapy after a severe accident. (No, the van that ran him over a few years ago wasn't named "Christine.") A previos King novel, Duma Key involved several survivors of severe cranial injuries which opens them up to supernatural control, and I suspect its setting in Florida means King has a winter house there. End of Watch involves a man approaching death by old age related maladies. King is old enough that he is probably confronting these same concerns. Having read The Stand, which King described as a story of "dark Christianity" (meaning a positively Zoroastrian battle of good and evil after a biological disaster destroys most of humanity, I hope that he has his relationship with Jesus in good order.
Remember When Refusing to Pay Federal Taxes Was A Right-Wing Idea?
Officials are looking for money that flows through Sacramento to the federal government that could be used to offset the potential loss of billions of dollars’ worth of federal funds if President Trump makes good on his threat to punish cities and states that don’t cooperate with federal agents’ requests to turn over undocumented immigrants, a senior government source in Sacramento said.
The federal funds pay for a variety of state and local programs from law enforcement to homeless shelters.
“California could very well become an organized non-payer,” said Willie Brown, Jr, a former speaker of the state Assembly in an interview recorded Friday for KPIX 5’s Sunday morning news. “They could recommend non-compliance with the federal tax code.”If California gets away with this, how many other states will decide to implement tax resistance federalism?
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Add Your Name to This Petition
Repeal the 1986 Hughes amendmentYes, I want an M3A1 grease gun at a reasonable price.The 1986 Hughes amendment (as part of the Firearm Owners Protection Act) is an unconstitutional ban that limits law abiding citizens from owning fully automatic weapons that were manufactured past May 19, 1986. Select fire weapons are already very heavily regulated under the 1934 National Firearms Act which requires you to register your gun and submit a tax stamp. Since 1934 there have only been 2 known homicides committed with a legally owned fully automatic firearm and one of them was caused by a police officer. This law does nothing to prevent crime and it raises the price of legal automatic weapons to a ludicrous price due to supply and demand. Repealing the unconstitutional Hughes amendment will restore our second amendment rights that have been under attack for a very long time.
Reducing Labor Costs
The aluminum sleeves have threaded holes in the same positions on opposite faces of the square tubing.
1. Use a longer drill bit to do both faces at the same time. This also allows me to only mark pilot holes on two of the four faces, a big time saver.
2. Use a combo drill and tap in the Tapmatic (a wonderful device, by the way). One less set of drill operations; one less tooling change.
Both on order.
3. A long enough drill and tap combo to do both faces at once.
The combo drill and 1/4"-20 tap works beautifully; I can now go directly from pilot holes to threaded holes in one operation using the Tapmatic (at 450 rpm). It isn't long enough to do both sides of the tube at the same time, but I do have a drill bit long enough to drill both sides in one operation. I will try to find a long enough drill/tap combo to do both sides at once.
No luck searching for a longer drill/tap combo.
Down Side of Buying From Small Companies
Friday, January 27, 2017
Another Power Outage
The Island of Dr. Moreau Sequel
In a bid to make organs for patients in need of transplants, scientists have created embryos that were hybrids of humans and pigs and grown them until they were on the verge of developing the body parts that might one day save lives.
Researchers reported Thursday in the journal Cell that they injected pig embryos with human stem cells that were capable of developing into a wide range of tissues. Those composite embryos were then transferred into the wombs of mother pigs.
By the time the scientists harvested the embryos after four weeks, the human stem cells had established beachheads throughout the developing pigs. As a blob of fetal pig tissue reached the cusp of developing into a cluster of distinct organs, human cells appeared throughout the tiny organism, ready to contribute to the generation of organs.Does anyone else find this troubling?
Human Trafficking
HOUSTON — President Donald Trump announced his long-awaited plan Wednesday to build a wall on the 1,954-mile U.S. border with Mexico, calling for its “immediate construction” to stop illegal immigration, drug and human trafficking and acts of terrorism.I have libertarian friends who find it hard to believe there is much demand for underage prostitutes. 1/26/17 Idaho Statesman:
In November 2013, a month after being released from prison, Michael Wayne Wade met a girl.
Wade, 31, had served a five-year sentence in state prison for failing to register as a sex offender. In a phone call recorded by the 15-year-old girl — identified in court documents as “MV” — Wade told her he wanted her to “hustle” — to work as a prostitute with him acting as her “daddy,” or pimp.Even Obama's DOJ acknowledged the problem of cross border child sex trafficking.
Read more here: http://www.idahostatesman.com/news/local/crime/article129015314.html#storylink=cpy
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Please, President Obama, Don't Help Me!
A former gang member saw his prison sentence commuted by then-President Obama in November—only to be killed almost exactly two months later. Demarlon Thomas, 31, was transitioning out of the federal prison system in a Saginaw, Mich., halfway house after having his sentence commuted Nov. 22. Two masked gunmen brandishing assault-style weapons sought out and killed Thomas, a former member of Saginaw’s Sunny Side Gang, at that halfway house Monday night, reports MLive.
A Wealth of Data
While revising this chapter, I took advantage of the dramatic expansion of searchable online books and soon realized that examples such as the following have expanded the available data to a level that would enlarge this book dramatically were I to include all: An 1831 request from the War Department to Maj. F.W. Armstrong requests that he repair all the old rifles belonging to the Choctaws, authorizing him to hire “an additional gun-smith” if needed.[1] Similarly, War Department instructions to Lewis Cass specify maximum wages to be paid to gunsmiths providing repair services to the Indians.[2]
Trump Plans to Embarrass the Left About Sanctuary Cities
Progressive Dishonesty About Supremacy of Federal Law
2: This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
Now Trump is telling these locality rights governments, federal law is supreme.
Two Weeks Ago It Was LP Gas
Adding to the fun, the 7800 mAh battery in my cell failed. I am using the backup battery recharged by the cell phone battery pack. But this won't last long. Next step: put cell phone in TrailBlazer to charge. GM keeps cigarette lighters hot even with engine off.
Two hours, five minutes without electricity. When it came back, all the circuits fed by the backup generator were still off. I turned the transfer switch control from AUTO to OFF and back to AUTO and everything was fine.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
How Many People Were at Trump's Inauguration?
Variable Rate Bonds
In retrospect, it was a mistake. The conventional wisdom for bonds is buy and hold to maturity. That is all I have ever done. A fixed rate bond bought back then would have been a better choice because higher yield. The good news is that the value at maturity will be $50,000; I only paid $45,575 at purchase, so a nice capital gain along with interest for the last several years. Also, the warm feeling of helping college students get educated (either in the formal sense, or "Why did I borrow $80,000 to get MA in Puppetry?").
Monday, January 23, 2017
Manufacturing Costs
Glad I did this; in many cases my materials plus labor was very close to sale price. Prices now adjusted upward.
Hollyweird: A Letter to Rep. Labrador
1.Several years back, I along with hundreds of other parties were sued by a company called Righthaven for copyright infringement, in this case, copying a few too many words out of a news story for a scholarly website. Most of us settled because the penalties under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act were so severe that making a "fair use" argument when there is no statutory definition of "fair use," and no clear case law definition, either, was dangerous. One of the defendants who fought Righthaven found during discovery that Righthaven did not even own the copyrights that they were using to extort thousands of dollars from each victim. Righthaven went bankrupt and none of the victims got even a dime back from this fraud. Along the way, I discovered that the MPAA and RIAA have a history of abuse of the judicial process to intimidate people. Please, no more encouragement of this bad behavior! I would also ask that Congress write a clear definition of "fair use" into the Copyright Act.
2. If the entertainment industry were suffering financially, I might be more sympathetic to their woes. The extravagance that the industry regularly demonstrates compared to people who work hard for a living inclines me to think that they have more than enough money, especially since their crocodile tears for working people are so hypocritical.
3. The entertainment industry are our political enemies, as the recent post-election temper tantrums demonstrate, and also their constant attempts to degrade our society's morals.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Rioters in Trouble
1/21/17 CBS News reports Inaugural rioters are facing felony charges with up to 10-year sentences. A bit more serious than most were expecting, I'm sure. There are consequences to this behavior and it isn't participation trophies.
Picture Stitcher
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Trustafarian Anarchists Complain About Too Much Governments
Just Words So Far...
President Trump's Obamacare order directs every government agency that implements or enforces the 'Obamacare' law to grant waivers, deferments, exemptions and delays in order to minimize or eliminate any costs associated with implementing Obama's signature medical insurance scheme.
It also orders agencies to bend over backwards in order to 'provide greater flexibility to States and cooperate with them in implementing healthcare programs.'
And in a nod to Trump's oft-stated goal of erasing geographic boundaries that established state-specific monopolies for insurers, his order requires federal agencies to 'encourage the development of a free and open market in interstate commerce for the offering of healthcare services and health insurance, with the goal of achieving and preserving maximum options for patients and consumers.'The state boundary limitations on health insurance certainly drive up insurance costs.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4141584/President-Donald-Trump-s-Inaugural-Parade-kicks-off.html#ixzz4WPbgXk00 Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Friday, January 20, 2017
The Gore Effect
Park City is bracing for a slew of snow at Sundance Film Festival.
The festival locale sank to below-freezing temperatures ahead of Thursday's opening-night film An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, Al Gore's climate-change follow-up to 2006's An Inconvenient Truth.
Sporadic snowfall is expected throughout the duration of the fest, while temperatures may dip as low as 11 degrees Fahrenheit during the Utah event's first few days, according to the National Weather Service.Speaking truth to power. Who has the power? More like Power to Truth.
Light Bulbs: To Rep. Labrador
The Districts Defeat Capital City
He also talked about countries relying on us to defend them, But he also talked about restoring old alliances (probably including Israel) an new alliances. And about utterly destroying radical Islamic terrorism.
Another Letter to Rep. Raul Labrador
While NEH often funds work of real value in my area of interest (history) our budget deficit is far more important. I have yet to see that NEA has ever funded anything of value.
While PBS is sometimes of some value, National Propaganda Radio is clearly a partisan operation and of negative value. The billionaires who fund the Democratic Party can spend their money funding elitist garbage instead of forcing me to do so.
The Logic Is Weak in This One
A man tried to set himself on fire outside Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC, to protest what he described as the president-elect’s lack of “respect” for the US Constitution.
The unidentified 45-year-old was rushed to the hospital around 9:30 p.m. Tuesday. He was being treated for burns on 10 percent of his body, according to the Washington Post.
The man, reportedly from California, told reporters he lit himself on fire using a lighter and accelerant “to protest the fact that we elected somebody who is completely incapable of respecting the Constitution of the United States.”Reporter: He didn't try to do so, he did set himself on fire. And I hope he learns that he's a fool. Burns are painful and take a long time to heal.
Fool: The Constitution specifies how we elect the President. You don't like the result so you light yourself up? Who doesn't respect the Constitution?
Thursday, January 19, 2017
A Sign for the Trump Administrations' Future
“Wrapping up this transition on schedule and under budget,” Pence bragged, claiming the transition team would return 20 percent of the taxpayer-funded budget to the federal government.Keep that up and the national debt will start shrinking. Are the #NeverTrumpers still upset?
How to Turn Off the Masses
Another day, another university’s religion program bogged down by political correctness. Earlier this week, we reported on how two top divinity schools are suggesting gender-neutral pronouns for God — and now one of the top colleges in the nation has students asking about whether God is a racist.
Specifically, Pennsylvania’s Swarthmore College is offering a religion class this semester titled, “Is God a White Supremacist?”
The course explores how religion represents race, with a particular focus on “the interpretive practices that are foundational to the process of ‘whiteness-making’ and the construction of white identity,” the spring 2017 catalog says.
Rain Melting Snow and Ice
No, Not a Suggestion
On the Wednesday, January 18 broadcast of CNN’s The Situation Room, host Wolf Blitzer aired a segment with a chyron featuring the headline “Developing Now.” During that “developing” segment, Blitzer and correspondent Brian Todd discussed what would happen if the unthinkable occurred on January 20.Blitzer introduced the segment, saying, “What if an incoming president and his immediate successors were wiped out on day one?” and from there, CNN contributor Brian Todd took over to outline the line of succession if an attack blew up the inaugural dais, killing both Trump and Pence.The upshot was that in the case of both heads of state being killed, the Secretary of State would take over. Currently that man is Secretary of State John Kerry, But in case some objected because his office would also end as of noon on Inauguration Day, then it would be the Speaker of the House — Republican Paul Ryan — or even Obama’s Under Secretary for Political Affairs Tom Shannon.
Now, if only Republicans Will Go Along
Staffers for the Trump transition team have been meeting with career staff at the White House ahead of Friday’s presidential inauguration to outline their plans for shrinking the federal bureaucracy, The Hill has learned.
The changes they propose are dramatic.
The departments of Commerce and Energy would see major reductions in funding, with programs under their jurisdiction either being eliminated or transferred to other agencies. The departments of Transportation, Justice and State would see significant cuts and program eliminations.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting would be privatized, while the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be eliminated entirely.
Overall, the blueprint being used by Trump’s team would reduce federal spending by $10.5 trillion over 10 years.NEH does some valuable things, but not enough to justify our ballooning national debt.
7th Circuit Overturns Chicago's Death by a Thousand Cuts Gun Range Regulation
Heightened scrutiny under the Second Amendment struck these down. If there was evidence that such location restrictions were for legitimate governmental purposes (environmental, crime) they might have survived, but even the city's own "experts" admitted that there was no evidence to support such claims. That law enforcement and private security firm ranges are exempt from these rules shows that there is no basis for their claims.
Concerning the minor prohibition"
The City staked most of its case on the categorical argument and made little effort to justify prohibiting older adolescents and teens from engaging in supervised target practice at a range. Its rationale rests largely on an argument from “common sense” about public safety and the safety of children. Yet even common sense does not lie with the City.Remember that "common sense" is the phrase gun control groups use to justify laws for which they have no data demonstrating a benefit.
In what must have come as a surprise to the City, Commissioner Krimbel, the City’s own witness on this subject, actually agreed with the plaintiffs’ attorney that banning anyone under 18 from entering a shooting range goes too far and extends beyond legitimate safety concerns. Here’s a taste: “I will give you this: I believe [the age restriction] is inartfully drafted because it seem[s] clear to me that the purpose of it is to not have kids running around unsupervised.” And this: “[Y]ou might want to draft that a little bit differently” because shooting ranges are a “good place” to teach a youngster “how to fire a rifle.” And this: “In fact, my own son took a shooting class when he was 12, so I’m well aware of the fact it’s okay to teach a young person how to shoot a gun properly.” Commissioner Krimbel also conceded that the City lacked any data or empirical evidence to justify its blanket no-one-under-18 rule.
Doubtless Reinforcing Pence's Views of Homosexuality
Brandishing rainbow flags and signs that read "Queer Love" and "Trans Power," scores of activists marched Wednesday night toward Vice President-elect Mike Pence's rental home in Northwest Washington, D.C.
Days before Donald Trump's administration is expected to take over the White House, activists planned what they described as the "Queer Dance Party at Mike Pence's House." They met around 6 p.m. ET outside the Friendship Heights Metro Station, where video footage showed them chanting slogans and holding LGBT pride flags as they made their way to the neighborhood where Pence and his wife, Karen, moved after the November election.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Hollywood's Weirdness About Trump
And yes, I am thinking of Joss Whedon's vulgarly expressed desire for a rhinoceros to engage in a perverse act with Speaker of the House Ryan. Do these self-important sorts read news or is this NPR and the Clinton campaign's terrifying fundraising emails doing the informing?
Criminals Aren't the Only Reason to Carry a Gun
PHOENIX (AP) -- People flock to the Arizona desert town of Sedona for its tranquility and relaxation. But tranquility turned to terror after a rabid bobcat attacked residents and pets.
Authorities killed the rabid animal after it injured four people, a dog and a house cat in three separate attacks last week in Sedona.And being injured by a rabid animal means very painful rabies shots.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
The Obama Reset of Russian Relations
For Norwegians, the sight of dozens of American Marines traipsing through the snow in military fatigues — the first time foreign forces have been posted to their country’s territory since World War II — may have brought a welcomed sense of security, but it also harked back to a dark era of the Cold War that many had hoped to forget.1/15/17 New York Daily News:
WARSAW, Poland — Polish leaders welcomed U.S. troops to their country Saturday, with the defense minister expressing gratitude for their arrival and calling it the fulfillment of a dream Poles have had for decades.
The ceremony in the western Polish town of Zagan comes some 23 years after the last Soviet troops left Poland. It marks a historic moment — the first time Western forces are being deployed on a continuous basis to NATO’s eastern flank.Military Times:
VILNIUS, Lithuania — Lithuania on Tuesday signed an agreement with the United States formalizing the presence of U.S. troops in the small Baltic country bordering Russia and Belarus.We have treaty obligations to both, and I am glad to see us ready to stand up to Russian aggression, but I don't think this was what Obama promised in 2008 about "smart diplomacy."
The agreement will facilitate the deployment of U.S. forces and support staff as well as the implementation of joint exercises and training. According to the Lithuanian military, 140 U.S. troops are currently based permanently in Lithuania, and other units frequently visit for military drills.
Someone Is Funding This
I've Been Wondering for a Long Time if There Is a Better Solution Than Chains
Consumer Reports tested snow socks, which work well, but don't seem much easier than chains.
I've seen these Spikes Spiders advertised, and this review said once you have the mounting hub installed install and removal are easy and fast. But $610 per pair! That's quite a bundle.
Colt 1903/1908
I have long thought this a beautiful piece of design work. Colt has recently resurrected it. I can't really justify spending more than $1000 for a gun that fires .32 ACP. and is a bit big compared to more modern pocket pistols, but it is a marvelous piece of industrial art.
There are non-firing replicas of many service pistols, like the M1911 and Browning Hi-Power. The mechanical parts operate; the slide retracts. I suspect they strip much like the real thing. Does anyone make such a replica of the 1903 or 1908 (the .380ACP version)?
Maybe Progressives Aren't As Antigun as We Assume
A walker in Washington came across two guns in a violin case along the Potomac River on Wednesday, leading police to find several other weapons stashed in the area, officials said.
U.S. Park Police said a woman walking in the woods near the C&O Canal, which runs along the river, found the case. When law enforcement officers arrived, they found more guns and ammunition — some in pails, others in plastic garbage bags.
"At this point, we don't know how they got there, why they're here or when they got here," police spokeswoman Sgt. Anna Rose said.
She said officers found a variety of weapons, including long guns and pistols.Just before Trump's inauguration? Must be a coincidence.
Letter to my Congressman
1. Part of what suppresses competition in health insurance are rules that prevent interstate pools, except for the ones organized by labor unions. If small businesses could use interstate insurers, it would make insurance available to many small business employees. Maybe not a lot, but some.
2. Some states (such as Idaho) prohibit non-Idaho insurers from selling health insurance to Idaho residents. This is partly a response to a federal law that exempts insurers from antitrust laws. Repeal the federal law so that more insurers could offer coverage across state lines.
More Winning
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said it plans to create about 10,000 U.S. jobs this year, a sign that even the country’s largest private employer feels the need to tout American job growth ahead of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration.Great jobs? No. But lots of Americans would prefer some job over no job. I suspect even some of the English and Anthropology degrees might apply.
Asteroid Mining
NASA to explore space rock worth so much money it would DESTROY world economy
The 200km-wide asteroid, named Psyche, is currently orbiting the sun between Mars and Jupiter.
It is made up of various precious metals such as iron, nickel and gold.
Experts believe the iron alone in the rock would be worth $10,000 quadrillion – enough to cause the world’s economy, worth $73.7 trillion, to promptly collapse altogether.I can see how it might destroy iron, nickel, cobalt, gold, and platinum mining--if you could figure out how to extract it. (But cheap metals would provoke an economic boom) But how do you land the pieces? ISIS, we have a gift for you, every week, for the next century, or until you come to your senses. It is believed that Sudbury, Ontario's nickel is extraterrestrial in origin:
The Sudbury Basin, which is the world's second-largest impact crater, was likely formed by an enormous comet that battered Earth more than 1.8 billion years ago, new research suggests....
Ever since miners discovered rich deposits of copper, nickel, palladium and other valuable metals there in the 1880s, scientists have wondered how the giant hole in the Earth came into existence, said study co-author Joseph Petrus, an earth sciences doctoral candidate at Laurentian University in Sudbury.As I mentioned a few weeks ago, nickel-iron is very tough, tougher than stainless steel. Also, how do you cut something that can turn or move away from any force? Reaction thrusters can start it turning, and perhaps the inertia of it would allow cutting, but if it has that much inertia, it will be a lot of energy to get it spinning, I think.
Monday, January 16, 2017
How Much Has America Changed?
Most people hear Green Berets and think of the John Wayne movie and Vietnam, but they were liberators in South America. My HVAC guy was a Green Beret sniper in the first Iraq War.
Trump: The Winning Just Keeps Coming
General Motors Co. this week will announce plans to invest at least $1 billion across several U.S. factories, two people familiar with the plan said, a move aimed at underlining its commitment to U.S. manufacturing jobs in the wake of President-elect Donald Trump’s criticism of the auto maker’s imports from Mexico.
GM’s announcement could come as early as Tuesday, the people briefed on the plan said. The company will cite a number of new jobs in excess of 1,000 stemming from the investment but doesn’t plan to specify which of its factories are in line for more work, one person said.
What Happens When You Watch a Documentary Titled "Rats"
Sunday, January 15, 2017
-1 Fahrenheit This Morning
I started some advertising campaigns this morning for my climate change book. Suddenly, some sales. It works.
Who Are the Violent Thugs?
Opera star Andrea Bocelli backed out of singing at Donald Trump's inauguration after receiving death threats, The Mail on Sunday has learnt.
The revelation came as another singer – Broadway legend Jennifer Holliday – last night pulled out of the President-elect's festivities after being threatened and branded an 'Uncle Tom'.
When blind tenor Bocelli announced he would not sing at this Friday's celebration, it was widely reported it was because fans had said they would boycott his concerts and records.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4120970/Opera-star-Andrea-Bocelli-backs-singing-Trump-s-inauguration-receiving-death-threats.html#ixzz4VqWc6cfU Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Saturday, January 14, 2017
This is Embarrassing
Found instructions for programming the X-type fob, and found a new one on eBay for $40.
The XF apparently requires the dealer to do it (special cable & software). Still expensive, but key finders on order. It may be a few weeks before I feel safe slaloming the XF down the driveway and being sure of it climbing the glacier afterwards.
Car insurance? No. Homeowner's? Maybe, but we have a $1000 deductible so it doesn't make sense to file a claim.
Weird Concept of Free Speech
A German regional court in the city of Wuppertal affirmed a lower court decision last Friday stating that a violent attempt to burn the city's synagogue by three men in 2014 was a justified expression of criticism of Israel’s policies.
Johannes Pinnel, a spokesman for the regional court in Wuppertal, outlined the court’s decision in a statement.
Three German Palestinians sought to torch the Wuppertal synagogue with Molotov cocktails in July, 2014. The local Wuppertal court panel said in its 2015 decision that the three men wanted to draw “attention to the Gaza conflict” with Israel. The court deemed the attack not to be motivated by antisemitism.You know things are weird when a Green MP is criticizing it:
After the local Wuppertal court decision in 2015, Volker Beck, a leading Green Party MP, said the “attack on the synagogue was motivated by antisemitism” and blasted the court for issuing a decision stating that the goal of the attack was to highlight the war in Gaza.
“This is a mistaken decision as far as the motives of the perpetrators are concerned,” he said, adding that the burning of a synagogue in Germany because of the Middle East conflict can be attributed only to antisemitism.
Friday, January 13, 2017
Should Tax Dollars Be Funding This Partisan Crap?
A national “teach-in” movement is asking professors to set aside class time between Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and the presidential inauguration to “protest” oppression and challenge “Trumpism.”
The movement, known as “Teach, Organize, Resist,” is set to kick-off on January 18, strategically “poised between Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the presidential inauguration” as an explicit means of “challenging Trumpism.”
“Transform your classrooms and commons into spaces of education that protest policies of violence, disenfranchisement, segregation, and isolationism,” the organizers urge educators on the movement’s homepage, clarifying elsewhere on the site that participation “is an opportunity to affirm the role of critical thinking and academic knowledge in challenging Trumpism.”The first revolution in history funded by the government to be overthrown!
What Will the Left Ask For Next?
Comedian, TV personality and longtime Donald Trump foe Rosie O'Donnell on Wednesday evening called for the use of martial law to stop the president-elect's inauguration next week.She takes sore loser to a new level. Suddenly this 1/13/17 Washington Post article makes more sense:
The Army general who heads the D.C. National Guard and has an integral part in overseeing the inauguration said Friday that he will be removed from command effective at 12:01 p.m. Jan. 20, just as Donald Trump is sworn in as president.
Maj. Gen. Errol R. Schwartz’s departure will come in the middle of the presidential ceremony — classified as a national special security event — and while thousands of his troops are deployed to help protect the nation’s capital during an inauguration he has spent months helping to plan.
More American Jobs: A Continuing Tragedy
Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson emerged from a meeting with President-elect Donald Trump Friday pledging to bring down the cost of the F-35 Lightning II and promising to hire more than 1,800 additional workers at the Fort Worth plant.
Trump has been in a dogfight with Lockheed Martin over the F-35 program, questioning its costs and capabilities. Last month he went on Twitter to say that the stealth fighter’s costs were “out of control” and he talked about replacing it with a comparable F-18 Hornet built by Boeing.In one sense, military-industrial complex jobs really don't tell us anything about economic health and growth. The newly hired workers might disagree. Bringing the military-industrial complex into more responsible pricing should just infuriate all those leftists with the Air Force bake sale bumper stickers, right?
There's a Doctoral Dissertation in This, I'm Sure
No Longer Snow Camping
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Rather Like a Two Stage Rocket
Maybe Clinton Won't Go to Jail...
The Justice Department’s inspector general opened an investigation into whether the FBI failed to follow appropriate procedures in its probe of Hillary Clinton’s handling of official e-mail while serving as secretary of state.
That review includes a look at the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s actions leading up to Director James Comey’s decision to announce findings of the probe on July 5, in which he publicly said that Clinton and her top aides were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information" but no charges would be pursued.
Headed Out to Buy Chains
Amazingly enough, O'Reilly's, once in the store, were only $119 per pair. Once chained up (improved design over the last pair I installed), we climbed the driveway easily. We pulled the X-type (which has studded tires) out of the telescope garage. Now we park it at our neighbors close to the old highway; drive to it with chained-up TrailBlazer, and do our errands in it. Not as convenient as one car, but chaining and unchaining is a pain.
Also nice, O'Reilly's had ice melt available at a bit over a dollar a pound.
Studded Tires Losing Studs
Want to See Real Guts and Idealism?
Follow three Brits who volunteer to fight ISIS as part of a Kurdish militia. These are volunteers with no family attachments to the region who decided as one describes that ISIS is a threat to civilization and must be crushed. The film follows them in an offensive to retake one region of Syria and destroy the ISIS headquarters on the top of a hill. After several weeks of advancing and retaking villages from ISIS, the U.S. Air Force demolishes the ISIS HQ. You can tell the volunteers are glad that the U.S. is helping (none of the European "powers" were doing so at the time). These three Brits aren't the only foreign volunteers; there is also Kevin from Germany and Bob from Wisconsin (holding a sniper rifle like he knows how to use it).
Only one of the Brit volunteers had military service before joining up. He also had a degree in Western Philosophy. (Here, let me apply some deep thinking to your ignorance, ISIS). For those skeptical of female combat soldiers,many of the Kurdish militia were young women, some only teenagers. Of course, who has a stronger incentive to fight these savages?
Wow! Department of Defense: SJWs Being Replaced by Warriors?
The Pentagon could be poised for a rapid about-face under the Trump administration, with the Obama administration’s push for social reform surrendering to what could be an old-school emphasis on combat readiness and the spirit of the United States military, experts told FoxNews.com.
Under President Obama, the military sought to integrate transgender persons into the ranks, allow women into special operations forces and purge the nomenclature of gender-specific words, adopting what some critics say was a “politically correct” liberal agenda. That’s a contrast to the traditional U.S. military approach.
In addition, some Navy ships have been named for civil rights activists. And while the Obama administration has taken an inclusive approach on some issues, it has also worked to minimize expressions of Christianity in the ranks. For example, several officers have been disciplined for displaying Bibles or gospel verses in their quarters.What next? I'm sure the SJWs wanted the M4 replaced with Nerf guns.
Obamacare Swirling Round the Drain
Democrats said repealing the law will strip millions of Americans of insurance, leave people with pre-existing medical conditions unable to find coverage, and increase the nation's budget deficit by $353 billion over the next 10 years as the tax and fee provisions that pay for Obamacare are gutted.Millions of those with insurance because of Obamacare can't really afford to use it because the deductibles are so high; in practice, their insurance only covers the relatively rare catastrophes. This sort of coverage was not hideously expensive before Obamacare and yet few people bought it. The pre-existing conditions concern seems legitimate. But if repealing Obamacare will increase the deficit then my snarky observation that Obamacare was a tax increase with medical insurance as a side effect turns out to be true.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
What Are They There For?
A passage from the Koran that denies one of the central tenets of the Christian faith was sung aloud at a cathedral service in Scotland.
The passage from Surah 19, which specifically denies that Jesus was the Son of God and says He should not be worshipped, was sung during a Eucharist service at St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow to mark the feast of the Epiphany.Does the Episcopalian Church wonder why they are shrinking into nothingness?
Not the Onion
Judges Reject Orange County's Claim That Social Workers Didn't Know Lying In Court Was Wrong
Using taxpayer funds, government officials in Orange County have spent the last 16 years arguing the most absurd legal proposition in the entire nation: How could social workers have known it was wrong to lie, falsify records and hide exculpatory evidence in 2000 so that a judge would forcibly take two young daughters from their mother for six-and-a-half years?Can't a judge hold a lawyer in contempt of court for advancing such an argument?
The Social Justice of Mass Production
A panegyric to Colt published in 1866, explaining the advantages of division of labor, pointed out along with the many efficiencies articulated in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (1776) adds yet another: a job for everyone, regardless of skill level. “One man is too ignorant to manage a machine for stocking, but he can oil that machine, or at least sweep away its chips, a service for which two men are paid each a dollar a day.”[1]Even people who might otherwise be unemployable could have some job; always better than dependence or poverty.
[1] Henry Barnard, Armsmear: The Home, the Arm, and the Armory of Samuel Colt. A Memorial, (New York, n.p., 1866), 218.
Walking in Snow: Great Exercise (But Not Again!)
Thought We Could Get Out
This is the second time this week the roof shingles have allowed me to get out. 4WD forces all four wheels to turn at the same speed, but when one whhel is on ice and the other side is just spinning, traction control seems to take over and nothing happens.
Lacks Self-Awareness
I love America. It's Americans I hate....
Unlike a lot of people, who had to try to make conversation with conservative friends and family over the holidays, I only know two confirmed Trump voters. One of them is from Texas and the other's a Marine, so they both have their excuses. I recently sent a text to the former woman, letting her know I wasn't going to meet her for dinner while she was in town because I considered her vote for Trump unconscionable. ...
My feeling has always been that if a religion or ideology has become more important to you than actual human beings, something may have gone seriously wrong with your values.You won' have dinner with a friend because she voted for Trump, but decry politics becoming more important than "actual human beings."
Yes, progressivism does seem like a mental illness at times, or at least an emotional defect.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
And the Snow Never Stops
When I kidded about my driveway being a glacier-in-training, I was kidding. Not so much anymore. It will not stop. My wife isn't keen on plowing the driveway for fear the underlying ice will prevent coming back up. As long as electricity stays running, we are safe. I think we have a week or two of food, and 1000 gallons of gravity-fed water in the tank.
The Only Thing That Makes Being Snowbound Tolerable is Netflix
And now our ISP is down because of a power failure.
And our electric clothes drier has suddenly become very slow and ineffective.
Broadcast TV shows an avalanche warning for the town of Camas.
All of industrial civilization coming to an end!
Snow Melt Cable
According to Google Earth a path along the driveway from garage to base is about 879 feet.
As the crow flies, 659 feet:
Monday, January 9, 2017
Piers Morgan Gives Meryl Streep a New Orifice
Depravity As Progressive Fruit
Anti-police activists and the mainstream media are incensed at the suggestion that the Black Lives Matter movement could have influenced the behavior of the four individuals in Chicago who tortured a disabled white man for hours last week while yelling “Fuck white people” and “Fuck Donald Trump.” In one sense, the activists and media are right: The influences were broader than that. They include the reign of racial victimology, inner-city gang culture, and black anti-white animus.
We live in Ta-Nehesi Coates’s America, characterized by the assumption that blacks are the eternal targets of lethal white oppression. Coates’s central thesis in Between the World and Me, his acclaimed phantasmagoria of racial victimology, is that America continuously aspires to the “shackling” and “destruction” of “black bodies.”One of the comments led me to this horrifying account of a savagery that is just unimaginable outside a concentration camp. Too monstrous to quote.
Another Argument Against Gun Registration
Last week, the California Department of Justice (DOJ) Privacy Office began mailing letters like this one to certified Firearm Safety Instructors. The letter states that on October 14, 2016, DOJ inadvertently disclosed the name, date of birth, and California Driver’s License and/or Identification Card numbers of potentially every single DOJ certified Firearm Safety Instructor in California to an unknown requestor. DOJ allegedly discovered the breach on October 27—well over two months ago—but is just now notifying individuals.With that information, how long to find someone's address? Breaking into an instructor's house to steal guns is the ultimate organized crime supermarket. I'm guessing probably dozens of handguns in an instructor's home.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Finally, We Know Why He Was Wandering Around Loose
Mr. Santiago’s family said he reported hearing voices and had other hallucinations, but said he was never given a diagnosis of PTSD. In November, he walked into an F.B.I. office in Alaska and told agents that his mind was being controlled by a United States intelligence agency.
“The delusions, the hallucinations are far more consistent with psychosis than PTSD,” said Dr. Donald C. Goff, a psychiatrist at New York University and a leading expert on schizophrenia. “So is the timing of the onset.”....
After telling the F.B.I. in November that his mind was being controlled, Mr. Santiago was taken to a civilian psychiatric hospital. The law prevents patients from being held involuntarily if they are not an imminent threat to themselves or others. Mr. Santiago was released after four days.If you've read my book My Brother Ron, you won't be surprised to hear this. Order a copy for your local library. They love getting serious books donated.