Monday, October 28, 2024

Either a Remarkable Scam

 I received a call today from a firm that tracks down mising heirs.  A half-brother to my father left an estate to a what... half-cousin who died intestate in Florida.  My siblings and I will receive a bit of money from the unclaimed property section.  They seem to have correctly identified my siblings, including my late brother.  I have heard of such firms before so I do not find it implausible.  They get some of it for doing the paperwork verifying family relationships.  

So I checked the Florida unclaimed property website which in spite of the name seems to be a Florida government agency.  Anyone had this experience?

It appears they charge an incredible premium for this.

I spoke with an attorney in Florida who immediately knew who I was ("I'm a fan") and walked me through the not terribly hard process of establishing a claim on the estate,  death certificate of the late Cramer gives birth county which gives birth certificate to show ancestry.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Barry Goldwater

My wife and I were watching a PBS documentary, 1964.  I remember 1964 in a few fragments.  A vacation in Arizona to Grand Canyon and Meteor Crater.  LBj's very drunken victory speech.

They made a big deal of how conservatives were on the wrong of history because Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  I remembered vaguely that it was a principled opposition to an overly powerful national government. 

"Goldwater was a supporter of racial equality. He integrated his family's business upon taking over control in the 1930s. A lifetime member of the NAACP, Goldwater helped found the group's Arizona chapter. He saw to it that the Arizona Air National Guard was racially integrated from its inception in 1946, two years before President Truman ordered the military as a whole be integrated (a process that was not completed until 1954). Goldwater worked with Phoenix civil rights leaders to successfully integrate public schools a year prior to Brown v. Board of Education."

Unless Wikipedia has been taken over by right-wingers (not likely) it presents a far more interesting story about Goldwater.

Probably in Line for a Nobel Prize, Too

10/25/24 WIBC:
"FORT WAYNE, Ind. — The person who fired shots Saturday night at a house party in Fort Wayne, killing Willie Ivy III,17, will not be charged.

Fort Wayne police and the Allen County Prosecutor’s Office say the shooter was acting in self-defense.

It all happened at a Halloween Party on Saturday, October 12th. Police say that the homeowner told them that the party “quickly got out of hand” by around 10:30 pm when the shooting happened....

It seems they were caught and confronted about it and when things escalated, investigators say it was Ivy who pulled out a gun and started shooting first. He fired nine shots into the windows of the kitchen and living room injuring nine people in the process.

Another person then shot and killed Ivy."

10/23/24 channel 21:

His parents are understandably grieving.  They came from a church focused on gun violence and the headline makes you want to yell:

"Family of 17-year-old North Side football player killed in weekend shooting speaks out

“Losing a child to gun violence is the worst feeling ever

Yes, but drawing a gun and opening fire makes such a death inevitable.  Still sad that a 17-year-old thought carrying a gun into a party and resisting when told No was appropriate.  Opening random fire at that.

Of course, the other inevitable:

" Ivy III was ready to graduate early, fielding offers to play football in college. He was loving—and as his aunt, Vickii Ivy, tells it, he was very, very loved."

I hate to raise race, but this is a recurring theme when a black man dies now.  How their future is bright.  Brighter if you do not break laws.  You may recall this issue raised  in  Bonfire of the Vanities.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Trump's Plans to End Alternative Energy Subsidies

10/25/24 Reuters:
"WASHINGTON, Oct 25 (Reuters) - Donald Trump has promised to gut U.S. President Joe Biden's climate subsidies if elected. But many of Trump's allies are benefiting from them thanks to big investments in solar power, electric vehicles, carbon sequestration, hydrogen and other clean energy technologies.
"Reuters found at least seven of Trump's close allies and fundraisers, or the firms they run, hold hundreds of millions of dollars-worth of stakes in companies that are significant beneficiaries of the tax breaks embedded in the Inflation Reduction Act, Biden's signature climate law."

Of course,  Reuters thinks this means Trump will not do what he says.  I think it means that these allies do not consider that these subsidies are important enough to part company with Trump.  If the government offers a tax credit or subsidy, what company would refuse to take advantage of it?  

I know someone with gobs of student loan debt who regards Biden's forgiveness program as indefensible but is willing to take advantage of it if possible.   I really cannot argue too strongly in opposition considering how much we are all taxed to fund stupid alternative energy programs.  Do not give away chocolate cake at a diabetes support group, but do not be surprised if the plate is locked clean.

Friday, October 25, 2024


 I watched a YouTube video about the B-58.  This was a really cool airplane.  I passed under one while it was either taking off or landing in Tecas in 1967.

The 1950s and 1960s created a a whole bunch of astonishingly advanced aircraft: B-58, F-102, F-106, B70, SR-71.  What amazes me is the money the U.S. had to develop these aircraft.  I shudder to think of what would happen today.  Amazingly, we ran a balanced budget during most of that period.

Things sure collapsed in the 1970s.

This graph shows deficit as percentage of GDP.

Things collapse in the 1970s.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Words of Wisdom I Should Listen To More Often

 "Anything you can buy is usually cheaper than machining it yourself."  This attempt to make ScopeRollers for my little Skywatcher EQ1 mount was harder than it looked, pr at least not a good use of my highly-paid time, so I asked, "Why doesn't anyone make them?"  Becsuse the EQ1 mount is so light that only a person in need of open-heart surgery would think it needed to be rolled, not carried.  

Sometimes, a fresh evaluation of your needs is the best solution of all.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Signs of Bay Area Poverty

A friend in the Bay Area went to an ATM.  The previous customer had left his slip in the machine, revealing that he or she had $66,000 in checking.  My response was, "getting ready for grocery shopping."

Sunday, October 20, 2024


My granddaughter is on the varsity volleyball team. Watching her team playing reminded how much enjoyed it when I was yoing and how bad we all were.  As good as they are, making perfect sets and spikes, they are playing even better teams.

I am used to playing volleyball outside often on sand.  Watching them playing inside where sets often ran into the ceiling was amazing. 

Recovery Progress

 I have a Eoropean trip schedule for April, so getting recovered enough to walk from Gibraltar to North Cape (okay maybe just around European cities) is important.  Cardiac rehab told me that treadmilling at home the distance and speed I am doing with them every other day is okay.  So Saturdays are that day.  It felt okay.

Even the Stills Get Better From GIMP

 This was 1/1000 sec. ISO 800:

A bit of fiddling in GIMP:

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Playing With Registax and Some Other Videos From Last Week

If exposure is too high, there is nothing useful that Registax can do to clean them up.  But another video produces a decent image.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Star Trek: The Original Series

I had forgotten The Devil in the Dark.  The worst episodes were badly thought out commentsries on social problems of tge 1960s such as This Side of Paradise.  Some of the best science fiction such as The Devil in thr Dark did not survive advancing science.  The Horta was a silicon-based life form living deep with a planet with human miners.  While it easy to sympathize with the Horta's cries for its unborn children, the notion of life where silicon took the place of carbon did not long survive Linus Pauling's work on chemical bonding.  

Carbon's unique bonding capabilities are dependent on the availability of both p and s electron shells in a way that silicon cannot.  This is why there are very long alkane chain molecules (methane, methane, propane, butane) but not much past silane (SiH4).

I am slightly surprised to see a Wikipedia article about "carbon chauvinism."  It does acknowledge the chemistry problem of p-s bonding, but I see some postcolonial discussions.

Islam, Monirul (2016). "Posthumansm: Through the Postcolonial Lens". In Banerji, Debashish; Paranjape, Makarand R. (eds.). Critical Posthumanism and Planetary Futures (1st ed.). New Delhi: Springer India : Imprint: Springer. p. 117. ISBN 978-81-322-3637-5.

This crap goes everywhere

Trump and Abortion

Some evangelicals have criticized Trump for taking a conciliatory stand on abortion laws. This 10/17/24 WHYY article suggests that Trump is making an observation about what is obviously going to happen, including here in Idaho, where our abortion law failed to handle legitimate medically necessary D&Cs:
"The latest example came this week when the Republican presidential nominee said some abortion laws are “too tough” and would be “redone.”

“It’s going to be redone,” he said during a Fox News town hall that aired Wednesday. “They’re going to, you’re going to, you end up with a vote of the people. They’re too tough, too tough. And those are going to be redone because already there’s a movement in those states.”

"Trump did not specify if he meant he would take some kind of action if he wins in November, and he did not say which states or laws he was talking about. He did not elaborate on what he meant by “redone.”

Yes, inadequately written laws will be corrected.  That seems to be what Trump is saying. 

Idaho is Losing Ob-Gyns But Gaining Police Officers?

 A few months back.  5/23/24 Fox News:

The Gem State has become a popular moving destination for both retired and active-duty police officers, a trend Horst and Idaho Fraternal Order of Police President Bryan Lovell broadly attribute to a more positive climate.

"They come to Idaho where they can enjoy their career and make a difference," Lovell told Fox News Digital. "They see that, in large part, our communities are supportive of law enforcement and public safety."

Cities large and small across the country suffered severe staffing shortages on the heels of anti-police protests in 2020. Four years later, some departments still can’t stop the bleeding.

Seattle’s police staffing is at its lowest level since the 1990s, according to a March KING 5 report. Earlier this year in California, the Alameda Police Department offered a $75,000 signing bonus — the highest in the nation — on top of a six-figure starting salary to try to entice new officers.

And while Lovell said Idaho hasn't been immune to recruiting challenges, the state also saw a wave of out-of-state police applications around the same time other departments began losing officers. 

National Firearms Act Symposium at University of Wyoming Law School

 Opening Presentation by BATF Counsel took credit for the next day processing of suppressor approvals.  He emphasized their goal is rapid processing of lawful transfers.  I will be speaking about 1:00.

Enhanced That Image From the Video

 I ran this video through PIPP, Registax, and GIMP:

That produced this image:

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Will No One Rid Me of This Troublous University?

Okay, I am mixing periods.  9/12/24 Daily Mail:
"Woke row erupts after Nottingham University puts trigger warning on Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales - because they contain 'expressions of Christian faith'"

Horrifying.  Are there trigger warnings on History of the Holocaust classes?  Probably not.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Today's Obscure Windows Question

 My laptop came with a 1TB SSD.  Within a year or two, that was not enough.  (I have more PDFs of antique American statute books than you can imagine.)  I did not want to risk fauilure to copy over from my old drive C to my new drive, so I made my new drive D and told the BIOS to boot from the new drive.  

Now, I have drive C with 160GB free, and drive D with all my files and programs installed on it.  I would like to be able to clear drive C and map various directories (Pictures, Documents, Videos, Downloads) to drive C.  Perhaps map all the non-programs to drive C.

In Linux, assuming that my memory of how symbolic links work is correct, you would create a symbolic link so that D:\Users\clayt\Documents actually points to C:\Documents so all references will actually turn into C:\Documents.  

It appeears that a directory junction ("mklink /J link destinationfolder") does what is required.

I created a junction link 

mklink /j "D:\users\clayt\testlink" C:\testlink

Then I copied files into D:\Users\clayt\testlink.  They appeared in C:\testlink.  If I deleted a file in D:\Users\clayt\testlink, it disappeared in C:\testlink.

I Was Actually Well Enough to Do Astrophotography a Few Nights Ago

Of course, once I was outside, I realized the two AAA batteries that power the clock drive were dead.  (The power switch is in a position that makes it easy to forget to turn it off.)  Nonetheless, short exposures (1/80th sec. ISO 800) still produce okay images.

Video is required to produce higher quality images and you can see the tracking issue and general atmospheric instability:

Adding to the fun is that my fast laptop (128GB RAM) cannot read the camera's SDXC memory cards through a USB adapter,  The travel laptop pretty obviously does.

UPDATE: The cable from the laptop to the USB hub was missing.  Duh!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Star Trek: The Original Series

 I am part-way through season 1.  I do not mean that all humanoid species seem to be just like us, speaking and understanding English, or that many alien worlds have an uncanny similarity to Southern California.  There were sound reasons why a 1960s TV series had to operate within these artificial and unrealistic constraints.

The stories could be amusing, such as "Shore Leave":  "Oh my, whiskers," followed by Alice chasing after the rabbit.  "Arena" was another favorite.  When I watched it for the first time, when he got to the saltpeter, I knew immediately where it was going.  It has a very positive ending to a very dark story.  

Where Star Trek really shone was its connection to the great events and concerns of the time, some of which remain today: "A Taste of Arnmageddon": How do we confront the hazards of Mutual Assured Destruction?  While I do not remember the title, the one with the Salt Vampire:

was a powerful commentary on the loss of magnificient species such as the American bison.

Some of the stories were destroyed by silly costume ideas.  "The Return of the Archons" is set in a situatuion where not only do the humanoids speak English but they are dressed and living in a late 19th century Midwestern town, with no explanation for this weird mixture of aliens controlled by a computer obsessed with peace above creativity with a very specific Earth setting.

"The Cage" was an impressive repurposing of footage from the pilot "The Menagerie" to produce two episodes on short order.

Pistol Prices in the Early Republic

 Framing Era and Early Republic Pistol Prices

Finding prices for pistols in this era is a struggle.  Advertisements do not generally list prices for much of anything.  Until the advent of the Quaker “one price” system, purchases involved haggling and the proprietor’s perception of what a buyer could afford.[1]  However, we do have U.S. Government contract information telling us they were willing to pay for military pistols.

We can also convert these prices into hours of labor for agricultural workers for each contract year.  All pistol contract prices are from Carl P. Russell Guns on the Early Frontiers: From Colonial Times to the Years of the Western Fur Trade.[2] Agricultural daily wages are from Carol D. Wright, Comparative Wages, Prices, and Cost of Living, 46-47.  When there are multiple wage levels for agricultural workers, I am using the lowest wages for that year, which will exaggerate how many days a worker would need to buy a pistol.

[1] E. H. Henken, “The Mental Ability of the Quakers,” Science Progress in the 20th Century: A Quarterly Journal of Scientific Work and Thought 16:657 [1921-1922].  See Dialynn Dwyer, “Macy’s Famous Red Star Has Nantucket Roots,”, Sep. 23, 2017, for a discussion of Macy’s pioneering use of Quaker “one price” strategy in the middle of the 19th century., last accessed October 15, 2024.

[2] p. 200-213.

Monday, October 14, 2024

No, Not the Babylon Bee

 3/11/24 Daily Telegraph

"Pink-haired DEI trainer slams Oregon forestry bosses 'for hiring on basis of merit not gender or identity'"

Obviously, the pink-haired, face tatooed DEI trainer was not hired on merit.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Remember the 1950s Space Films Where a Rocket Lands Tail First?

In retrospect,  these were absurdly impossible.   Watching the video in this 10/13/24 BBC coverage of Starship booster landing in a scissor-lock is just amazing. 

Elon Musk really is Ironman.

Trump is Going to Win

Rallies in California and Colorado.   His polling probably shows that he has exceeded the margin of cheating in the swing states that he needs to get past 270 electoral votes and he is just making Harris spend resources on what should be solidly Blue states.   

"Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris are deadlocked in the latest national NBC News poll, with Trump bolstered by Republicans coming back home to support him after last month’s rough debate and a subsequent polling deficit, as well as by a favorable voter assessment of Trump’s term as president."

Even for national popular vote means they are preparing the childless cat ladies for trauma.  Trump usually outperforms polling numbers, both because polls overpoll Democrsts and I suspect a lot of Trump voters are reluctant to admit, perhaps even to themselves, who they are voting for a few weeks hence.  In any case, the electoral college gives small states a disproportionate influence relative to the popular vote as was intended 

Still, as Han Solo told Luke Skywalker in the final battle of Star Wars, "Don't get cocky."  We probably need a 10 point advantage to overcome the dead votes.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


My oldest sister was born during World War 2; She members her food ration book.   She  lives in Ojai and saw thr comet this evening shortly after sunset.  I may head out to Boise Astronomical Society's dark sky site tomorrow Dedication Point.

Shooting Right-handed Only Now

The pacemaker is at a location thst makes shooting with the stock on my left shoulder (my preference) no longer possible.   One shot of 7.62mm NATO would be excruciating. Unfortunately,  I am left eye dominant which is doubtless why I prefer shooting left--the scope works more naturally with my left eye.

I suppose that I can work around this.

Surgery Bills Coming In

Or at least EOBs from Blue Cross.  The surgeon and at least some of the auxiliary services (radiologist reading chest X-rays) billed less than $10,000.  Contracted amount is a bit less.  There are still hospital bills to arrive.  Still wsy less than I expected. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

A Story That I Heard

I do not if it is true but I see little references to it occasionally.   The claim is that offering goods at a particular price available to all buyers was originally a Quaker notion based on treating all equally.   It sounds like something Quakers would adopt as a policy.  This article about Macy's Quaker roots references it.  More detail here.

I ask because colonial advertising is remarkably basful about prices of goods for sale.  I would like to find out sale price of pistols in the Framing era.

Another Victory

 Christian v. James (W.D.N.Y. 2024) struck down New York's law requiring that a business must post a "licensees welcome" sign befor cocealed carry licensee can enter.

Today's Obscure Question

 An 1821 Tennesse law:

An Act of 1821, § 1. Every person so degrading himself by carrying a dirk, sword cane, Spanish stiletto, belt or pocket pistols, either public or private, shall pay a fine of five dollars for every such offence, which may be recovered by warrant before any justice of the peace, in the name of the county for its use, in which the offence may have been committed; and it shall be the duty of a justice to issue a warrant on the application, on oath, of any person applying; and it shall be the duty of every judge, justice of the peace, sheriff, coroner, and constable within this state, to see that this act shall have its full effect: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall affect any person that may be on a journey to any place out of his county or state.

The following session, less than a year later, the prohibition on carrying "French knives" was repealed. 

What is a French knife?  I have xeen court cases involving "Spanish pirate knives."  Do French knives threaten you with escargot?

Doing a Deposition This Morning

 These are always miserable.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

10 McCrappiest Cancelled McDonald's Items

An entertaining video by an Australian.   There are a number of these short-lived McDonald's products that sound pretty good that I must have missesd like the McStuffin.

I Seldom Link to Babylon Bee Articles Even Though They Are Funny

 U.S. — Millions of homosexuals have reportedly starved to death after Colorado's Supreme Court affirmed the right of Jack Phillips to refuse to bake gay wedding cakes.

No homosexuals could be reached for comment because they are all tragically dead.

"After years of harassment I am finally free to just bake cakes," said Jack Phillips, a baker who first made headlines in 2017 for politely turning down a request to design a cake celebrating a person's gender transition. "I'm sorry this led to the death of millions but, honestly, I don't know why they were relying on me for food. There really are other bakeries out there."

Homosexuals, who can literally eat anything a normal person can, became addicted to Phillips' baked goods and refused to go anywhere else, sources say. When asked what made Phillips' food so special, they could not provide an answer. "I think we just crave what we can't have — which is also why we are gay," said Kevin "Jazzy" Lafarb, who starved to death this week.

You Are Registered to Vote?

With the level of engagement that my readers have, I suspect that my reminder to register and vote is unneeded, but this may be our last chance to stop the billionaires who hate us.  Yes, Trump is very New York City and unpleasant but we are electing a president not Prom King.  He is not arriving at the door to take our daughter on a date.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Afghan Terrorist

10/9/24 NBC News:
"An Afghan man arrested on charges of planning a terrorist attack on Election Day worked as a security guard in Afghanistan for the CIA, two sources with knowledge of the matter told NBC News.

"Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, was arrested on Monday in Oklahoma and accused of plotting to kill Americans with an assault rifle on behalf of ISIS. Court documents said he had contributed to an ISIS charity in March and accessed online ISIS propaganda, but they did not say whether he was radicalized before or after he came to the U.S. in 2021. A senior law enforcement official said the FBI is still investigating that question."

It makes you wonder how much our Afghanistan effort might have been working for Taliban 

When Your Mill Stops Working in Two Axes

 Could two fuses in the controller box both fail simultaneously?  Yes, and they are a booger to replace.  The leads are long and think and they like to bend.  First time, it fixed Y axis; the Z axis fuse was not deeply enough inserted.  Without tweezers, I would had to hire the world's shortest bodybuilders.

Everything works now.  I tried to finish the cut manually but I remembered why this is an issue.  It is very easy feed so quickly that the force moves the mill vise and thus the workpiece.

Where Did Hurricane Relief Go?

 10/8/24 [U.K.] Telegraph:

Fema spends $4.9bn on Covid in one month — 20 times more than on Hurricane Helene aid

Agency suffering dual challenge of funding crunch and staff shortages ahead of Hurricane Milton

Even if not spent on illegals, COVID is no longer the disaster it was four or even two uyears ago.  Where is that money going? 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Upcoming Symposium

 University of Wyoming Law School is having a symposium about the National Firearms Act October 18th in which I will be a presenter.  To reserve a spot go here..  If you are a lawyer, you can get CLE for this, instead of a class in Contracts or Tort Law Reform.  I know which you would rather do.

Monday, October 7, 2024

I Respect His Commitment, But There Are Consequnces to Fighting in a Foreign Military

Not just his prison sentence but I believe this violates U.S. law. 10/7/24 PBS:

MOSCOW (AP) — A Russian court on Monday sentenced a 72-year-old American in a closed trial to nearly seven years in prison for allegedly fighting as a mercenary in Ukraine. Prosecutors said Stephen Hubbard signed a contract with the Ukrainian military after Russia sent troops into Ukraine in February 2022 and he fought alongside them until being captured two months later.

Where Did All the Workers Go?

My wife made a service appointment for her Hyundai in August through the dealership web page.  She got there today and this was news to them.  She was able to make an appointment for tomorrow.   But thst is only the oil change.   Warranty work is months out; there are no mechanics.

Is everyone under 30 in Mom's basement playing video games or trying to be an influencer?

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Thunderbird Weirdness

Emails coming in Content-Type: application/msword; name="RM Package In half.doc" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Description: RM Package In half.doc Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="RM Package In half.doc"0M8R4KGxGuEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPgADAP7/CQAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAAACwUAAAAAAAAA EAAADQUAAAEAAAD+////AAAAAAAFAAABBQAAAgUAAAMFAAAEBQAABQUAAAYFAAAHBQAACAUAAAkF AAAKBQAAVgUAAOIFAAD///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////s

Saturday, October 5, 2024

I Went Looking For Time, But I Ended Up in Life

I was curious to read Time magazine issues from the World War II years, but all I found was Life magazine (for those of you ancient enough to remember it). The 1942 issues are a real hoot to read. The srticle about the Jeep is quite entertaining.

This Was Not on my Bingo Card

10/5/24 WSB:
"DOUGLAS COUNTY, Ga. — A Douglas County homeowner told investigators that he was forced to shoot and kill an off-duty Atlanta police detective after the officer tried to break into his neighbor’s home on Friday morning."

Avoiding the Chop Saw

My wife gets freaked out by the chop saw.  I confess that if I can cut material in a less dangerous way, all the better.

I need to cut a 30 degree angle on some .99" aluminum square material.  An alternative strategy is put the material in a mill vise on the rotating table and run a carbide end mill through the material after turning the rotary table to 30 degrees.

I am working up to this because I am still easily fatigued.

Part of the set-up is getting the workpiece exactly at a right angle to the mill table.  Here is the workpiece in the mill vise on the rotary table.

Now squaring the workpiece to the mill table.  I used a square to get the mill vise square to the Z axis:

The next step is to zero the Y-axis at the end of the workpiece, ask the rotary table to turn 30 degrees and move the end mill to 1.75" cos 30 and slice across.  I will write some code with a bash script to make repeated cuts .01" deeper each time until I have cut through it.

It is slower cutting (while avoiding jams caused by too high a speed).


 I ned to buy pants with a smaller waist.  Probably a smaller belt as well.

Thursday, October 3, 2024


I could not find this on the official FAA NOTAM board but this copy clearly prohibits private relief activities near some North Carolina airports.  Almost like our government wants these red counties to die before the election. 

Even 10/2 Real Clear Politics, not a conservative site, is reporting on this nalfeasance.

One of the comments has the rest of this Florida National Guard officer's discussion of what is happening (and not happening).  He describes how FEMA prohibited the Fla. National Guard from distribution of relief supplies after a hurricane destroyed roads to the Florida Keys.  It appears FEMA only wants distribution of stuff from their suppliers.   I am guessing those suppliers have political connections. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Camera For European Vacation

I love my Pentax KS-1 but it is a bit bulky for the March vacation in Europe.  I have a Canon 12MP point-and-shoot but its zoom range is limited and it has such limited aperture that I suspect the inside cathedral shots are not going to dshoots.  This is my big problem with phone csmeras.

Is there a category of cameras compact enough for q jacket pocket with lots of zoom and large aperture.   Yes they are called bridge cameras because, I think, they are the bridge between DSLRs and point and ahoots.  Some have amazing zoom ranges and 20MP and up resolution, and larger aperture than the point and shoots.

As I get closer to Match, I will watch thr prices fsll and buy.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Interesting Claims

 I am not entirely sure of their methodology.  The article Psychopathy, gun carrying, and firearm violence.  The abstract claims:

Firearm violence was positively related to the affective and antisocial facets of psychopathy. Whereas gun carrying without a concealed permit and defensive gun use were associated with only the antisocial facet. Gun carrying with a concealed permit was not related to any of the facets. Conclusion: These findings build on existing research on psychopathy and gun carrying among youth, suggesting that examining the facets of psychopathy can contribute to our understanding of the individual-level risk of gun violence among adults. The results also enhance the nuanced exploration of psychopathy’s role in different aspects of gun behavior, providing valuable insight into important risk factors to target during the intervention. 

This surprises me not in the least.  However, the article that led me to it apparently has access to the article and contains this curious explanation of the surveyed population: 

The study was conducted using a sample of 343 adult participants who had been treated for violent injuries at a trauma center in Virginia. These individuals, ranging in age from 18 to 75, were recruited because they were considered to be at high risk for future violence. The majority of participants were male (74%) and identified as Black or African American (65%). All participants completed a series of interviews and self-report surveys to assess their psychopathic traits and gun-related behaviors.

Without question, violent criminals are also disproportionately victims as well.  I am just skeptical that you can assume victims are a meaningful match for the victimizers. 

Mass Murder Outside America

10/1/24 BBC:
"Six people have been killed in a shooting and knife attack in Tel Aviv, police in Israel have confirmed.

"At least nine others were reported to have been injured, and several are in a critical condition."

Monday, September 30, 2024

Not Enough Sunlight

I have been battling some depression.   I thought it was just a result of a couple weeks of substantial pain, now subsiding to only occasional pain.  But cabin fever may also be the absence of sunlight.   I spent an hour two on the front porch today (made more tolerable by a cool wind), and I feel better.

I also finished my presentation about NFA34 Congressional testimony and how it impacts post-Bruen interpretation of the Second Amendment and machine gun law for the October 18th Symposium at the University of Wyoming Law School.

A Little Victory

 U.S. v. Duarte (9th Cir. 2024):

Applying Bruen’s two-step, text-and-history framework, the panel concluded (1) Duarte’s weapon, a handgun, is an “arm” within the meaning of the Second Amendment’s text, that Duarte’s “proposed course of conduct—carrying [a] handgun[] publicly for self-defense”—falls within the Second Amendment’s plain language, and that Duarte is part of “the people” whom the Second Amendment protects because he is an American citizen; and (2) the Government failed to prove that § 922(g)(1)’s categorical prohibition, as applied to Duarte, “is part of the historic tradition that delimits the outer bounds of the” Second Amendment right.

Duarte's previous convictions for sentences exceeding one year were all for non-violent crimes (I had no idea vandalism in California was a felony).  I do not get the impression this guy Duarte is someone you want to invite over for dinner, but rights do not belong only to the bourgeois.

Secret Names

Over at ChicagoBoyz, a discussion of a person whose name is so powerful that you may not mention it on Facebook or YouTube.  Is it safe for me to say that name, or will lightning strike my blog?

Sunday, September 29, 2024

When Greenhouse Gases Are Our Friend

9/27/24 SciTechDaily article about ozone levels coming back over the Arctic:
"Higher greenhouse gas concentrations in the stratosphere also accelerate ozone recovery. “This record was likely a result of decreased ozone-depleting substances and increased greenhouse gases. Otherwise, it would have been just a high year and not a record,” said Newman. “I call this year a harbinger of the future.”"

Saturday, September 28, 2024

I Saw A Movie About This Some Years Ago

 9/29/24 ABC News:

LONDON AND TOKYO -- Scientists in Japan have made a robot face covered in living, self-healing skin that can smile in a demonstration of a new technique researchers believe could help pave the way for lifelike biohybrid humanoid robots in the future.

The scientists, led by Professor Shoji Takeuchi at the University of Tokyo’s Biohybrid Systems Laboratory, attached cultured skin to a 3D facial mold using perforation-type anchors, which mimic the natural structure of human skin ligaments.

That did not end well for humanity. 

Why Am I Skeptical?

 9/27/24 Financial Times:

Kamala Harris vows US border clampdown in attempt to neutralise immigration issue
The Democratic presidential candidate promises measures to stop illegal crossings in a campaign visit to Arizona

Gee, who did Biden put in charge of this last year?  And why would she reverse Biden's policies? 

PBS Documentary About Ellis Island Hospital

To say that I was startled does not even begin to describe it.  Forgotten Ellis Island (2008).  I was expecting a hit piece emphasizing the 1924 immigration law, eugenics, and what a horrible nation America is.  While eugenics was part of the story, it was also a story about how the U.S. built one of the best hospitals in the world to treat incoming immigrants regarded as too sick for immediate entry.  Some were deemed incurable and contagious (especially considering what was available at the time), some feebleminded, some were mentally ill.  These were deported.  But many were treated and allowed to enter the U.S.

For every depressing quote from a Public Health Service doctor awash in eugenics, there were examples of doctors challenging these ideas, and doctors and nurses engaging in humane and decent treatment of people with whom language was often a barrier.

Your Worst Chemical Nightmare

YouTube video titled "the Best Performing (and most dangerous) Chemical Rocket Ever."  Rocketdyne experimented with a liquid lithium metal and fluorine gas rocket with liquid hydrogen thrown in to improve performance.  This video has some truly dazzling video (spraying cold fluorine gas on brick, for example).  I am glad NASA never gave Rocketdyne a contract to make this engine.  

Friday, September 27, 2024


 I am making a set of what ScopeRollers would have been if I was making them for a captive audience with an unlimited budget: more precision than anyone can afford.

I needed a tigh fit inside a .990" inside square tube.  So I machined a piec e of 1.01" xquare aluminum tube to just fit.

The machining stripes are cosmetic.  They are ridges caused by using a 1/2" diameter end mill at 1/4" intervals.  They are so close to flat that I cannot feel them, so likely less than .003" high or deep (I am not sure which).  Ordinarily, you remove them by using a flycutter, which runs a cutting tool in a circle acros the entire surface.  Sanding works well, too, although taking some material with it.

Here it is taking .005" slices off.

I wanted something between an interference fit, which requires tapping it into square tube, and a clearance fit.  That describes, it takes finger pressure to get into the tube, so it will stay while I drill and tap a hole to hold it in place.  I wish I could have done a better job getting my hand out of the way.

The next step is cutting that square block into three segments with 30 degree angles for the threaded stem casters.

Carbide End Mills

Once you use them, you will wonder why you would ever use High Speed Steel (HSS) again.  I am trimming a piece of 1.01" aluminum square to .990".  For the first side, I used the first 1/2" end mill that I found in the drawer which was HSS.  For the second side, I used my 1/2" carbide end mill.  Much faster cutting and a nicer finish.

I Am Coming Unglued

The SuperGlue they used to close me up is now starting to peel off from the skin which has adequately healed to prevent leakage.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

If This Is Not Revenge for Challenging Biden's Open Borders Policy, Then Someone is An Idiot

 9/26/24 [U.K.] Telegraph:

A Turkish businessman told Eric Adams he would “soon” become the US president, after he and his peers lavished the New York mayor with business class flights and luxury travel worth $123,000, according to prosecutors...

First Cardiac Rehab Session

Twenty minutes at 2 mph on treadmill.  Twenty minutes on stepper machine.  Quick recovery to resting heart rate.  BP 136/66 afterwards.  This is looking good.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Does Any Phrasing Better Identify East Indian English?

"If the necessary is not done within 2 days from today's date 26/09/2024, we are obliged to stop your services."

Or they shut off the Disney+ service that I have never had.

Immediately followed by the same spam in German 

I Wonder What Other Adjectives Get Used

I requested the surgeon's report on what he did, sort of like wanting a written statement of what the mechanic did under the hood. "The patient was expertly intubated..."  I am going to assume he was complimenting the skill of the anesthesiologist.   Keep in mind that a report like this is unlikely to ever see the light of day outside a civil suit.  

Cardiac rehab has me starting tomorrow.  The exercise physiologist said that being ready this soon after surgery is a little unusual.   Thanks to all of you who were praying for my recovery. 

I Am Not Sure How I Missed This

Worth v. Burton (8th Cir. 2024) struck down Minnesota's minimum age of 21 requirement for carry licenses:

Minnesota argues that 18 to 20-year-olds are not members of “the people” because at common law, individuals did not have rights until they turned 21 years old....

Ordinary, law-abiding, adult citizens that are 18 to 20-year-olds are members of the people because: (1) they are members of the political community under Heller’s “political community” definition; (2) the people has a fixed definition, though not fixed contents; (3) they are adults; and (4) the Second Amendment does not have a freestanding, extratextual dangerousness catchall.

You know, when every liberal had an "old enough to fight, old enough to vote" bumper sticker, I doubt many considered what granting citizenship to 18-20 year olds might eventually mean.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

I Have a Solution to This Problem

From 9/22/24 Joanne Jacobs:
"In a 2022 statement, the National Council of Teachers of English declared: “The time has come to decenter book reading and essay-writing as the pinnacles of English language arts education.” Instead, teachers are urged to focus on "media literacy" and short texts that students feel are "relevant.""

I can find books that meet this criterion:

"See Dick.  See Jane.  See Spot.  See Dick and Jane throw the ball to Spot."

What could go wrong?

Ultimate Nerd

Cody's Labs YouTube video titled Precious Metal From Catalytic Converter has one of those lines that even I cannot deliver: "Using my X-ray photospectrometer...."

No Pain This Morning

I slept through the night.  I woke up with no pain.  I feel some tightness across the chest but with the sternum vigorously regrowing, I am not at all surprised.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Not Stitches After All

I went in for post-op examination today.  The P-A looked over all the stitches and said i was healing very well.  And nome of these stitches are stitches.  They are all glue.  She says they produce much smaller and better looking scars than stitches.  

"So, I can go back to being a chest model?"

Well at least as well as I did it before. 

I told her that I was able to walk 1500 feet last Thursday with no shortness of breath, which is better than before surgery.  She said most people are feeling  pretty good by fourth week.

I can resume driving sixth week.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

"Doing Jobs Americans Won't Do"

You may recall Sen. McCain defending illegal immigration with this phrase.  I never thought we would reach a point where the American jobs being lost were criminal drug gangs. 9/22/24 New York Post:
"Chicago gangbangers rage against newly arrived Venezuelan migrants as Tren de Aragua moves in: ‘City is going to go up in flames’"

Along with criminals complaining about the savagery of the newly arrived, they interview black Chicagoans saying the Democrats have sold them out.  Some are actively promoting Trump.  I wonder how secure the black vote really is for Harris?

This is My First Day Not Wearing Pajamas Since Surgery

It feels strange to wear a button down shirt and pants with a belt.

Feeling Better

Going to church this morning.   The pain in my aorta has eased a lot.  Whoever was complaining about stitches seems to be getting where it should be.

Saturday, September 21, 2024


Have a T-shirt made with a foot long scar and the warning: "Watch your diet and exercise.   They are way nicer than open-heart surgery"

Temperature Change Over Time

From 9/20/24 Science an article about long-term temperatures  (past 540 million years). ( I cannot figure out how to crop this screenshot on my phone.)

Of course,  the article emphasizes the CO2 effects on temperatures but fails to explain how those very high temperatures in the past can be blamed on man.

Friday, September 20, 2024

A Discussion of Why Cosmetic Surgery to the Iris is a Bad Idea...

Led inevitably to the question of whether people are getting more stupid.  I observed thst at as low as stupid gets, there is a lower bound, to which someone posted the following meme:

Look, there are forms of cosmetic surgery to correct really severe defects that involve low enough risk and the esthetics matter: cleft palate; mastectomy replacement.   But risking permanent eye damage to change your eye color?  That is just plain stupid.   

What doctor considers this within ethical behavior?  The sort that do genital mutilation for an emotional whim and to make some money, I guess.