Sunday, March 22, 2020

Writing Java Again

And finding the sort of puzzles that kept me gainfully employed for so many years. Trying to tokenize a TAB-delimited line exported from Excel, StringTokenize almost does what I want.  But empty cells produce two tabs in a row, and it seems StringTokenize ignores two tabs in a row, treating them as one tab.  Mysteries.

Definitely works in mysterious ways.  \

keeps producing tokens with a single tab character out to infinity (or at least, index out of range).


  1. StringTokenizer has been deprecated. Instead, try using string.split(). It will return an array of Strings, with empty elements for missing cells. Observe:

    public class splitter {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    String[] arr;
    arr = "first\t\t\tthird\tfourth".split("\t");
    for (String s : arr) {
    System.out.println("[" + s + "]");

    This prints
    which represents a 5-element array, where the 2nd and 3rd are empty. (Note if you will have trailing empty elements you need a different overload of the split function, with a negative number as the second parameter.)

  2. Rick: Thanks! Much simpler and it works.
