Saturday, March 8, 2003

Does Amazon Really Need Money This Badly?

Here's a letter that I just sent to
I'm a pretty open-minded sort, but there are limits beyond which decent merchants should not go--such as offering a book like Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers. I appreciate that the review was pretty hostile, but do you really need the tiny profit that you make selling this book?

If a publisher asked you to sell a book about how rape is actually a good thing for rapist and victim, would you sell it? What about a book encouraging the torture of children? How about a book promoting genocide as a net positive for the human race? Are there depths that won't dive down to in the pursuit of a profit? If so, why do you consider it necessary to promote this sort of destruction of the innocence of children?

I wrote you a few months back, when I first saw that you were selling this apology for child molestation. I assumed that you had this book on our your list because you hadn't thought this through. I see that you are still selling it. Why? You don't sell every book that's offered. Paladin Press published a book some years ago about how to be a contract killer, and you don't seem to carry that. So why carry a book that tries to justify molesting children?

I have an Honor System Account with you that has made a bit of money for both of us; over the last few years, my wife and I have bought many hundreds of dollars worth of books, perhaps thousands of dollars worth of books from you. If you are still offering Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers at the end of this month, you will never see another penny from me.

I would prefer to keep doing business with I at least would like some explanation for why you consider it so important to offer a book like this that you are prepared to drive away a long-time customer. Please ask Jeff Bezos to explain why the paltry profit you make on a book like this justifies putting into the sewer of human depravity.
Go click on the link, and tell me: why does need to offer this book? It's pretty clear from both's review, and those of the pedophiles that wrote customer reviews of it, that this is a straightforward apology for child molestation.

UPDATE: responded. I'm not doing business with them anymore. I hope that you don't either.


  1. Found your blog as a result of sinus surgery that I am currnetly recovering from. Your "blow-by-blow" observations/ analysis has been very helpful to me over the last few days (note that I made a Paypal donation).

    When I saw your first blog entry (this one), my immediate thought was how you've been vindicated by the recent Penn State (Sandusky) scandal. Congrats on calling it like it really is!

    I'll read more of your archived blogs as time permits.

  2. I would like to add the following to my first comment:

    In your entertaining descriptions of the discomfort you experienced with your sinus surgery back in 2002, you noted that you experienced a skin reaction with exposure to the sun (note blog entry on July 5 @ 10:30 am). You asked if "something about the surgery or anaesthesia made me sun sensitive?"

    I, too, am experiencing the exact same skin reaction that is definitely related to sun exposure (as evidenced by where the reaction occurs on the skin) and the surgery (began just after surgery and I've never experienced anything like this before). It may be that a combination of stress from the surgery and sun exposure trigger this reaction.

    Not sure how long it will last, as my surgery was just over one week ago and I still have it. If you recall, for how long after the surgery did you experience this skin reaction?

