Conservative. Idaho. Software engineer. Historian. Trying to prevent Idiocracy from becoming a documentary.
Email complaints/requests about copyright infringement to clayton @ Reminder: the last copyright troll that bothered me went bankrupt.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." -- Rom. 8:28Saturday, April 30, 2022
I Know We Need the Water...
Friday, April 29, 2022
At Least She Has A Sense of Humor
4/29/22 Fox News has this tweet from Biden's director of the Ministry of Truth.
Twitter users erupted after an unearthed TikTok video showed the Biden administration's new Disinformation Governance Board executive director singing a revised version of Mary Poppins’ "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" tailored around "information laundering."
"You can just call me the Mary Poppins of disinformation," Nina Jankowicz tweeted in February 2021, attaching a link to her musical reprisal.
Go watch it. It is very funny, but about what I would expect from a Biden appointee.
Disinformation is anything that your side finds offensive or irritating. Yes, sometimes stuff gets passed around that is false (especially on antisocial media and often in mainstream media), but the ACLU used to believe the solution to bad speech was more speech.
Most Interesting News Story of the Day
Newspapers? What Are Those?
Roots of Wokeness
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
They Do Not Have Enough Problems?
A pending ban on menthol cigarettes could add to President Joe Biden's woes as the midterm elections come into view.
On top of a struggling economy, immigration issues, and inflation, the Biden administration could hurt Democratic hopefuls with its ban on menthol cigarettes, according to a new poll of voters in three swing states....
The Food and Drug Administration announced on April 29, 2021, that it was working toward banning menthol cigarettes and all flavored cigars "within the next year." Officials are now finalizing the plan to ban menthols, which were exempted from a ban on flavored cigarettes enacted in 2009.
The FDA says the ban could save hundreds of thousands of lives and will "address health disparities experienced by communities of color, low-income populations, and LGBTQ+ individuals." An estimated 85% of black smokers use menthol cigarettes.
Black leaders have come out both for and against the ban. The NAACP wrote a letter to Biden administration officials outlining its support for the ban, while Al Sharpton's National Action Network issued its own letter making the opposite case.
"This would expose consumers to dangerous contraband cigarettes, increase youth access to cigarettes and promote criminal activity," reads Sharpton's letter. "Further, a menthol ban would exacerbate existing, simmering issues around racial profiling, discrimination, and policing."
Critics point out that Sharpton's group has accepted money from Reynolds American, maker of Newport cigarettes. But his concerns are shared by Richard Marianos, a Georgetown University professor and former Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives officer.
Anyone who still smokes with all the information and general disgusting nature of it likely will not be saved. Flavoring cigarettes is like flavoring cow droppings to make them tastier.
The Russians Have the Worst Luck!
An ammunition depot in Russia near the Ukrainian border reportedly caught fire on Wednesday after explosions were heard in the town.
The weapons warehouse was located in the village of Staraya Nelidovka, in Russia's Belgorod region, about 15 miles from the Ukrainian border. No one was injured in the incident, according to the governor of the region.
I Do Not Believe FSB Is This Stupid
Trying to sabotage Putin, yes. They gathered evidence of a Ukrainian assassination plot. Hitler poster, weapons, and SIM cards.
Weird English Rule Exception
A student gave me a sentence that included the phrase, "the Rich did it to the poor."
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Can Russia Lose?
Before you answer, consider first that this is only the latest disaster to afflict Russian critical infrastructure near the Ukrainian border. Another oil depot on Belgorod was targeted by a Ukrainian helicopter strike in early April. Prior to that, Russian railway lines near the border were sabotaged. A Russian missile research center and a chemical plant also recently suffered explosions."
Russian nukes are all that is left of the Soviet Union's actual military capabilities. I would not be at surprised if that has been as well-maintained as their truck tires.
The Soviet Union was evil but somewhat competent at evil. Russia is beginning to look like a national version of Putin, evil but stupid.
USB to HDMI Adapter
Dirty Politics
I had no opinion about the race for lieutenant governor but an attack mailer from Priscilla Giddings has me planning to vote against her:
The Air Force promoted a major in the Air Force Reserves who posted the personal information of an alleged sexual assault survivor to social media and to her official newsletter, then denied posting that information before an ethics committee, and was recently censured by the Idaho House of Representatives.
A member of the Idaho House of Representatives, Lt. Col. Priscilla Giddings was still a major this spring when she shared an article from a far-right news outlet listing the name and photo of a 19-year-old legislative intern who had accused former Idaho representative Aaron von Ehlinger of raping her, according to the Idaho Statesman.
During an ethics hearing in April, Giddings initially denied sharing the photo and information, then later said she had not “thoroughly examined” what she had posted. The intern’s photo was in the thumbnail of the article and her name was repeated several times throughout the article, according to Idaho news station KTVB-7.
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A former Idaho lawmaker was convicted Friday of raping a 19-year-old legislative intern after a dramatic trial in which the young woman fled the witness stand during testimony, saying “I can’t do this.”
The intern told a Statehouse supervisor that Aaron von Ehlinger raped her at his apartment after the two had dinner at a Boise restaurant in March 2021. Von Ehlinger said the sex was consensual.
At the time, the Lewiston Republican was serving as a state representative, but he later resigned.
Von Ehlinger, 39, was found guilty Friday of rape. He was found not guilty of sexual penetration with a foreign object.
Von Ehlinger sat calmly as the verdict was read, as he has throughout the trial.
Afterward, 4th District Judge Michael Reardon told the jury: “This has been an unusual case attended by many unexpected circumstances, but I appreciate your attention ... and hard work.”
A felony rape conviction carries a minimum sentence of one year in prison in Idaho. The maximum penalty can be as high as life in prison, at the judge’s discretion. Sentencing has been scheduled for July 28.
As von Ehlinger was remanded into custody and handcuffed, he talked quietly with his attorney who removed items from von Ehlinger’s pockets.
The prosecution remained stoic as they left the courtroom, but once they reached a lower floor they stopped to briefly to congratulate each other on the verdict.
Von Ehlinger’s attorney, Jon Cox, could not be immediately reached for comment after the trial.
The Associated Press generally does not identify people who say they have been sexually assaulted, and has referred to the woman in this case as “Jane Doe” at her request.
Nuclear Threat: Real or Just Trying to Avoid Defeat?
Russia's foreign minister warned on Monday that the risk of nuclear war is "considerable" and should not be underestimated while accusing NATO of engaging in a proxy war against Russia by arming Ukraine.
In an interview with state television, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov claimed that Russia has been striving to avoid a nuclear conflict since its Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine, but he said communication with the United States has "practically ceased" and that the Ukrainian side is not negotiating for peace in good faith.
It is hard to negotiate for peace when Russia is burying civilians in mass graves. The good news:
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is reportedly receiving several briefings per week about the possibility of Russia using its nuclear arsenal, but Pentagon officials are skeptical that Russia will follow through with its threats to use nuclear weapons.
"We took note of what Mr. Putin said in the early days of this invasion,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said. “I think it's also important to add that there hasn't been more of that rhetoric following that initial salvo in the early days.”
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba tweeted on Monday that Lavrov’s talk of nuclear war is a "last hope to scare the world off supporting Ukraine.”
"Thus the talk of a ‘real’ danger of WWIII. This only means Moscow senses defeat in Ukraine," Kuleba tweeted.
That sounds like the truth, Putin (and his military) are s not going to risk the reduction of Russia to radioactive hunter-gatherers to protect Putin's ego from the consequences of the biggest strategic error in decades.
Monday, April 25, 2022
Today's Remarkable Admission From a Spammer
khalid Ayad <>
Why I Assign Term Papers
Backup Power Again
I Had to Make Sure This Was Not the Babylon Bee
Supporters say the word “marijuana” has a long history of racism."
Those Jets the Ukrainians Received
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Telescope Mount Heaven
Fighting a 20th Century War in the 21st Century
Science As a Discriminatory Field
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Putin May Be in Big Trouble
Regular Backups Even on Virtual Machines
I spent a big chunk of the morning writing some C to produce a rather specialized shape. (It was of course done.) Along the way, I created all the emacs bindings and additions to .bashrc that I prefer and somehow VMWare Workstations 16.2 lost all of that. Weirdly, installing linuxCNC no longer asks to me create a user.
Friday, April 22, 2022
Tiny Precision Saw
Remember: the Obsession With Racism is a White Privilege Person's Thing
Of course, it would be foolish to deny that racism still exists, or that people are sometimes treated unfairly due to their race; racism is unfortunately part of the human condition. But the rhetoric coming out of the elite sectors of the liberal establishment about the inescapability of racism for Black Americans is in reality an elitist projection. It's not how the vast majority of Black Americans experience our lives.
This is something people living in the Black community know. But for all the liberals seeking to project their ideology about the inescapable nature of systemic racism onto us, a new study out of the Pew Research Center has some data to disabuse them.Among the studies interesting findings was one about priorities. Pew posed Black American respondents with an open-ended question: What is the most important issue is that your community is facing? And when it came to their answers, racism didn't crack the top five.
Chief among Black Americans' concerns were violence and crime, the economy, and housing. More Black Americans said they had no issues than listed racism as their top issue. And when asked who they believe should address these issues, respondents overwhelmingly said that these are matters that local leaders within their communities should address....This study helps highlight what people like myself have been complaining about for years, namely, that the actual concerns of Black Americans are ignored and even erased because progressives have fallen in love with the Black victim narrative. And because progressives are in love with that narrative, there is a perverse need to sustain the fiction of the prevalence of racism.
Systemic racism is a way for con-men to raise money to buy houses and get big checks to tell privileged white people how bad their race is.
How (Or Who) Did This Happen?
April 21 (Reuters) - Six people were killed on Thursday after a blaze broke out at a defence research institute in the Russian city of Tver about 160 km (100 miles) northwest of Moscow, Russian news agencies quoted local authorities as saying.
The authorities said 27 people had been injured. TASS news agency reported, citing emergency services, that at least 10 people were missing.
Footage from the scene circulating on Russian social media showed thick smoke and flames billowing from the institute's windows. There was no official word on what caused the fire.
The institute is engaged in aerospace research, including on a unified air defence system for the CIS bloc of former Soviet republics, according to the Russian defence ministry's website.
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Thanks for Help on Bash/BC
Power! I Want Power!
An Optics Company About Which I Know Nothing
But they make all their products in an allied nation: the Czech Republic: Meopta.
Nice to See
y=`echo 'y +0.5'|bc -l`
should set y to 1.5. Right? $y is not recognized by bc. y seems to stay 0
Their Inner Fascist is Revealed
Rhode Island SB 2552 requires immunization:
(e) Any person who violates this chapter shall be required to pay a monthly civil penalty of fifty dollars ($50.00) and shall owe twice the amount of personal income taxes as would otherwise be assessed pursuant to chapter 30 of title 44. All employers must require proof of compliance with this chapter for any employee employed in in-person work within the State of Rhode Island. Employers may choose to waive proof of compliance with this chapter for purely remote work. Any employer found to be knowingly in violation of this section for more than seven (7) days shall be required to pay a monthly civil penalty of five thousand dollars ($5,000) for every 28 violation.[emphasis added]
If this was 2020 or 2021, this extraordinary measure might have some plausible public health rationale. But in April 2022? This last week 70% of all ICU beds were occupied; 3.61% were COVID-19. Inpatient beds were 73% occupied; 3% were COVID-19. There are still a lot of sick people out there, but this continuing panic and this response are completely irrational. Rhode Island's numbers are similarly tiny.
I guess gun owners should consider themselves lucky that the fascists have grabbed onto some other crisis for demonstrating moral superiority over the deplorables. This is just punishment for failure to run around, scream and shout.
Demilitarized Russian Helicopter
Supposed to be impossible to shoot down.
Invaders meet upset Ukrainians; results for invaders are suboptimal. Even if the Russians win, they will be binding up wounds to their soldiers and arsenal for years.
Long Term Healthcare
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
I Would Recommend Against Ordering Online From Home Depot Until They Finish Their Disastrous Order System Upgrade
We will display stored WHOIS data for up to 30 days.
Make Private Now
I Wish My Eyes Were Three Feet in Diameter
Because then my irises (iriii?) would be 12" light gatherers. (Getting dates might have been difficult, except in Area 51.) All of this lead-up to these 2x54 ultrawide angle binoculars. If you know much about optics, you know that light gathering increases with the square of the increase in diameter. A young person under a very dark sky has irises that dilate to about 7mm. These binoculars will increase the gathered light about 8x, so you will see stars down to about magnitude 8.5. Old eyes like mine will get at least a 2 1/2 magnitude gain. I am going to buy these once I have paid off the new tires the Jaguar needs. (Tax time was not as bad as usual, but still four figures.) There is also no hurry. It will be a couple months before we get clear skies.
There are also 2x40 and 2.1x42 versions. The SVBONY 2.1X42 version is threaded to use various filters (such as the kind that filter out mercury street light frequencies).
Thanks for the corrections. The smaller and cheap versions might give most of the brightness advantage.
Vixen SG 2.1x42mm are similar but made in Japan.
Remember Internet Newsgroups?
Is there an archive of them, at least in part? I need an example to share.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
This Could Be a Game Changer
When You Think of the Ukrainian Victims
An Unexpected Side Effect of COVID-19
4/19/22 Inside Higher Education:
At the start of the spring semester, the State University of New York at Geneseo purchased 17 ultraviolet lamps to stop the spread of COVID-19. But the lamps damaged the eyes of eight professors and an unknown number of students, WXXI News reported.
Kathy Mapes, associate professor of history at SUNY Geneseo, said she thought the lamp was a space heater. She woke up at 1 a.m. with burning eyes the first night after she was in a classroom with the lamp.
Mapes said she was diagnosed with UV keratitis. The condition is caused by unprotected exposure to ultraviolet rays. She was told that the tissue covering her cornea was damaged.
Monday, April 18, 2022
When Symmetry Is Not Your Friend
This Means War!
Have You Ever Wondered What A "Naked T-Bill Straddle" Is?
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Amazing What the Internet Has
Student Guide: Shelter andEvacuation Strategies prepared for FEMA.
A one story wood structure has a PF of 2-3. In the basement PF 10. A 5 story building has a PF of 100 in the basement and 200 in the level below. St. Al's Hospital in Nampa is 5 stories. I suspect few people in event of nuclear war will even think of trying to get a way into the basement of a hospital. Offer to make yourself useful and I suspect the kind-hearted sorts will be reluctant to say no. Here is a list of Nampa's tallest buildings.
From that guide:
Tin Can Shielding
Why the Market Has Not Completely Collapsed Because of the Ukraine War and Putin's Nuclear Threats
Consider the possibilities.
1. Ukraine War ends with Putin humiliated or given 9mm termination notice. Stocks continue upward.
2. Idiot presses the button and his generals are stupid enough to follow his orders. Who cares what stock prices are the day after?
Odd Size End Mill Needed
I need to cut a very thin slot in acetal: .079" and I need to cut at least 1" deep. (I actually need a 2" deep slot, but I can do it from both sides.) A 1/16" cutting diameter end mill will generally use a very small shank. Fortunately Sherline makes endmill holders for 1/8" shanks. I just need an unusually long small endmill. I could use a 1/8" cutter also. It just would not be as elegant for this application.
Found a 1/8" shank, 1/8" diameter 1" cutting length endmill. Even better 1/8" shank and diameter. While the cutting length is is only 0.275", the overall length is almost 2", so I should be able to plunge from both sides and do an adequate job.
UPATE: .079"
Free Riders
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Leader of the Free World
Needed: Picture of Asian Men With Similar Although Not Identical Faces
You may be aware of a California criminal case from the 20th century where a witness identified a Chinese-American as the criminal. The defense attorney suddenly had the courtroom filled with Chinese men of similar height, weight, and hair style wearing identical clothes; the witness could not distinguish the defendant from the other Chinese men in the courtroom. This phenomenon is because we notice how the common characteristics of different races tend to overwhelm the less dramatic differences, if we are of a different race. I need a photograph showing a group of similarly dressed and age Asian men to demonstrate this phenomenon.
Friday, April 15, 2022
Stucco Houses As Radiation Shielding
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Maidan Snipers
Moskva Sank
Flushing Is Not Just a City in New York State
In a post-apocalyptic world in an improvised shelter in your home, some large office building, or big box store, keeping the toilet running matters. If you are on city water your city water tank gives 0.433 psi per foot of elevation. I suspect most cities have pressure regulators to keep this pressure within reasonable bounds.
Where I grew up in Santa Monica the water tanks were at the top of a 300 foot hill on the northeastern border. The story of Santa Monica water is the story of Los Angeles using access to the Owens Valley water to lure cities into consolidation. I was told that Santa Monica went so far as using 220V, 50 Hz power until WW2 to make Los Angeles' blandishments unattractive to residents.
Anyway, what if you are not on city water? You may be relying on a booster pump as is the case for many of us on wells. You can fill the toilet tank with urine. You are supposed to drink 2.6 liters (for men) and 2.1 liters (for women) per day. Some of that will be in your canned food. Some will be lost in perspiration and transpiration, but most will go through your bladder. Use it to fill the toilet tank as best you can. For men this should be easy; for women, a bit clumsy. I doubt this will give you many flushes per day, but you will probably be eating little and moving around less, so the number of required flushes will likely be small.
I Understand the Skepticism of Ukraine
Some Americans perceive everything from Maidan Square revolution forward as Deep State foreign policy, and therefore immediately suspect. The Deep Staters genuinely support the liberal democratic ideal. (Liberal in the 19th century meaning.) They just do not understand democracy and its limits.
Muslim democracy will never be liberal; Islam just does not have a secular concept within its framework. Hence, the Arab Spring failed. Liberal democracy also requires a shared sense of national identity, which is one reason Afghanistan failed.
Deep Staters do not support American democracy: Roe v. Wade and all the rest of the "we cannot trust voters" baggage. But they regard this as a temporary problem until every generation thinks Modern Family is an aspirational goal; Christianity ceases to influence behavior; and every high school has marijuana vaping liquid vending machines.
Democracy in Eastern Europe seems a bit short of Deep State goals about immigration and sexual confusion (Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine). But grudgingly, Deep State supports it in hopes that the pollution of Hollywood will eventually change them. This is not an argument against democracy; it is an argument for understanding where they are attempting to plant an idea that requires rather particular soil.
Ways to Not Be Shot by an Officer (Regardless of Your Race)
4/13/22 Detroit Free Press (combination dash cam, body cam, house camera):
1. Do not drive a car with the wrong license plates on it. Were the plates or car stolen? How does that happen otherwise?
2. Do not wear your pants below your trousers. (A Congolese immigrant; why was he trying to look gangsta?)
3. Do not refuse to show driver's license.
4. Do not run.
5. Do not fight an arrest.
6. Do not try to take Taser from officer.
7. Drop Taser when ordered.
If Russia Attacks Finland, They May Not Have a Military
KYIV/LVIV, Ukraine (Reuters) - Russia said the crew of its Black Sea fleet flagship were evacuated on Thursday and measures were being taken to tow the stricken ship back to port, after an explosion of ammunition on board that Ukraine said was caused by a missile strike.
Russia's defence ministry said the fire on the Soviet-era missile cruiser Moskva had been contained, but left the ship badly damaged. It did not acknowledge the ship, which had more than 500 sailors on board, had been attacked and said the cause of the fire was under investigation.
Ukraine's southern military command said that it hit the warship with a Ukrainian-made Neptune anti-ship missile and that it had started to sink.
Reuters was unable to verify either side's statements.
A Pentagon spokesperson said U.S. military did not have enough information.
"It is certainly possible that it got hit by a missile, but it's also completely possible that something internal to the workings of the ship itself," John Kirby told CNN.
A fire broke out in the ammunition. A missile hit. Both may well be true. Any guesses how long and how expensive repairs will take.
The real hazard here is that if Russia Putin is stupid enough to attack a NATO member, they will probably lose air superiority over the adjacent region in the first day, and most of their tanks to Warthogs shortly thereafter. At that point, Putin will be so humiliated that risking taking Russia back to the Stone Age might make sense.
As you can see Russia's population is heavily concentrated in a triangle of Omsk, St. Petersburg, and Volgograd.
Destruction of the existing military and industrial centers will likely kill most Russians by blast, fallout, or starvation. (We might not do much better.)
Russian destiny may turn out to be some remaining radioactive signs in Cyrillic.