Saturday, February 15, 2025

Teflon Does Not Machine Well

It melts too easily instead of cutting.   Holding it the lathe chuck requires sandpaper around the workpiece.   I will use acetal instead. 


  1. Try Delrin or Torlon instead. A little more expensive but not as soft as Teflon.

    1. Delrin is trademarked name for a type of acetal. Delrin is what I am using.

  2. Never worked with Teflon myself, but sharp tools are important, according to people whose word I trust. Carbide tools aren't really sharp, HSS can be. As far as the melting goes, maybe slow it down or use some kind of coolant like rubbing alcohol. Last, if this is a light duty/normal environment, Teflon filled Delrin IS out there, although probably not economical for a one-off.
