Thursday, February 6, 2025

Major Decision by an Obama Appointee

USA v. Brown (S.D.Miss. 2025).  Brown was indicted for possession of a machine gun.  He was not a felon.  The judge (an Obama appointee) ruled that Bruen pretty destroyed the precedents on which the government made its case.   Machine guns are dangerous but not unusual.  The judge also recognized that the 1986 ban on new manufacture creates a difficult position for the government.  It seems the judge does not like what Bruen requires but recognizes that it does so.

1 comment:

  1. Then according to Justice Scalia, that Judge is an excellent Judge.
    He said in his book that "If you are always happy with the results of the cases you adjudicate, you are a poor judge."
    I must say that this is true. I was on a jury once for a man who was busted for booking bets at the a local senior center. I didn't think it warranted punishment, but they proved all the elements, so there it was.
