Friday, February 7, 2025

Free Speech Can Be Nasty and Ugly

That is why the First Amendment protects it.   2/5/25 WLWT:
"A group of nearly a dozen people was seen displaying swastika flags on an Interstate 75 overpass near Evendale and Lincoln Heights on Friday....

""Where was the arrests?" Kachara Talbert said. "They just let these people drive off and disrespect us and our heritage.""

To paraphrase Jefferson about religion.  "Nasty ideas neither break my leg,  nor pick my pocket."  If your heritage is so weak that you need to arrest them, you are weak indeed. 

Whatever point these idiots were trying to make eludes me.  If they were trying to provoke a violent reaction by what they doubtless regard as an inferior race, they failed.  Maybe not so inferior as they think.

1 comment:

  1. Pictures or it didn't happen: Because such displays are so rare in the US, they have to be invented.
