Friday, March 7, 2025

Confusing Correlation and Causality

3/5/25 Fox News:
"So-called "gender-affirming surgery" could lead to potentially dangerous mental health effects, a new study has found.

"Transgender individuals face "heightened psychological distress," including depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation, "partly due to stigma and lack of gender affirmation," as stated in the study, which was published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

"Researchers from the University of Texas set out to determine the mental health impacts from transgender people who underwent "gender-affirming surgery."

"The study focused on 107,583 patients 18 and over with gender dysphoria, some who underwent surgery and others who did not.

"They determined rates of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation and substance-use disorders were "significantly higher" among those who underwent surgery, assessed two years later.

"Males with surgery had depression rates of 25% compared to males without surgery (11.5%). Anxiety rates among that group were 12.8% compared to 2.6%."

Got that?  It was not that mental illness and substance abuse led to surgery that was ineffective in solving xir problems.   It was that the rest of us were not sufficiently supportive of this crazy solution  


  1. I've treated (in emergency rooms) a lot of transgendered people, in various stages of the process - from curious/confused to fully 'transitioned' with surgery.

    Now, it's a self-selected universe (people who come to the emergency room for whatever reason) but I cannot say I've ever met a transgendered person who I'd classify as satisfied, comfortable with their lives, happy. I have seen other patients of more conventional sexuality who are happy, etc.

    I think the premise that the mentally ill will remain mentally ill despite most of what can be done for them is true. I don't have a magic solution, except that hormones and surgery is not it.

  2. The Trans Industry pushes their victims into irreversible hormone therapies and then surgery. When those permanent solutions to temporary problems don't make the victim feel better of course they are upset they were lied to by medical professionals they trusted.
