Tuesday, March 11, 2025

What a Lovely Day

It is in the 50s.  I am sitting on my front porch while the dogs traverse the dog run.  I need to take hour breaks to avoid intellectual fatigue and this is one of those breaks. 

If This Seems Unlikely...

Let us discuss.   3/11/25 The Federalist:
"active shooters than police and do so with fewer mistakes, according to new research from the Crime Prevention Research Center, where I serve as president. In non-gun-free zones, where civilians are legally able to carry guns, concealed carry permit holders stopped 51.5 percent of active shootings, compared to 44.6 percent stopped by police, CPRC found in a deep dive into active shooter scenarios between 2014 and 2023.

"Not only do permit holders succeed in stopping active shooters at a higher rate, but law enforcement officers face significantly greater risks when intervening. Our research found police were nearly six times more likely to be killed and 17 percent more likely to be wounded than armed civilians."

Police more likely to be killed: a uniform and a badge scream "shoot me first" if one happens upon the scene.  A civilian will not be an obvious threat to a mass murderer until she has drawn and started firing.

Police are less likely to be present.   In many states, licensed civilians are 2-5% of the population.  In many there isno longer a need for a license.   Not every licensee is armed regularly,  but no state has that many police.

Mass. Nonresident Concealed Carry Law Unconstitutional


In this case, along with Commonwealth v. Marquis, 495 Mass. (2025), also decided today, we consider the constitutionality of the statutory scheme under which a nonresident of the Commonwealth may be charged with unlawful possession of a firearm absent a temporary license. See G. L. c. 269, § 10 (a); G. L. c. 140, § 131F. Our opinion in Marquis examines the updated version of the licensing law enacted on August 10, 2022. See St. 2022, c. 175, §§ 17B-22 (effective Aug. 10, 2022). Here, we examine the prior "may issue" version of § 131F in effect at the time of the defendant's arrest. For the reasons discussed below, we hold that the Commonwealth's prior nonresident licensing scheme violates the Second Amendment under the Bruen decision. Accordingly, we affirm the dismissal of the § 10 (a) charge against the defendant.

I do not have a link to it yet, but one of the attorneys forwarded me a copy of the decision. 

Poor Little Columbia University

Their refusal to deal responsibly with antisemitic harassment lost them $400 million on federal research funding.  Their endowment:
" For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, the total value of the endowment was $14.8 billion. Columbia University produced a return of 11.5% on the managed assets in its endowment portfolio for FY24. The University’s trailing five and ten-year returns are 8.5% and 7.4%, respectively."

A 5% withdrawal would provide $700 million for research.   Why do billionaire corporations get welfare?

Evil Orange Man Bad! Egg Prices Falling!

Details here.
"Eggs US decreased 0.30 USD/DOZEN or 5.09% since the beginning of 2025, according to trading on a contract for difference (CFD) that tracks the benchmark market for this commodity. Historically, Eggs US reached an all time high of 8.17 in March of 2025. source: USDA"

The Deep Sky Pictures Needed a Longer Exposure

 But the Moon never needs a longer exposure.  1/200th sec. ISO 400:

After running it through GIMP:

Okay, only a minimal gain. 

Videos next:

Preparing for Peace Negotiations

3/11/25 CNN:
"Russia said it was hit by a “massive” Ukrainian drone attack overnight Tuesday, just hours before critical talks between officials from Washington and Kyiv began.

"Moscow’s defense ministry said it had downed 343 drones it claimed Ukraine had fired at Russia, of which 91 had targeted the Moscow region. It also said six Ukrainian strike drones were intercepted near Russia’s Kursk nuclear power plant."

This makes perfect sense in a Trumpian negotiating view (and might be orchestrated by Trump for that reason).  Demonstrate that Ukraine still has the power to carry the war to the Russian capital.  This should remind Putin that they still have something to lose by delaying a cease-fire.

Even if a cease-fire turns out to be only a temporary halt in fighting,  it gives Ukraine time to rebuild infrastructure and get more munitions from Europe. 

Compression Bags for Travel

I am trying to get everything for my trip to Europe in one carry-on bag so they cannot lose it.  My kids had to wait for bags that detoured to Iceland last year.

I bought some of these compression bags.  I was able to get four days change of clothes and my CPAP in my carry-on and with some room leftover for toiletries and electric razor.

I now feel comfortable carrying my travel laptop as well.  I do not plan to get any work done there,  but I do like writing fiction on the 10 hour flight both directions. 

Monday, March 10, 2025

There is a Reason It Was Called the Bronze Age

I needed to bore out a worm gear to fit my polar axis.   No it is not brass but bronze and it is tough to machine. 

My Daughter Has Her First Book Contract!

By coincidence,  with the publisher that swallowed up my publisher.  It is about rehabilitation in the prison system.  She is a professor of social work. 

In Case You Were Wondering How You Get Holes Highly Accurate to the Edge

You use a device called an edge finder.  This is a spring-loaded cylinder .100" diameter.  You move the edge finder to the side of the workpiece.   When the spring-loaded cylinder is exactly parallel to the part above:
you are .100" from the center of the edge.  

If you see this, you are past the edge:
Raise the quill above the edge, move the axis in question by .100", hit zero for that axis.  You typically use an edge finder for X and Y axes.  For Z, you lower the cutting tool to the top in very small steps 1", then .1", then .01".  Usually at very low feed rates.  When the cutting tool makes contact, back up very slightly and zero the Z.  

Fancier mills than mine have tool changers that allow the controller to change tools.  These usually have a table of tool lengths, because every end mill is different. 

Another,  more sloppy way to do this is to move an end mill up to the edge and move it into workpiece in very small steps.  Now raise the quill, and move the axis by half the diameter of the end mill.

This is still pretty accurate, but it is going to mar the edge.  I suppose if I move it in .0001" steps,  it will not be obvious.  This also assumes you know the actual diameter.  The actual diameter and the nominal diameter often disagree.   My .125" end mill is actually. 122" diameter.  My .25" end mill I'd actually. 235" diameter.   When writing code, I sometimes account for that difference.