Tuesday, September 17, 2024

This Is Sort Of "Shiver My Timbers" News Story

9/17/24 Newsweek:
"An overgrown airfield on a small island in the Pacific, once instrumental in America's role in ending World War II, is being reclaimed by the U.S. Air Force as it prepares for a possible future fight with China.

"The remote island of Tinian, which is less than 40 square miles, is one of three principal islands in the Northern Mariana Islands, a string of sparsely populated islets in the Western Pacific Ocean that make up the U.S.'s westernmost frontier, along with the major military hub of Guam some 100 miles to the south."

You all remember why Tinian tickles a part of your memory bank, right?  For all the concern about Russian-saber-rattling, China is the real risk.

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