Wednesday, September 18, 2024

I Am Not Sure How Much This Pratically Means but As Rebuie it is Substantial

9/18/24 NBC News:
"Teamsters union declines to endorse in presidential election, breaking decades of precedent

The decision comes just two days after the union's leaders met with Vice President Kamala Harris and months after they met with former President Donald Trump."

In practice,  union endorsements have become less important as members especially blue collar ones such as Teamsters have moved increasingly to the right.   But the symbolism of a major labor union refusing to endorse a Democrat shows a lack of belief that Harris has the "cat in the bag."  (They are not even Hsitians!)

Refusing to endorse will cause them harm if Harris wins so the Teamsters leadership sees little risk.

Details of Teamster internal polling shows members are strongly pro-Trump.

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