
Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Opportunity for a New Market

1/25/24 Fox News:
"State Sen. Scott Wiener, a Democrat from San Francisco, introduced the Speeding and Fatality Emergency Reduction on California Streets Package this week that includes a provision that would require "new vehicles sold in California" to "install speed governors, smart devices that automatically limit the vehicle’s speed to 10 miles above the legal limit."

"These changes are a head-on attempt to tackle vehicle fatalities, which are surging across the U.S. — and especially in California — amid a rise in reckless driving since the onset of the pandemic," a press release from Wiener’s office explained. "A recent report from TRIP, a national transportation research group, found that traffic fatalities in California have increased by 22% from 2019 to 2022, compared to 19% for the U.S. overall. In 2022, 4,400 Californians died in car crashes.""

The ultimate nanny-state.  There are times when passing on two lane roads where 10 mph is simply not enough.  If speed limits cannot be enforced adequately to prevent abuse of those capabilities, perhaps it is time to consider why Californians are such scofflaws.

The U S. increase in motor vehicle deaths started in the 2010s.  If California death rates have risen faster, the obvious question is why California?

Tuners will have a whole new market opportunity.

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