
Sunday, May 7, 2023

Globus Syndrome

I think I have mentioned a problem with globus syndrome which is a feeling like there is something stuck in your throat.  (Chinese medicine calls it "peach-pit syndrome.")

My speech therapist (who is fiercely pro-gun and sees fixing this as this very important) used electrical stimulation to improve this along with treating acid reflux.  I ran out of clonezepam a few days ago (which seemed to help some).  The problem is back.  So I searched for clonezepam and globus and I found this article which found that anxiety in conjunction with acid reflux problems (GERD) seemed to be factors were the cause. 

I do not feel anxious about anything except globus syndrome.  Feedback loop?

In conjunction with GERD treatment, clonezepam was effective at reducing or ending globus syndrome.  I look forward to getting that prescription refilled.

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