
Saturday, May 6, 2023

Another Pretendian

5/4/23 San Jose Mercury-News:
"After Elizabeth Hoover was hired as an associate professor by UC Berkeley in 2020, the anthropologist was mentioned in the campus media as one of the small but growing number of Native American scholars who could help make the campus a more welcoming place for learning and research into Native American history, culture and contemporary issues.

"But that promise is now mired in controversy, with Hoover admitting she’s “a White person” who “incorrectly” claimed to be Native American for her “whole life.” The situation has prompted calls for Hoover’s resignation and sparked concerns among her students and Native American scholars about UC Berkeley’s academic integrity and respect for authentic Native identity."

More proof of white privilege: claim you are not white to get ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Caucusing is another polite euphemism for "Separate But Equal".
