
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

I Did My First Deposition Today

 The case is Baird v. Bonta (E.D.Cal.) challenging California's ban on open carry.  The deputy attorney-general tries to get contradictory or nonsensical answers out of you on the questions raised in your expert statement.  Our attorney thought I did very well.  It sure did not feel that way at the time.

Prof. Cornell tries to blame concealed carry regulation on cheap and reliable handguns, by which he clearly means Colt.  So I mentioned that the storm of concealed carry laws predate any commercial success.  Cal.'s attorney asks if I was aware of a sudden increase in supply of handguns at the beginning of the 19th century.  I was not, but I asked him, "why was this coming about if carrying of guns was not generally allowed?"

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