
Thursday, August 5, 2021

Percentage of Beds Occupied by COVID Patients


A few states have more than 20% of their beds occupied by COVID patients.  Most do not.

But hospitals in some states appear to be in danger of exceeding capacity for all patients.  I am not sure what typical hospitalization capacity is, so I have no idea if 50% capacity is unusual.  Found the answer from 1984:

[T]he average occupancy rate of community (that is, non-Federal, short-term general) hospitals is about 76 percent, 

COVID seems not to have done anything exceptional to bed availability, which is reassuring. 

ICU beds are not as good a story.

ICUs are very heavily utilized by COVID patients.


  1. 50% occupancy for a hospital is dangerously low...

  2. Funny, that first map would lead you to believe there's something about those states along the southern border that's causing some kind of health crisis or something...
