
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Can You Help Me Find This?

 Last year the Smithsonian put up a web page listing aspects of whiteness.  It was really offensive, saying that whites believe in rational thought and hard work.  I blogged about it.  They of course took it down once the companion piece about blackness read like Klan literature.  The whiteness page I found archived.

I cannot find the blackness page that called blacks emotional instead of rational.  Can you find it for me?

1 comment:

  1. I note that the nmaahc website kept up their link to the same material linked to an external URL at

    Wayback machine link above, as the Cascadia college link is now dead.

    I don't think the museum ever produced a parallel 'black culture' infographic, those that I saw were reactions, and may well have been produced by KKK sympathetic people.
