
Saturday, June 26, 2021

A Busy Day: My Son is Getting Married This Afternoon

To a very sweet elementary school teacher named Katie.


  1. Congratulations!

    Please pass along to your son my one piece of marital advice: back rubs.

    I am a morning person. My ever-indulgent wife is NOT.
    Almost every morning I give her a little status report - "It's . You're married, you're in Kansas City. " - the things she needs to know at the start of the day. If the cat barfed she can find that out later. Then she gets a 5-10 minute back rub.

    Basically, she knows her day will start out good. After that, she has to get out of bed and it can down hill from there. But she knows it will *start* good.

    We're heading for a 33rd anniversary, so it's working so far.

    I say 'almost every day' because on some days she gets to sleep in, and once a month she gets up extremely early to get some work things going before the crowd clogs the system. On those days she gets no back rub.

  2. Belated congratulatory wishes on your son's wedding!
