
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Tomorrow is First Shot

11:00 AM.  From all that friends,  families,  and readers have told me,  this should be arm soreness for a couple days.  The second shot is apparently the one that causes sort of mini-COVID.  So do not be  worried for me if things get quiet for a day or two.


  1. sore arm for first and maybe feeling sick on second. Two relatives have had the second and neither reported any side effect. Awaiting a neighbor getting her second Friday: will keep in touch incase she gets ill.

    Mostly read about people who get Covid just before second shot.

  2. The ever-indulgent wife had her second shot yesterday. She took the advice to keep the arm moving and had much less arm pain (she tends to hurt if shown a needle). Felt 'blah' this morning and took a long nap. Feeling much better this evening.

    My second shot is at the end of the month. I expect I'll also be taking a nap the next day.
