
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Stupid is Growing Stronger

 I just received an invitation to this event:

Part 2 of Indigenous Ways of Knowing in Math and Science, a free webinar series presented by The Robertson Program and Kikinoo'amaadawin.

About this Event

Indigenous land-based teachings, when carried out in collaboration with community Elders or Knowledge Keepers, can provide rich learning experiences for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. Educators in this session will be provided with ideas and connections in mathematics and science using Indigenous land-based experiences. Learn how to connect these activities to the current curriculum!

How gratifying that the Elders or Knowledge Keepers have to be involved.  For some reason, "Knowledge Keeper" makes me think of someone in 1984. The other dangerous implication is that the methods of learning math and science that work for every other population (regardless of race) are too difficult for the indigenous peoples of the world.  Europeans are indigenous to Europe, East Indians to India, Japanese to Japan, etc.

I keep hoping to see racism go away, but I guess not.

And this video really captures the truly multicultural aspects of math, showing its universality.  You could almost wonder if the dingbats above really think Native Americans are too stupid to learn math, or would prefer not to consider whether some of the learning problems might be related to the culture of alcoholism and its consequences that destroys Native American families in large numbers. 

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